De iudiciis publicis libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 48,11,4Venuleius Saturninus libro tertio publicorum iudiciorum. vel quo magis aut minus quid ex officio suo faceret.
Venuleius Saturninus, Public Prosecutions, Book III. Or for doing more or less than he was obliged to do in the performance of his official duty.
Dig. 48,11,6Venuleius Saturninus libro tertio publicorum iudiciorum. Eadem lege tenentur, qui ob denuntiandum vel non denuntiandum testimonium pecuniam acceperint. 1Hac lege damnatus testimonium publice dicere aut iudex esse postulareve prohibetur. 2Lege Iulia repetundarum cavetur, ne quis ob militem legendum mittendumve aes accipiat, neve quis ob sententiam in senatu consiliove publico dicendam pecuniam accipiat, vel ob accusandum vel non accusandum: utque urbani magistratus ob omni sorde se abstineant neve plus doni muneris in anno accipiant, quam quod sit aureorum centum.
Venuleius Saturninus, Public Prosecutions, Book I. Those are liable under the same law who receive money either for testifying, or for not testifying. 1He who is convicted under this law is forbidden to testify in public, or to be a judge, or to prosecute a crime. 2It is provided by the Julian Law relating to Extortion that: “No one shall take money for the purpose of enlisting or discharging a soldier, nor shall anyone accept money for giving his opinion in the Senate or in a public council, or to accuse, or not to accuse anyone; and city magistrates must abstain from all kinds of corruption, and not receive in gifts or presents more than a hundred aurei during the entire year.”
Dig. 48,13,10Idem ex libro tertio iudiciorum publicorum. Qui tabulam aeream legis formamve agrorum aut quid aliud continentem refixerit vel quid inde immutaverit, lege Iulia peculatus tenetur. 1Eadem lege tenetur, qui quid in tabulis publicis deleverit vel induxerit.
The Same, Public Prosecutions, Book III. Anyone who removes the brazen tablet of the law containing the boundaries of fields or anything else, or changes it in any way, is liable under the Julian Law relating to Peculation. 1He who erases anything from the public registers, or inserts anything therein, is liable under this law.