Stipulationum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 10,2,7Venuleius libro septimo stipulationum. Si heres unus, cum sub condicione adiectum coheredem aut apud hostes haberet, dixerit se heredem esse et actione expertus vicerit, deinde condicio heredis exstiterit vel postliminio redierit, an victoriae commodum debeat cum eo communicare? nam indubitate iudicati actio ei in solidum competit. et electionem coheredi dandam, id est aut communicandam eam aut experiundi faciendam potestatem huic, qui post victoriam coheredis effectus sit heres aut reversus sit in civitatem. idemque observandum, si postea natus sit postumus. non enim his personis silentium imputari potest, cum ad hereditatem post victoriam coheredis pervenerint.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VII. If an heir, in an instance where a co-heir was added under a condition, or is in the hands of the enemy, should assert that he himself is the heir, and having brought an action should gain it, and afterwards the condition upon which the inheritance of the other heir depended is fulfilled, or the latter returns by postliminium; ought the other heir to share with him the advantages of his victory? He is undoubtedly entitled to an action to enforce judgment for the entire amount. In this case the co-heir should be granted his choice, that is to say, he must either be given a share of the estate or he must have the power to institute proceedings, for he is one who became an heir, or returned to the city, after his co-heir had been successful. The same rule must be observed where a posthumous child is born. These parties are not to blame on account of their silence, since they only obtained a right to the estate after their co-heir had won his case.
Dig. 50,16,224Venuleius libro septimo stipulationum. ‘Vinculorum’ appellatione vel privata vel publica vincula significant, ‘custodiae’ vero tantum publicam custodiam.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VII. The term “chains” applies to both private or public restraint of liberty; “custody,” however, only has reference to public imprisonment.