Stipulationum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 26,7,51Venuleius libro sexto stipulationum. Si duo pluresve tutores tutelam administrent, in fideiussorem quidem in solidum per quemlibet eorum committitur stipulatio: at si inter eos divisa sit tutela regionibus, quod plerumque fit, et alius urbica negotia, alius peregrina administraret, tunc ex substantia cuiusque rei aut committi contra fideiussorem stipulationem aut non committi dicemus: nam licet omnes tutores sint et tutelam gerant, tamen cum quis de ea re, quae extra suam regionem erit, experiri vel ad iudicium vocari coeperit, perinde non committitur stipulatio, atque si ei administratio tutelae permissa non esset: quantum enim facit in totum denegata, tantundem valet, si in ea re de qua agitur denegata sit.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VI. Where two or more guardians are administering a guardianship, the stipulation of the surety of each one will render him liable for the entire amount. But if the guardianship is divided among them by districts, which is generally done, and one of them attends to the business in the city, and the other to that outside of it, then the stipulation will bind, or will not bind either surety, according to the liability of either principal; for although they are all guardians, and are administering the guardianship, still, if either of them is sued with reference to property which is outside of his district, or is brought into court, the stipulation will not bind him unless the administration of the guardianship has been entirely entrusted to him. Where the administration of the entire trust has not been committed to a guardian, the effect is the same as if it had not been given to him with reference to the property which is in question.
Dig. 45,1,139Idem libro sexto stipulationum. Cum ex causa duplae stipulationis aliquid intendimus, venditoris heredes in solidum omnes conveniendi sunt omnesque debent subsistere, et quolibet eorum defugiente ceteris subsistere nihil prodest, quia in solidum defendenda est venditio, cuius indivisa natura est. sed cum uno defugiente omnes defugisse videantur ideoque omnes teneantur, unicuique pro parte hereditaria praestatio incumbit.
The Same, Stipulations, Book VI. When we attempt to obtain anything by virtue of a double stipulation, the heirs of the vendor should all be sued for the entire amount, and all of them should defend the case; and if one of them fails to do so, it will be of no advantage to the others to make a defence, because the sale must be defended in its entirety, as its nature is indivisible. Where, however, one of them is in default, all are considered to be so; and therefore all of them will be liable, and each one will be required to pay in proportion to his share of the estate.
Dig. 46,7,17Venuleius libro sexto stipulationum. Ex clausula re iudicata, dolo malo, ob rem non defensam in solidum committitur stipulatio: non enim videbitur defensa res boni viri arbitratu, quae non in solidum defensa sit.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VI. When, through fraud, a case has not been completely defended, the stipulation will become operative under the clause relating to the payment of the judgment; for a suit is not considered to be properly defended in accordance with the opinion of a good citizen where a defence is not made for the entire amount of the property involved,