De officio proconsulis libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 1,16,11Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo de officio proconsulis. Si quid erit quod maiorem animadversionem exigat, reicere legatus apud proconsulem debet: neque enim animadvertendi coercendi vel atrociter verberandi ius habet.
Venuleius Saturninus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book II. If there is anything that demands severe punishment, the Deputy should send the case to the Proconsul; for he himself has not the right to execute, to imprison, or to scourge with great severity.
Dig. 22,5,22Venuleius libro secundo de officio proconsulis. Curent magistratus cuiusque loci testari volentibus et se ipsos et alios testes vel signatores praebere, quo facilius negotia explicentur et probatio rerum salva sit.
Venuleius, On the Office of Proconsul, Book II. The magistrates of every district should be careful to afford facilities to all who wish to make wills, and themselves be witnesses and sign wills with others, by means of which matters may be more easily explained, and the proof of facts be secure.
Dig. 48,3,10Idem libro secundo de officio proconsulis. Ne quis receptam custodiam sine causa dimittat, mandatis ita cavetur: ‘si quos ex his, qui in civitatibus sunt, celeriter et sine causa solutos a magistratibus cognoveris, vinciri iubebis et his, qui solverint, multam dices. nam cum scierint sibi quoque molestiae futurum magistratus, si facile solverint vinctos, non indifferenter de cetero facient’.
The Same, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book II. To prevent anyone from dismissing prisoners without sufficient reason, it is provided as follows by the Imperial Mandates: “If you know that imprisoned persons have been released too soon, and without good cause by the magistrates, you will order them to be placed in custody, and you will fine those who released them; for when the magistrates know that they themselves will be punished if they discharge prisoners too readily, they will not do so again without proper investigation.”
Dig. 49,3,2Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo de officio proconsulis. Appellari a legatis proconsul potest, et, si multam dixerit, potest de iniquitate eius proconsul cognoscere et quod optimum putaverit statuere.
Venuleius Saturninus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book II. One can appeal from the Governor to the Proconsul, and if he has imposed a fine, the Proconsul can take cognizance of his injustice, and decide whatever he thinks best.