Stipulationum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 46,4,21Venuleius libro undecimo stipulationum. Si sub condicione legatum mihi datum novandi causa stipulatus sum et ante existentem condicionem acceptum fecero, Nerva filius ait, etiamsi condicio extiterit, neque ex testamento competituram actionem, quia novatio facta sit, neque ex stipulatu, quae acceptilatione soluta sit.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XI. If I stipulate for the purpose of making a novation on account of a legacy which was bequeathed to me under a condition, and I release my right to it before the condition is fulfilled, Nerva, the son, says that even if the condition should be fulfilled, I will not be entitled to an action under the will, because a novation took place, nor can I bring one under the stipulation, as the right to do so has been extinguished by the release.