Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Ven. Stipulationum lib.Venuleii Stipulationum libri

Stipulationum libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 45,1,137Venuleius libro primo stipulationum. Continuus actus stipulantis et promittentis esse debet (ut tamen aliquod momentum naturae intervenire possit) et comminus responderi stipulanti oportet: ceterum si post interrogationem aliud acceperit, nihil proderit, quamvis eadem die spopondisset. 1Si hominem stipulatus sim et ego de alio sensero, tu de alio, nihil acti erit: nam stipulatio ex utriusque consensu perficitur. 2Cum ita stipulatus sum ‘Ephesi dari?’ inest tempus: quod autem accipi debeat, quaeritur. et magis est, ut totam eam rem ad iudicem, id est ad virum bonum remittamus, qui aestimet, quanto tempore diligens pater familias conficere possit, quod facturum se promiserit, ut qui Ephesi daturum se spoponderit, neque duplomate diebus ac noctibus et omni tempestate contempta iter continuare cogatur neque tam delicate progredi debeat, ut reprehensione dignus appareat, sed habita ratione temporis aetatis sexus valetudinis, cum id agat, ut mature perveniat, id est eodem tempore, quo plerique eiusdem condicionis homines solent pervenire. eoque transacto, quamvis Romae remanserit nec possit Ephesi pecuniam dare, nihilo minus ei recte condicetur, vel quia per ipsum steterit, quo minus Ephesi daret, vel quoniam per alium Ephesi possit dari vel quia ubique potest solvere: nam et quod in diem debetur, ante solvi potest, licet peti non potest. quod si duplomate usus aut felici navigatione maturius quam quisque pervenerit Ephesum, confestim obligatus est, quia in eo, quod tempore atque facto finitum est, nullus est coniecturae locus. 3Item qui insulam fieri spopondit, non utique conquisitis undique fabris et plurimis operis adhibitis festinare debet nec rursus utroque aut altero contentus esse, sed modus adhibendus est secundum rationem diligentis aedificatoris et temporum locorumque. item si non inchoetur opus, id tantum aestimetur, quod in illo intervallo effici potuit. transactoque tempore, quo insulam consummare oportuerit, si postea aedificetur, liberetur reus, sicut liberatur, qui se daturum spopondit, si quandoque tradit. 4Illud inspiciendum est, an qui centum dari promisit confestim teneatur an vero cesset obligatio, donec pecuniam conferre possit. quid ergo, si neque domi habet neque inveniat creditorem? sed haec recedunt ab impedimento naturali et respiciunt ad facultatem dandi. est autem facultas personae commodum incommodumque, non rerum quae promittuntur. et alioquin si quis Stichum dari spoponderit, quaeremus, ubi sit Stichus: aut si non multum referre videatur ‘Ephesi daturum se’, an, quod Ephesi sit, cum ipse Romae sit, dare spondeat: nam hoc quoque ad facultatem dandi pertinet, quia in pecunia et in Sticho illud commune est, quod promissor in praesentia dare non potest. et generaliter causa difficultatis ad incommodum promissoris, non ad impedimentum stipulatoris pertinet, ne incipiat dici eum quoque dare non posse, qui alienum servum, quem dominus non vendat, dare promiserit. 5Si ab eo stipulatus sim, qui efficere non possit, cum alio possibile sit, iure factam obligationem Sabinus scribit. 6Cum quis sub hac condicione stipulatus sit, si rem sacram aut religiosam Titius vendiderit vel forum aut basilicam et huiusmodi res, quae publicis usibus in perpetuum relictae sint: ubi omnino condicio iure impleri non potest vel id facere ei non liceat, nullius momenti fore stipulationem, proinde ac si ea condicio, quae natura impossibilis est, inserta esset. nec ad rem pertinet, quod ius mutari potest et id, quod nunc impossibile est, postea possibile fieri: non enim secundum futuri temporis ius, sed secundum praesentis aestimari debet stipulatio. 7Si ut aliquid fiat stipulemur, et usitatius et elegantius esse Labeo ait sic subici poenam: ‘si ita factum non erit’: at cum quid ne fiat stipulemur, tunc hoc modo: ‘si adversus ea factum erit’: et cum alia fieri, alia non fieri coniuncte stipulemur, sic comprehendendum: ‘si non feceris, si quid adversus ea feceris’. 8Praeterea sciendum est, quod dari stipulemur, non posse nos uni ex heredibus adquiri, sed necesse esse omnibus adquiri: at cum quid fieri stipulemur, etiam unius personam recte comprehendi.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book I. The act of the stipulator and the promisor should be continuous, in such a way, however, that any short interval may be permitted to intervene, and the stipulator may be answered with very little delay. If, however, after the interrogatory has been put, something else should be done, the stipulation will be void; even though the promisor answered upon the same day. 1If I stipulate for a slave, and I have one slave in my mind, and you have another, the transaction will be void; for a stipulation is perfected by the consent of both parties. 2When I stipulate as follows, “Do you promise to pay at Ephesus?” a certain time is implied. The question arises, what time should be understood? The better opinion is to refer the entire matter to a court, that is to say to an arbiter, who will estimate how much time the diligent head of a household would require to be able to accomplish what he had promised to do; so that where anyone agreed to pay at Ephesus, he would not be compelled to travel at great speed day and night, and continue his journey regardless of every kind of weather; nor should he travel so leisurely as to appear worthy of blame; but the season, as well as the age, sex, and condition of health of the promisor, should be taken into account, in order that he may act so as to arrive promptly, that is to say, within the time that most men of his rank would ordinarily consume in making the journey. This having elapsed, even if he remained at Rome, he would not be able to pay the money at Ephesus; still he could properly be sued, either because it was his own fault that he did not make payment at Ephesus, or for the reason that he could pay it there by another, or indeed could pay it anywhere. For anything which is due at a certain time can be paid before that time, although it cannot be demanded. If, however, having used the post, or having had an unusually favorable sea voyage, he should arrive at Ephesus sooner than anyone else ordinarily could have done, he will immediately become liable, because when anything is determined by time, or by the performance of an act, there is no longer ground for conjecture. 3Again, where anyone promises to build a house, there is no need of searching for workmen everywhere, and hastening to procure the largest number possible; nor, on the other hand, should the promisor be satisfied with only one or two, but a moderate number should be obtained in accordance with the conduct of a diligent builder, the time and place also being taken into consideration. Likewise, if the work is not begun, that only will be estimated which could have been completed during the interval, and if, after the time has passed which would have been required to finish the house, it is afterwards constructed, the contractor will be released from liability, just as a person will be released who promises to give himself up, if he does so at any time afterwards. 4Ad Dig. 45,1,137,4ROHGE, Bd. 17 (1875), Nr. 83, S. 366: Liberation des Beschädigten von den übernommenen Verpflichtungen. Schadensersatz.It should be considered whether someone who has promised to pay a hundred aurei becomes liable immediately, or whether the obligation remains in abeyance until he can collect the money. But what if he has no money at home, and cannot find his creditor? These matters, however, differ from natural obstacles, and involve the ability to pay. This ability, however, is represented by the ease or difficulty of the person, and does not refer to what is promised; otherwise, if anyone should agree to deliver Stichus, we ascertain where Stichus is; or if it makes much difference when delivery is to be made at Ephesus, or where the person, being at Rome, promises to deliver something which is at Ephesus; for this also has reference to the ability to give, because there is something in common in the payment of the money, and the delivery of the slave, and that is, that the promisor cannot immediately do either. And, generally speaking, the cause of the difficulty has reference to the inconvenience of the promisor, and not to interference by the stipulator; lest it might be alleged that he who has promised to give a slave belonging to another cannot do so because his master is unwilling to sell him. 5If I stipulate with someone who cannot do what is possible for another to accomplish, Sabinus says that the obligation is legally incurred. 6Ad Dig. 45,1,137,6ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 7, S. 18: Verweisung des Gläubigers seitens eines Solidarschuldners an den andern unter Sicherstellung des Gläubigers. Keine Einrede daraus für den andern Schuldner?When anyone stipulates under the following condition: “If Titius should sell a sacred or religious place, or a market, or a temple,” or anything of this kind, which has been perpetually set apart for the use of the public, and the condition cannot, under any circumstances, legally be complied with, or if the promisor cannot do what is agreed upon, the stipulation will be of no force or effect, just as if a condition which was impossible by nature had been inserted into it. Nor does it make any difference if the law can be changed, and what is now impossible may become possible hereafter, for the stipulation should be interpreted, not according to the law of the future, but according to that of the present time. 7When we stipulate for something to be done, Labeo says that it is customary, and more advisable, for a penal clause to be added, as follows: “If this is not done in this way.” But when we stipulate against something being done, we provide as follows, “If anything contrary to this should be done.” And when we stipulate conjointly, that some things shall be done, and others shall not, the following provision should be inserted, namely, “If you do not do this, or if you do anything contrary to this.” 8Ad Dig. 45,1,137,8ROHGE, Bd. 12 (1874), Nr. 106, S. 360: Verträge zu Gunsten eines Contrahenten und eines weiteren noch unbestimmten Personenkreises. Aufführungsrecht für den Theaterdirector und dessen Nachfolger.Moreover, it should be remembered that what we stipulate shall be given cannot be acquired by only one of our heirs, but must be acquired by all of them. But when we stipulate that something shall be done, only one of them can legally be included.

Dig. 45,3,21Venuleius libro primo stipulationum. Si servus communis ita stipuletur: ‘kalendis Ianuariis decem Titio aut Maevio dominis, uter eorum tunc vivet, dare spondes?’, inutilem esse stipulationem Iulianus scribit, quia non possit in pendenti esse stipulatio nec apparere, utri eorum sit adquisitum.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book I. If a slave owned in common stipulates as follows, “Do you promise to pay on the Kalends of January ten aurei to either Titius or Mævius, whichever one of them may be living at the time?” Julianus says that the agreement is void, because a stipulation cannot remain in suspense, and it does not appear by which of the two persons the money will be acquired.

Dig. 46,5,9Venuleius libro primo stipulationum. In praetoriis stipulationibus si ambiguus sermo acciderit, praetoris erit interpretatio: eius enim mens aestimanda est.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book I. In prætorian stipulations, if the language is ambiguous, it is the duty of the Prætor to interpret it, for its intention should be determined.

Ex libro II

Dig. 14,6,18Venuleius libro secundo stipulationum. Creditorem filii familias mortuo eo fideiussorem accipere non posse Iulianus scribit, quia nulla obligatio aut civilis aut naturalis supersit, cui fideiussor accedat: plane a patre eius actionis nomine, quae de peculio adversus eum competat, fideiussorem recte accipi.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book II. Julianus states that the creditor of a son under paternal control cannot receive a surety after the death of the latter, because no civil or natural obligation with which the surety is connected survives; but it is evident that a surety can be properly received from the father on account of the action on the peculium which may be brought against him.

Dig. 45,2,12Venuleius libro secundo stipulationum. Si ex duobus, qui promissuri sint, hodie alter, alter postera die responderit, Proculus non esse duos reos ac ne obligatum quidem intellegi eum, qui postera die responderat, cum actor ad alia negotia discesserit vel promissor, licet peractis illis rebus responderit. 1Si a Titio et pupillo sine tutoris auctoritate stipulatus fuero eadem decem, vel a servo, et quasi duos reos promittendi constitui, obligatum Titium solum Iulianus scribit, quamquam, si servus spoponderit, in actione de peculio eadem observari debent, ac si liber fuisset.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book II. If, of two persons who are about to bind themselves by a promise, one answers to-day, and the other on the following day, they will not be jointly liable, and he who has answered on the next day is not even regarded as liable at all—as the stipulator, or the promisor turned aside for the transaction of other business—even though he made his reply after the said transaction had been concluded. 1If I stipulate for ten aurei with Titius and a ward without the authority of his guardian, or with a slave, and I have accepted them as two jointly liable promisors, Julianus says that Titius alone will be bound; although if a slave should promise, the same rule must be observed in an action for his peculium, as if he had been free.

Ex libro III

Dig. 45,2,13Idem libro tertio stipulationum. Si reus promittendi altero reo heres extiterit, duas obligationes eum sustinere dicendum est. nam ubi quidem altera differentia obligationum esse possit, ut in fideiussore et reo principali, constitit alteram ab altera perimi: cum vero eiusdem duae potestatis sint, non potest repperiri qua altera potius quam alteram consummari. ideoque et si reus stipulandi heres exstiterit, duas species obligationis eum sustinere.

The Same, Stipulations, Book III. If a promisor should become the heir of the person jointly liable with him, it must be said that he is bound by two obligations; for where there is some difference between the obligations, as in the case of a surety and the principal debtor, it is established that one obligation is annulled by the other. When, however, the obligations are of the same nature, it cannot be determined why one of them should be disposed of rather than the other. Hence, if one joint-stipulator should become the heir of the other, he will be entitled to two distinct obligations.

Dig. 46,2,31Venuleius libro tertio stipulationum. Si rem aliquam dari stipulatus sum, deinde eandem sub condicione novandi animo ab eodem stipuler, manere oportet rem in rebus humanis, ut novationi locus sit, nisi si per promissorem steterit, quo minus daret. ideoque si hominem mihi dare te oporteat et in mora fueris, quo minus dares, etiam defuncto eo teneris: et si, priusquam decederet, cum iam mora facta sit, eundem a te sub condicione stipulatus fuero et servus postea decesserit, deinde condicio exstiterit, cum iam ex stipulatu obligatus es mihi, novatio quoque fiet. 1Si duo rei stipulandi sint, an alter ius novandi habeat, quaeritur et quid iuris unusquisque sibi adquisierit. fere autem convenit et uni recte solvi et unum iudicium petentem totam rem in litem deducere, item unius acceptilatione peremi utrisque obligationem: ex quibus colligitur unumquemque perinde sibi adquisisse, ac si solus stipulatus esset, excepto eo quod etiam facto eius, cum quo commune ius stipulantis est, amittere debitorem potest. secundum quae si unus ab aliquo stipuletur, novatione quoque liberare eum ab altero poterit, cum id specialiter agit, eo magis cum eam stipulationem similem esse solutioni existimemus. alioquin quid dicemus, si unus delegaverit creditori suo communem debitorem isque ab eo stipulatus fuerit? aut mulier fundum iusserit doti promittere viro, vel nuptura ipsi doti eum promiserit? nam debitor ab utroque liberabitur.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book III. If I stipulate for something to be given me, and I afterwards stipulate for the same thing with the same person under a condition, with the intention of making a novation, the property must remain in existence in order for there to be ground for the novation, unless the promisor was required to give it. Therefore, if you are obliged to deliver me a slave, and you are in default in doing so, you will be liable even if the slave should die, and if, before he dies, you are already in default, and I stipulate with you for the same slave under a condition, and the slave afterwards dies, and then the condition is fulfilled, as you are already liable to me under the stipulation, novation will alscr take place. 1Ad Dig. 46,2,31,1ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 217: Liberation eines Schuldners ohne dessen Wissen durch Zahlung bez. Angabe an Zahlungsstatt, Novation eines Dritten.ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 82, S. 328: Ersatzanspruch aus der Tilgung bezw. Uebernahme der Schuld eines Andern.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 295, Note 5; Bd. II, § 354, Note 15.Where there are two joint-stipulators, the question arises whether one of them has the right to make a novation, and what right each acquires for himself. Generally speaking, it is established that payment may properly be made to one, and that if one institutes proceedings he brings the entire matter into court, just as where one is released, the obligation of both is extinguished. From this it may be gathered that each of them acquires for himself, just as if he alone had stipulated; except that each of them, by the act of him with whom the stipulation was jointly made, can lose his debtor. According to this, if one of the joint-stipulators enters into another agreement with a third party, he can, by novation, release him from liability to the other joint-stipulator, if such was his express intention; and there is all the more reason for this, as we think that the stipulation resembles payment. Otherwise, what shall we say if one of them delegates the common debtor to his creditor, and the latter stipulates with him; or a woman orders a tract of land to be promised to her husband by way of dowry; or, if she was about to marry him, she should promise him the land as dowry? The debtor would be released, so far as both parties are concerned.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 45,1,138Idem libro quarto stipulationum. Eum, qui certarum nundinarum diebus dari stipuletur, primo die petere posse Sabinus ait: Proculus autem et ceteri diversae scholae auctores, quamdiu vel exiguum tempus ex nundinarum spatio superesset, peti posse existimant. sed ego cum Proculo sentio. 1Cum pure stipulatus sum illud aut illud dari, licebit tibi, quotiens voles, mutare voluntatem in eo quod praestaturus sis, quia diversa causa est voluntatis expressae et eius quae inest.

The Same, Stipulations, Book IV. When anyone stipulates for something to be given to him on certain market-days, Sabinus says that he can demand it after the first day. Proculus, however, and other authorities of the rival school, think that it can be demanded as long as the smallest part of the market day specified remains. I agree with Proculus. 1When I stipulate absolutely, as follows, “Do you promise to give this, or that?” you can change your mind with reference to what you have to give, as often as you please; because there is a difference between an intention which is expressed, and one which is implied.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 26,7,51Venuleius libro sexto stipulationum. Si duo pluresve tutores tutelam administrent, in fideiussorem quidem in solidum per quemlibet eorum committitur stipulatio: at si inter eos divisa sit tutela regionibus, quod plerumque fit, et alius urbica negotia, alius peregrina administraret, tunc ex substantia cuiusque rei aut committi contra fideiussorem stipulationem aut non committi dicemus: nam licet omnes tutores sint et tutelam gerant, tamen cum quis de ea re, quae extra suam regionem erit, experiri vel ad iudicium vocari coeperit, perinde non committitur stipulatio, atque si ei administratio tutelae permissa non esset: quantum enim facit in totum denegata, tantundem valet, si in ea re de qua agitur denegata sit.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VI. Where two or more guardians are administering a guardianship, the stipulation of the surety of each one will render him liable for the entire amount. But if the guardianship is divided among them by districts, which is generally done, and one of them attends to the business in the city, and the other to that outside of it, then the stipulation will bind, or will not bind either surety, according to the liability of either principal; for although they are all guardians, and are administering the guardianship, still, if either of them is sued with reference to property which is outside of his district, or is brought into court, the stipulation will not bind him unless the administration of the guardianship has been entirely entrusted to him. Where the administration of the entire trust has not been committed to a guardian, the effect is the same as if it had not been given to him with reference to the property which is in question.

Dig. 45,1,139Idem libro sexto stipulationum. Cum ex causa duplae stipulationis aliquid intendimus, venditoris heredes in solidum omnes conveniendi sunt omnesque debent subsistere, et quolibet eorum defugiente ceteris subsistere nihil prodest, quia in solidum defendenda est venditio, cuius indivisa natura est. sed cum uno defugiente omnes defugisse videantur ideoque omnes teneantur, unicuique pro parte hereditaria praestatio incumbit.

The Same, Stipulations, Book VI. When we attempt to obtain anything by virtue of a double stipulation, the heirs of the vendor should all be sued for the entire amount, and all of them should defend the case; and if one of them fails to do so, it will be of no advantage to the others to make a defence, because the sale must be defended in its entirety, as its nature is indivisible. Where, however, one of them is in default, all are considered to be so; and therefore all of them will be liable, and each one will be required to pay in proportion to his share of the estate.

Dig. 46,7,17Venuleius libro sexto stipulationum. Ex clausula re iudicata, dolo malo, ob rem non defensam in solidum committitur stipulatio: non enim videbitur defensa res boni viri arbitratu, quae non in solidum defensa sit.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VI. When, through fraud, a case has not been completely defended, the stipulation will become operative under the clause relating to the payment of the judgment; for a suit is not considered to be properly defended in accordance with the opinion of a good citizen where a defence is not made for the entire amount of the property involved,

Ex libro VII

Dig. 10,2,7Venuleius libro septimo stipulationum. Si heres unus, cum sub condicione adiectum coheredem aut apud hostes haberet, dixerit se heredem esse et actione expertus vicerit, deinde condicio heredis exstiterit vel postliminio redierit, an victoriae commodum debeat cum eo communicare? nam indubitate iudicati actio ei in solidum competit. et electionem coheredi dandam, id est aut communicandam eam aut experiundi faciendam potestatem huic, qui post victoriam coheredis effectus sit heres aut reversus sit in civitatem. idemque observandum, si postea natus sit postumus. non enim his personis silentium imputari potest, cum ad hereditatem post victoriam coheredis pervenerint.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VII. If an heir, in an instance where a co-heir was added under a condition, or is in the hands of the enemy, should assert that he himself is the heir, and having brought an action should gain it, and afterwards the condition upon which the inheritance of the other heir depended is fulfilled, or the latter returns by postliminium; ought the other heir to share with him the advantages of his victory? He is undoubtedly entitled to an action to enforce judgment for the entire amount. In this case the co-heir should be granted his choice, that is to say, he must either be given a share of the estate or he must have the power to institute proceedings, for he is one who became an heir, or returned to the city, after his co-heir had been successful. The same rule must be observed where a posthumous child is born. These parties are not to blame on account of their silence, since they only obtained a right to the estate after their co-heir had won his case.

Dig. 50,16,224Venuleius libro septimo stipulationum. ‘Vinculorum’ appellatione vel privata vel publica vincula significant, ‘custodiae’ vero tantum publicam custodiam.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book VII. The term “chains” applies to both private or public restraint of liberty; “custody,” however, only has reference to public imprisonment.

Ex libro IX

Dig. 46,7,19Idem libro nono stipulationum. Novissima clausula iudicatum solvi stipulationis ‘dolum malum abesse afuturumque esse’ et in futurum tempus permanens factum demonstrat. itaque et si forte decesserit is, qui dolo fecerit, tenebitur heres eius: verbum enim ‘afuturumque esse’ plenissimum est et ad omne tempus refertur, ut, si aliquo tempore non afuerit dolus, quoniam verum sit non afuisse, committatur haec clausula. 1Si autem adiectum sit: ‘si huius rei dolus malus non aberit, quanti ea res est, dari spondes?’, et ob extranei dolum promissor poena tenebitur. 2Doli autem mali clausula, sicut reliquae stipulationes, in quibus tempus nominatim adiectum non est, ad principium stipulationis refertur.

The Same, Stipulations, Book IX. The last clause of the stipulation for the payment of a judgment, “That there is no fraud, and will be none,” indicates a permanent fact for the future. Therefore, if he who was guilty of fraud should die, his heir will remain liable; for the words, “will be none,” have great latitude, and refer to all coming time, and if fraud should be committed at any time, for the reason that it is true that there was fraud, this clause will become operative. 1And where the following is added, “If any fraud should be committed in this matter, do you promise to pay the entire value of the property?” the promisor will be liable to the penalty, even on account of fraud committed by a stranger. 2The clause relating to fraud, however, as is the case with other stipulations in which the time is not expressly mentioned, refers to the beginning of the stipulation.

Ex libro XI

Dig. 46,4,21Venuleius libro undecimo stipulationum. Si sub condicione legatum mihi datum novandi causa stipulatus sum et ante existentem condicionem acceptum fecero, Nerva filius ait, etiamsi condicio extiterit, neque ex testamento competituram actionem, quia novatio facta sit, neque ex stipulatu, quae acceptilatione soluta sit.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XI. If I stipulate for the purpose of making a novation on account of a legacy which was bequeathed to me under a condition, and I release my right to it before the condition is fulfilled, Nerva, the son, says that even if the condition should be fulfilled, I will not be entitled to an action under the will, because a novation took place, nor can I bring one under the stipulation, as the right to do so has been extinguished by the release.

Ex libro XII

Dig. 7,9,4Venuleius libro duodecimo stipulationum. Si fructuarius proprietatem adsecutus fuerit, desinit quidem usus fructus ad eum pertinere propter confusionem: sed si ex stipulatu cum eo agatur, aut ipso iure inutiliter agi dicendum est, si viri boni arbitrium huc usque porrigitur, aut in factum excipere debebit.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XII. If the usufructuary should obtain the property, the usufruct ceases to belong to him on account of the merger of the same; but if suit is brought against him on the stipulation, it must be held either that he has not proceeded in accordance with the strict principles of law, if the doctrine governing the conduct of a good citizen is considered applicable; or that the party must make use of an exception based on what has taken place.

Dig. 45,3,25Venuleius libro duodecimo stipulationum. Si servus hereditarius stipulatus fuerit et fideiussores acceperit posteaque adita fuerit hereditas, dubitatur, utrum ex die interpositae stipulationis tempus cedat an ex adita hereditate: item si servus eius, qui apud hostes sit, fideiussores acceperit. et Cassius existimat tempus ex eo computandum, ex quo agi cum eis potuerit, id est ex quo adeatur hereditas aut postliminio dominus revertatur.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XII. Where a slave forming part of an estate stipulates and receives sureties, and after the estate has been entered upon, a doubt arises whether the time begins to run from the date when the stipulation was made, or from the time when the estate was accepted, just as where a slave whose master is in the hands of the enemy has received sureties, Cassius thinks that the time should be computed from the date when proceedings can be instituted against the parties; that is to say, after the estate has been entered upon, or the master returns from captivity under the right of postliminium.

Dig. 50,17,99Venuleius libro duodecimo stipulationum. Non potest improbus videri, qui ignorat quantum solvere debeat.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XII. No one can be considered dishonest who does not know how much he ought to pay.

Ex libro XIII

Dig. 35,2,6Venuleius libro tertio decimo stipulationum. Si vir uxori heres exstiterit et in funus eius inpenderit, non videbitur totum quasi heres inpendere, sed deducto eo, quod quasi dotis nomine quam lucri facit conferre debuerit.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XIII. If a man should become the heir of his wife, and incur expenses for her funeral, he will not be considered to have expended the entire amount as her heir, but he should contribute in proportion to the extent that he is pecuniarily benefited, after having deducted what was due on account of the dowry.

Ex libro XV

Dig. 46,8,8Venuleius libro quinto decimo stipulationum. Procurator ad exhibendum egit et adversarius absolutus est, quia non possidebat: at cum possessionem eiusdem rei nanctus esset, agit cum eo dominus ad exhibendum. Sabinus ait fideiussores non teneri, quoniam haec alia res sit: nam et si dominus egisset, mox, absoluto adversario quia non possideret, ex integro ageret, non obstaturam rei iudicatae exceptionem. 1Si procurator a debitore pecuniam exegerit et satisdederit dominum ratam rem habere, mox dominus de eadem pecunia egit et litem amiserit, committi stipulationem: et, si procurator eandem pecuniam domino sine iudice solverit, condicturum. sed cum debitor ex stipulatu agere coeperit, potest dici dominum, si defensionem procuratoris suscipiat, non inutiliter doli mali exceptione adversus debitorem uti, quia naturale debitum manet. 2Si quis a procuratore status controversiam patiatur, satis accipere debet a procuratore, ne impune saepius pro suo statu conveniretur et, si dominus venientesque ab eo personae ratum non habuerunt, quod procurator eum in servitutem petierit vel adversus procuratorem ex servitute in libertatem petitus fuerit, quanti ea res est, ei praestetur, scilicet cum de libertate eius constiterit, id est quanti interfuerit eius de statu suo rursus non periclitari et propter impendia, quae in litem fecerit. sed Labeo certam summam comprehendendam existimabat, quia aestimatio libertatis ad infinitum extenderetur. ex quo autem dominus ratum non habuerit, committi videtur stipulatio, sed non ante ex ea agi poterit, quam de libertate iudicatum fuerit, quia, si servus sit iudicatus, inutilis fit stipulatio, cum et, si qua sit actio, eam domino adquisisse intellegitur.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XV. An attorney instituted proceedings for the production of property, and his adversary was discharged because he did not have possession of it. Then, he having subsequently obtained possession of the same property, the principal brought an action against him to compel him to produce it. Sabinus says that the sureties will not be liable, as this is a different matter; for even if the principal should bring the action in the first place, and, after his adversary had been discharged because he did not have possession of the property, he should bring another, he would not be barred by an exception on the ground of res judicata. 1If an agent has collected money from a debtor, and given him security that his principal will ratify his act, and the latter afterwards brings suit for the same sum of money, and loses the case, the stipulation will become operative; and if the agent pays the same money to his principal without an order of court, it can be recovered by a personal action. Where, however, the debtor brings suit under the stipulation, it may be said that if the principal undertakes the defence of his agent he cannot improperly make use of an exception on the ground of bad faith against the debtor, because the obligation remains a natural one. 2If anyone should permit his status to be disputed by an agent, he should take security from him that he will not continually be molested on this account, and if the principal, or his representatives, does not ratify his act, namely, that the agent attempted to reduce the party in question to slavery; or if the latter obtained a judgment against the agent in favor of his freedom, the entire value of the property must be paid to him when his right to liberty has been established, that is to say, to the extent of his interest in not having his status placed in jeopardy, as well as for the expenses incurred by the litigation. Labeo, however, thinks that a definite sum should be included, because the estimation of freedom is capable of indefinite extent; the stipulation, however, is held to become operative from the very moment when the principal refused to ratify the act of the agent. Still, an action cannot be brought under the stipulation before a judgment has been rendered with reference to the freedom of the alleged slave, because if it should be decided that he was a slave, the stipulation becomes void, and if any action can be brought he is understood to have acquired it for his master.

Ex libro XVI

Dig. 21,2,75Venuleius libro sexto decimo stipulationum. Quod ad servitutes praediorum attinet, si tacite secutae sunt et vindicentur ab alio, Quintus Mucius et Sabinus existimant venditorem ob evictionem teneri non posse: nec enim evictionis nomine quemquam teneri in eo iure, quod tacite soleat accedere: nisi ut optimus maximusque esset traditus fuerit fundus: tunc enim liberum ab omni servitute praestandum. si vero emptor petat viam vel actum, venditorem teneri non posse, nisi nominatim dixerit accessurum iter vel actum: tunc enim teneri eum, qui ita dixerit. et vera est Quinti Muci sententia, ut qui optimum maximumque fundum tradidit, liberum praestet, non etiam deberi alias servitutes, nisi hoc specialiter ab eo accessum sit.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XVI. With reference to rural servitudes, where they tacitly follow the land, and are recovered by a third party, Quintus Mucius and Sabinus hold that the vendor cannot be held liable for eviction, for no one is liable on this ground in cases where there is a tacit accession to property; unless the land is conveyed as absolutely and entirely unincumbered, for then it should be warranted to be free from all servitudes. If, however, the purchaser demands a right of way or a driveway, the vendor cannot be held liable, unless he expressly stated that a right of way of some description was accessory to the property, for then he who made the statement will be liable. The opinion of Quintus Mucius, who stated that a party who conveys land as absolutely and entirely unincumbered warrants it to be free from every servitude, is correct; for other servitudes are not due unless it has been expressly stated by the vendor that they are accessories.

Ex libro XVII

Dig. 21,2,76Idem libro septimo decimo stipulationum. Si alienam rem mihi tradideris et eandem pro derelicto habuero, amitti auctoritatem, id est actionem pro evictione, placet.

The Same, Stipulations, Book XVII. If you sell me property belonging to another, and I abandon the same, it is settled that my power to act, that is to say, my right to bring suit on account of eviction, is lost.

Dig. 47,8,6Venuleius libro septimo decimo stipulationum. Quod vi possessum raptumve sit, antequam in potestatem domini heredisve eius perveniat, usucapi lex vetat.

Venuleius, Stipulations, Book XVII. The law forbids property which has been possessed or taken by violence to be acquired by usucaption, before it again comes under the control of the owner, or his heir.