De officio proconsulis libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 40,14,2Saturninus libro primo de officio proconsulis. Qui se venire passus esset maiorem, scilicet ut pretium ad ipsum perveniret, prohibendum de libertate contendere divus Hadrianus constituit: sed interdum ita contendendum permisit, si pretium suum reddidisset. 1Qui se ex libertinitate ingenuitati adserant, non ultra quinquennium, quam manumissi fuissent, audientur. 2Qui post quinquennium repperisse instrumenta ingenuitatis suae adseverant, de ea re ipsos principes adire oportere cognituros.
Saturninus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book I. The Divine Hadrian decided that anyone who was of age, and permitted himself to be sold in order that he might receive a portion of the price, should be forbidden to bring an action to obtain his freedom; but that he could do so under certain circumstances, if he returned his share of the price which had been paid. 1Those who are freedmen, and assert their claim to freedom by birth, shall not be heard after the lapse of five years from the date of their manumission. 2Those who, after the lapse of five years, allege that they have discovered documents establishing their rights to be considered freeborn, must have recourse to the Emperor, who will examine their claims.
Dig. 48,3,9Venuleius Saturninus libro primo de officio proconsulis. De militibus ita servatur, ut ad eum remittantur, si quid deliquerint, sub quo militabunt: is autem, qui exercitum accipit, etiam ius animadvertendi in milites caligatos habet.
Venuleius Saturninus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book I. It is the rule that if soldiers commit a crime, they must be sent back to the officer under whom they served. The general in chief has a right to punish all soldiers under his command.
Dig. 48,8,6Venuleius Saturninus libro primo de officio proconsulis. Is, qui servum castrandum tradiderit, pro parte dimidia bonorum multatur ex senatus consulto, quod Neratio Prisco et Annio Vero consulibus factum est.
Venuleius Saturninus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book I. He who delivers a slave to be castrated shall be punished by a fine of half his property, under a decree of the Senate enacted during the Consulate of Neratius Priscus and Annius Verus.
Dig. 48,19,15Venuleius Saturninus libro primo de officio proconsulis. Divus Hadrianus eos, qui in numero decurionum essent, capite puniri prohibuit, nisi si qui parentem occidissent: verum poena legis Corneliae puniendos mandatis plenissime cautum est.
Venuleius Saturninus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book I. The Divine Hadrian forbade those included in the order of decurions to be punished capitally, unless they had killed one of their parents. It is, however, very clearly provided by the Imperial Mandates, that they should suffer the penalty of the Cornelian Law.