Stipulationum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 21,2,76Idem libro septimo decimo stipulationum. Si alienam rem mihi tradideris et eandem pro derelicto habuero, amitti auctoritatem, id est actionem pro evictione, placet.
The Same, Stipulations, Book XVII. If you sell me property belonging to another, and I abandon the same, it is settled that my power to act, that is to say, my right to bring suit on account of eviction, is lost.
Dig. 47,8,6Venuleius libro septimo decimo stipulationum. Quod vi possessum raptumve sit, antequam in potestatem domini heredisve eius perveniat, usucapi lex vetat.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XVII. The law forbids property which has been possessed or taken by violence to be acquired by usucaption, before it again comes under the control of the owner, or his heir.