Stipulationum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 45,1,137Venuleius libro primo stipulationum. Continuus actus stipulantis et promittentis esse debet (ut tamen aliquod momentum naturae intervenire possit) et comminus responderi stipulanti oportet: ceterum si post interrogationem aliud acceperit, nihil proderit, quamvis eadem die spopondisset. 1Si hominem stipulatus sim et ego de alio sensero, tu de alio, nihil acti erit: nam stipulatio ex utriusque consensu perficitur. 2Cum ita stipulatus sum ‘Ephesi dari?’ inest tempus: quod autem accipi debeat, quaeritur. et magis est, ut totam eam rem ad iudicem, id est ad virum bonum remittamus, qui aestimet, quanto tempore diligens pater familias conficere possit, quod facturum se promiserit, ut qui Ephesi daturum se spoponderit, neque duplomate diebus ac noctibus et omni tempestate contempta iter continuare cogatur neque tam delicate progredi debeat, ut reprehensione dignus appareat, sed habita ratione temporis aetatis sexus valetudinis, cum id agat, ut mature perveniat, id est eodem tempore, quo plerique eiusdem condicionis homines solent pervenire. eoque transacto, quamvis Romae remanserit nec possit Ephesi pecuniam dare, nihilo minus ei recte condicetur, vel quia per ipsum steterit, quo minus Ephesi daret, vel quoniam per alium Ephesi possit dari vel quia ubique potest solvere: nam et quod in diem debetur, ante solvi potest, licet peti non potest. quod si duplomate usus aut felici navigatione maturius quam quisque pervenerit Ephesum, confestim obligatus est, quia in eo, quod tempore atque facto finitum est, nullus est coniecturae locus. 3Item qui insulam fieri spopondit, non utique conquisitis undique fabris et plurimis operis adhibitis festinare debet nec rursus utroque aut altero contentus esse, sed modus adhibendus est secundum rationem diligentis aedificatoris et temporum locorumque. item si non inchoetur opus, id tantum aestimetur, quod in illo intervallo effici potuit. transactoque tempore, quo insulam consummare oportuerit, si postea aedificetur, liberetur reus, sicut liberatur, qui se daturum spopondit, si quandoque tradit. 4Illud inspiciendum est, an qui centum dari promisit confestim teneatur an vero cesset obligatio, donec pecuniam conferre possit. quid ergo, si neque domi habet neque inveniat creditorem? sed haec recedunt ab impedimento naturali et respiciunt ad facultatem dandi. est autem facultas personae commodum incommodumque, non rerum quae promittuntur. et alioquin si quis Stichum dari spoponderit, quaeremus, ubi sit Stichus: aut si non multum referre videatur ‘Ephesi daturum se’, an, quod Ephesi sit, cum ipse Romae sit, dare spondeat: nam hoc quoque ad facultatem dandi pertinet, quia in pecunia et in Sticho illud commune est, quod promissor in praesentia dare non potest. et generaliter causa difficultatis ad incommodum promissoris, non ad impedimentum stipulatoris pertinet, ne incipiat dici eum quoque dare non posse, qui alienum servum, quem dominus non vendat, dare promiserit. 5Si ab eo stipulatus sim, qui efficere non possit, cum alio possibile sit, iure factam obligationem Sabinus scribit. 6Cum quis sub hac condicione stipulatus sit, si rem sacram aut religiosam Titius vendiderit vel forum aut basilicam et huiusmodi res, quae publicis usibus in perpetuum relictae sint: ubi omnino condicio iure impleri non potest vel id facere ei non liceat, nullius momenti fore stipulationem, proinde ac si ea condicio, quae natura impossibilis est, inserta esset. nec ad rem pertinet, quod ius mutari potest et id, quod nunc impossibile est, postea possibile fieri: non enim secundum futuri temporis ius, sed secundum praesentis aestimari debet stipulatio. 7Si ut aliquid fiat stipulemur, et usitatius et elegantius esse Labeo ait sic subici poenam: ‘si ita factum non erit’: at cum quid ne fiat stipulemur, tunc hoc modo: ‘si adversus ea factum erit’: et cum alia fieri, alia non fieri coniuncte stipulemur, sic comprehendendum: ‘si non feceris, si quid adversus ea feceris’. 8Praeterea sciendum est, quod dari stipulemur, non posse nos uni ex heredibus adquiri, sed necesse esse omnibus adquiri: at cum quid fieri stipulemur, etiam unius personam recte comprehendi.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book I. The act of the stipulator and the promisor should be continuous, in such a way, however, that any short interval may be permitted to intervene, and the stipulator may be answered with very little delay. If, however, after the interrogatory has been put, something else should be done, the stipulation will be void; even though the promisor answered upon the same day. 1If I stipulate for a slave, and I have one slave in my mind, and you have another, the transaction will be void; for a stipulation is perfected by the consent of both parties. 2When I stipulate as follows, “Do you promise to pay at Ephesus?” a certain time is implied. The question arises, what time should be understood? The better opinion is to refer the entire matter to a court, that is to say to an arbiter, who will estimate how much time the diligent head of a household would require to be able to accomplish what he had promised to do; so that where anyone agreed to pay at Ephesus, he would not be compelled to travel at great speed day and night, and continue his journey regardless of every kind of weather; nor should he travel so leisurely as to appear worthy of blame; but the season, as well as the age, sex, and condition of health of the promisor, should be taken into account, in order that he may act so as to arrive promptly, that is to say, within the time that most men of his rank would ordinarily consume in making the journey. This having elapsed, even if he remained at Rome, he would not be able to pay the money at Ephesus; still he could properly be sued, either because it was his own fault that he did not make payment at Ephesus, or for the reason that he could pay it there by another, or indeed could pay it anywhere. For anything which is due at a certain time can be paid before that time, although it cannot be demanded. If, however, having used the post, or having had an unusually favorable sea voyage, he should arrive at Ephesus sooner than anyone else ordinarily could have done, he will immediately become liable, because when anything is determined by time, or by the performance of an act, there is no longer ground for conjecture. 3Again, where anyone promises to build a house, there is no need of searching for workmen everywhere, and hastening to procure the largest number possible; nor, on the other hand, should the promisor be satisfied with only one or two, but a moderate number should be obtained in accordance with the conduct of a diligent builder, the time and place also being taken into consideration. Likewise, if the work is not begun, that only will be estimated which could have been completed during the interval, and if, after the time has passed which would have been required to finish the house, it is afterwards constructed, the contractor will be released from liability, just as a person will be released who promises to give himself up, if he does so at any time afterwards. 4Ad Dig. 45,1,137,4ROHGE, Bd. 17 (1875), Nr. 83, S. 366: Liberation des Beschädigten von den übernommenen Verpflichtungen. Schadensersatz.It should be considered whether someone who has promised to pay a hundred aurei becomes liable immediately, or whether the obligation remains in abeyance until he can collect the money. But what if he has no money at home, and cannot find his creditor? These matters, however, differ from natural obstacles, and involve the ability to pay. This ability, however, is represented by the ease or difficulty of the person, and does not refer to what is promised; otherwise, if anyone should agree to deliver Stichus, we ascertain where Stichus is; or if it makes much difference when delivery is to be made at Ephesus, or where the person, being at Rome, promises to deliver something which is at Ephesus; for this also has reference to the ability to give, because there is something in common in the payment of the money, and the delivery of the slave, and that is, that the promisor cannot immediately do either. And, generally speaking, the cause of the difficulty has reference to the inconvenience of the promisor, and not to interference by the stipulator; lest it might be alleged that he who has promised to give a slave belonging to another cannot do so because his master is unwilling to sell him. 5If I stipulate with someone who cannot do what is possible for another to accomplish, Sabinus says that the obligation is legally incurred. 6Ad Dig. 45,1,137,6ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 7, S. 18: Verweisung des Gläubigers seitens eines Solidarschuldners an den andern unter Sicherstellung des Gläubigers. Keine Einrede daraus für den andern Schuldner?When anyone stipulates under the following condition: “If Titius should sell a sacred or religious place, or a market, or a temple,” or anything of this kind, which has been perpetually set apart for the use of the public, and the condition cannot, under any circumstances, legally be complied with, or if the promisor cannot do what is agreed upon, the stipulation will be of no force or effect, just as if a condition which was impossible by nature had been inserted into it. Nor does it make any difference if the law can be changed, and what is now impossible may become possible hereafter, for the stipulation should be interpreted, not according to the law of the future, but according to that of the present time. 7When we stipulate for something to be done, Labeo says that it is customary, and more advisable, for a penal clause to be added, as follows: “If this is not done in this way.” But when we stipulate against something being done, we provide as follows, “If anything contrary to this should be done.” And when we stipulate conjointly, that some things shall be done, and others shall not, the following provision should be inserted, namely, “If you do not do this, or if you do anything contrary to this.” 8Ad Dig. 45,1,137,8ROHGE, Bd. 12 (1874), Nr. 106, S. 360: Verträge zu Gunsten eines Contrahenten und eines weiteren noch unbestimmten Personenkreises. Aufführungsrecht für den Theaterdirector und dessen Nachfolger.Moreover, it should be remembered that what we stipulate shall be given cannot be acquired by only one of our heirs, but must be acquired by all of them. But when we stipulate that something shall be done, only one of them can legally be included.
Dig. 45,3,21Venuleius libro primo stipulationum. Si servus communis ita stipuletur: ‘kalendis Ianuariis decem Titio aut Maevio dominis, uter eorum tunc vivet, dare spondes?’, inutilem esse stipulationem Iulianus scribit, quia non possit in pendenti esse stipulatio nec apparere, utri eorum sit adquisitum.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book I. If a slave owned in common stipulates as follows, “Do you promise to pay on the Kalends of January ten aurei to either Titius or Mævius, whichever one of them may be living at the time?” Julianus says that the agreement is void, because a stipulation cannot remain in suspense, and it does not appear by which of the two persons the money will be acquired.
Dig. 46,5,9Venuleius libro primo stipulationum. In praetoriis stipulationibus si ambiguus sermo acciderit, praetoris erit interpretatio: eius enim mens aestimanda est.
Venuleius, Stipulations, Book I. In prætorian stipulations, if the language is ambiguous, it is the duty of the Prætor to interpret it, for its intention should be determined.