De iudiciis publicis libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 22,5,23Idem libro primo de iudiciis publicis. Produci testis is non potest, qui ante in eum reum testimonium dixit.
The Same, On Public Prosecutions, Book I. A witness cannot be produced against a defendant who has already given evidence against him.
Ex libro II
Dig. 22,5,20Venuleius libro secundo de iudiciis publicis. In testimonium accusator citare non debet eum, qui iudicio publico reus erit aut qui minor viginti annis erit.
Venuleius, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. An accuser should not call as a witness one who has been convicted of a crime, or who is under twenty years of age.
Dig. 29,5,13Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo de publicis iudiciis. In cognitione aperti adversus senatus consultum testamenti eius, qui a familia sua occisus dicatur, quinquennii tempus constitutum est senatus consulto Tauro et lepido consulibus: quod tamen ad extraneos pertinet. namque eos, qui parricidii poena teneri possunt, semper accusare permittitur eodem senatus consulto.
Venuleius Saturninus, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. During the Consulate of Taurus and Lepidus, the term of five years was established by a Decree of the Senate for the institution of criminal proceedings, where the will of a man who was said to have been killed by his slaves had been opened contrary to the Decree of the Senate, which provision, however, only applies to strangers; for, by the same Decree of the Senate, those who are liable to punishment for parricide can always be accused without reference to lapse of time.
Dig. 47,10,39Venuleius libro secundo publicorum iudiciorum. Vestem sordidam rei nomine in publico habere capillumve summittere nulli licet, nisi ita coniunctus est adfinitati, ut invitus in reum testimonium dicere cogi non possit.
Venuleius, Public Prosecutions, Book II. No one is permitted to wear filthy clothing or long hair in public under the name of an accused person, unless he is so closely connected with him by affinity that he cannot be compelled to testify against him in opposition to his will.
Dig. 47,15,5Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo publicorum iudiciorum. Accusator in praevaricatione convictus postea ex lege non accusat.
Venuleius Saturninus, Public Prosecutions, Book II. An accuser convicted of prevarication cannot afterwards bring an accusation under the law.
Dig. 48,2,12Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo de iudiciis publicis. Hos accusare non licet: legatum imperatoris, id est praesidem provinciae, ex sententia Lentuli dicta Sulla et Trione consulibus: item legatum provincialem eius dumtaxat criminis, quod ante commiserit, quam in legationem venerit: item magistratum populi Romani eumve, qui rei publicae causa afuerit, dum non detractandae legis causa abest. 1Hoc beneficio etiam in reos recepti uti possunt, si abolitione interveniente repeti se non debere contendant, secundum epistulam divi Hadriani ad Glabrionem consulem scriptam. 2Lege Iulia iudiciorum publicorum cavetur, ne eodem tempore de duobus reis quis quereretur nisi suarum iniuriarum causa. 3Si servus reus postulabitur, eadem observanda sunt, quae si liber esset, ex senatus consulto Cotta et Messala consulibus. 4Omnibus autem legibus servi rei fiunt excepta lege Iulia de vi privata, quia ea lege damnati partis tertiae bonorum publicatione puniuntur, quae poena in servum non cadit. idemque dicendum est in ceteris legibus, quibus pecuniaria poena irrogatur vel etiam capitis, quae servorum poenis non convenit, sicuti relegatio. item nec lex Pompeia parricidii, quoniam caput primum eos adpraehendit, qui parentes cognatosve aut patronos occiderint: quae in servos, quantum ad verba pertinet, non cadunt: sed cum natura communis est, similiter et in eos animadvertetur. item Cornelia iniuriarum servum non debere recipi reum Cornelius Sulla auctor fuit: sed durior ei poena extra ordinem imminebit.
Venuleius Saturninus, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. It is not lawful to accuse the following persons, namely: the Deputy of the Emperor, that is to say, the Governor of a province; according to the decision of Lentulus, rendered during the Consulate of Sylla and Trio; nor the Deputy of a Governor, for a crime which he committed before he obtained his office; nor a magistrate of the Roman people; nor anyone who is absent on business for the State; provided he did not depart for the purpose of evading the law. 1Persons who are classed as offenders can make use of this privilege, if, having been discharged, they contend that they should not again be accused, which is in accordance with the Epistle of the Divine Hadrian addressed to Glabrio, Consul. 2It is provided by the Julian Law relating to criminal proceedings that no one can prosecute two persons at the same time, unless on account of an injury which he himself has sustained. 3When an accusation is brought against a slave, the same rule should be observed as if he were free, according to a Decree of the Senate promulgated when Cotta and Messala were consuls. 4Slaves can be accused under all laws, with the exception of the Julian Law relating to private violence; because those who are condemned under it are punished by the confiscation of the third part of their property, which penalty cannot be imposed upon a slave. The same must be said with reference to other laws, by which either a pecuniary or a capital penalty is inflicted, which does not apply to slaves, as for instance, relegation. The Pompeian Law relating to parricide is placed in this category, because the First Section includes those who have killed their parents, their blood-relatives, or their patrons; which does not apply to slaves, so far as the provisions of the law are concerned. But as their nature is similar, they are punished in the same way. Again Cornelius Sylla was the author of the decision that a slave is not included in the Cornelian Law which has reference to injuries; but he is punished arbitrarily by a more severe penalty.
Dig. 48,3,5Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo de iudiciis publicis. Si confessus fuerit reus, donec de eo pronuntietur, in vincula publica coiciendus est.
Venuleius Saturninus, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. If the defendant has confessed, he should be thrown into prison until sentence is passed upon him.
Dig. 48,4,6Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo de iudiciis publicis. Qui statuas aut imagines imperatoris iam consecratas conflaverint aliudve quid simile admiserint, lege Iulia maiestatis tenentur.
Venuleius Saturninus, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. Those who melt down the statues of the Emperor which have already been consecrated, or commit any other act of this kind, are liable under the Julian Law relating to lese majesty.
Dig. 48,13,9Venuleius Saturninus libro secundo iudiciorum publicorum. Peculatus crimen ante quinquennium admissum obici non oportet.
Venuleius Saturninus, Public Prosecutions, Book II. The crime of peculation cannot be prosecuted after the lapse of five years.
Ex libro III
Dig. 48,11,4Venuleius Saturninus libro tertio publicorum iudiciorum. vel quo magis aut minus quid ex officio suo faceret.
Venuleius Saturninus, Public Prosecutions, Book III. Or for doing more or less than he was obliged to do in the performance of his official duty.
Dig. 48,11,6Venuleius Saturninus libro tertio publicorum iudiciorum. Eadem lege tenentur, qui ob denuntiandum vel non denuntiandum testimonium pecuniam acceperint. 1Hac lege damnatus testimonium publice dicere aut iudex esse postulareve prohibetur. 2Lege Iulia repetundarum cavetur, ne quis ob militem legendum mittendumve aes accipiat, neve quis ob sententiam in senatu consiliove publico dicendam pecuniam accipiat, vel ob accusandum vel non accusandum: utque urbani magistratus ob omni sorde se abstineant neve plus doni muneris in anno accipiant, quam quod sit aureorum centum.
Venuleius Saturninus, Public Prosecutions, Book I. Those are liable under the same law who receive money either for testifying, or for not testifying. 1He who is convicted under this law is forbidden to testify in public, or to be a judge, or to prosecute a crime. 2It is provided by the Julian Law relating to Extortion that: “No one shall take money for the purpose of enlisting or discharging a soldier, nor shall anyone accept money for giving his opinion in the Senate or in a public council, or to accuse, or not to accuse anyone; and city magistrates must abstain from all kinds of corruption, and not receive in gifts or presents more than a hundred aurei during the entire year.”
Dig. 48,13,10Idem ex libro tertio iudiciorum publicorum. Qui tabulam aeream legis formamve agrorum aut quid aliud continentem refixerit vel quid inde immutaverit, lege Iulia peculatus tenetur. 1Eadem lege tenetur, qui quid in tabulis publicis deleverit vel induxerit.
The Same, Public Prosecutions, Book III. Anyone who removes the brazen tablet of the law containing the boundaries of fields or anything else, or changes it in any way, is liable under the Julian Law relating to Peculation. 1He who erases anything from the public registers, or inserts anything therein, is liable under this law.