Stipulationum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 46,7,19Idem libro nono stipulationum. Novissima clausula iudicatum solvi stipulationis ‘dolum malum abesse afuturumque esse’ et in futurum tempus permanens factum demonstrat. itaque et si forte decesserit is, qui dolo fecerit, tenebitur heres eius: verbum enim ‘afuturumque esse’ plenissimum est et ad omne tempus refertur, ut, si aliquo tempore non afuerit dolus, quoniam verum sit non afuisse, committatur haec clausula. 1Si autem adiectum sit: ‘si huius rei dolus malus non aberit, quanti ea res est, dari spondes?’, et ob extranei dolum promissor poena tenebitur. 2Doli autem mali clausula, sicut reliquae stipulationes, in quibus tempus nominatim adiectum non est, ad principium stipulationis refertur.
The Same, Stipulations, Book IX. The last clause of the stipulation for the payment of a judgment, “That there is no fraud, and will be none,” indicates a permanent fact for the future. Therefore, if he who was guilty of fraud should die, his heir will remain liable; for the words, “will be none,” have great latitude, and refer to all coming time, and if fraud should be committed at any time, for the reason that it is true that there was fraud, this clause will become operative. 1And where the following is added, “If any fraud should be committed in this matter, do you promise to pay the entire value of the property?” the promisor will be liable to the penalty, even on account of fraud committed by a stranger. 2The clause relating to fraud, however, as is the case with other stipulations in which the time is not expressly mentioned, refers to the beginning of the stipulation.