Stipulationum libri
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 21,2,75Venuleius libro sexto decimo stipulationum. Quod ad servitutes praediorum attinet, si tacite secutae sunt et vindicentur ab alio, Quintus Mucius et Sabinus existimant venditorem ob evictionem teneri non posse: nec enim evictionis nomine quemquam teneri in eo iure, quod tacite soleat accedere: nisi ut optimus maximusque esset traditus fuerit fundus: tunc enim liberum ab omni servitute praestandum. si vero emptor petat viam vel actum, venditorem teneri non posse, nisi nominatim dixerit accessurum iter vel actum: tunc enim teneri eum, qui ita dixerit. et vera est Quinti Muci sententia, ut qui optimum maximumque fundum tradidit, liberum praestet, non etiam deberi alias servitutes, nisi hoc specialiter ab eo accessum sit.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XVI. With reference to rural servitudes, where they tacitly follow the land, and are recovered by a third party, Quintus Mucius and Sabinus hold that the vendor cannot be held liable for eviction, for no one is liable on this ground in cases where there is a tacit accession to property; unless the land is conveyed as absolutely and entirely unincumbered, for then it should be warranted to be free from all servitudes. If, however, the purchaser demands a right of way or a driveway, the vendor cannot be held liable, unless he expressly stated that a right of way of some description was accessory to the property, for then he who made the statement will be liable. The opinion of Quintus Mucius, who stated that a party who conveys land as absolutely and entirely unincumbered warrants it to be free from every servitude, is correct; for other servitudes are not due unless it has been expressly stated by the vendor that they are accessories.