Interdictorum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 43,24,2Venuleius libro secundo interdictorum. ne in aliena potestate sit condicionem meam nihil delinquentis deteriorem facere.
Venuleius, Interdicts, Book II. So that it may not be within the power of another to render my condition worse, without my being guilty of any offence.
Dig. 43,24,4Venuleius libro secundo interdictorum. Servius etiam eum clam facere, qui existimare debeat sibi controversiam futuram, quia non opinionem cuius et resupinam existimationem esse oporteat, ne melioris condicionis sint stulti quam periti.
Ad Dig. 43,24,4ROHGE, Bd. 12 (1874), Nr. 58, S. 172: Voraussetzung der Aufmerksamkeit des Geschäftsmannes bei Behandlung seiner Angelegenheiten. Seeversicherung. Kenntniß erheblicher Umstände.Venuleius, Interdicts, Book II. Servius says that he is held to have acted clandestinely, even if he thinks that no controversy will arise with reference to what he does; for it is not necessary to pay attention to every one’s inconsiderate opinion and judgment, otherwise, fools would be in a better condition than wise men.
Dig. 43,24,8Venuleius libro secundo interdictorum. nam origo huius rei a solo proficiscitur. ceterum per se tegulae non possidentur, sed cum universitate aedificii, nec ad rem pertinet, adfixae sunt an tantum positae.
Venuleius, Interdicts, Book II. For the origin of things of this kind is derived from the soil. Moreover, tiles are not of themselves possessed, but only with the entire edifice, nor does it make any difference whether they are attached to it, or only placed upon it.
Dig. 43,24,10Venuleius libro secundo interdictorum. quia acervus solo non cohaeret, sed terra sustinetur, aedificia autem solo cohaerent.
Venuleius, Interdicts, Book II. This is because the pile of straw is not attached to the soil, but is supported by it, but buildings are attached to the soil.
Dig. 43,24,12Venuleius libro secundo interdictorum. Quamquam autem colonus et fructuarius fructuum nomine in hoc interdictum admittantur, tamen et domino id competet, si quid praeterea eius intersit.
Venuleius, Interdicts, Book II. Although a tenant and an usufructuary are entitled to the benefit of this interdict with reference to the crops, still, the owner will also be entitled to it if he has any additional interest.
Dig. 43,24,22Venuleius libro secundo interdictorum. Si vitem meam ex fundo meo in fundum tuum deprehenderis eaque in fundo tuo coaluerit, utile est interdictum quod vi aut clam intra annum: sed si annus praeterierit, nullam remanere actionem radices, quae in fundo meo sint, tuas fieri, quia his accessiones sint. 1Si quis vi aut clam araverit, puto eum teneri hoc interdicto perinde atque si fossam fecisset: non enim ex qualitate operis huic interdicto locus est, sed ex opere facto, quod cohaeret solo. 2Si ad ianuam meam tabulas fixeris et ego eas, priusquam tibi denuntiarem, refixero, deinde invicem interdicto quod vi aut clam egerimus: nisi remittas mihi, ut absolvar, condemnandum te, quasi rem non restituas, quanti mea intersit, aut certe exceptionem mihi profuturam ‘si non vi nec clam nec precario feceris’. 3Si stercus per fundum meum tuleris, cum id te facere vetuissem, quamquam nihil damni feceris mihi nec fundi mei mutaveris, tamen teneri te quod vi aut clam Trebatius ait. Labeo contra, ne etiam is, qui dumtaxat iter per fundum meum fecerit aut avem egerit venatusve fuerit sine ullo opere, hoc interdicto teneatur. 4Si quis proiectum aut stillicidium in sepulchrum immiserit, etiamsi ipsum monumentum non tangeret, recte cum eo agi, quod in sepulchro vi aut clam factum sit, quia sepulchri sit non solum is locus, qui recipiat humationem, sed omne etiam supra id caelum: eoque nomine etiam sepulchri violati agi posse. 5Si is, qui denuntiaverit se opus facturum, confestim opus fecerit, clam fecisse non intellegitur: nam si post tempus, videbitur clam fecisse.
Venuleius, Interdicts, Book II. If you have drawn over, and planted a sprout of one of my vines on your land, and it takes root, I will be entitled to the interdict Quod vi aut clam for the term of a year. If, however, the year should elapse, I shall no longer have a right of action; for even the roots which remain on my land become yours, because they are accessory. 1If anyone cultivates land with violence, or clandestinely, I think that he will be liable under this interdict, just as if he had dug a ditch; for the application of this interdict is not based upon the kind of work, but upon every description of labor which is performed upon the soil. 2If you attach a tablet to my door, and before serving notice upon you I remove it, and we then institute proceedings against one another under the interdict Quod vi aut clam, and you do not desist to enable me to be released, you should have judgment rendered against you for not restoring the property to its former condition, to the extent of my interest; or I can plead an exception based upon the fact that you have acted with violence, or clandestinely, or under a precarious title. 3If you throw manure upon my premises, after I have forbidden you to do so, Trebatius says that you will be liable under the interdict Quod vi aut clam, even though you cause me no damage, and do not change the appearance of my land. Labeo is of the opposite opinion, for he holds that anyone will not be liable under this interdict who merely makes a road through my land, or releases a bird of prey there, or hunts upon it, without constructing any new work. 4If anyone extends his roof or gutter above a tomb, even if it does not touch the monument itself, proceedings can, nevertheless, lawfully be instituted against him by means of the interdict Quod vi aut clam, because a sepulchre is not only a place intended for interment, but is entitled to all the air above it, and, on this account, the action for violation of a tomb can be brought. 5If he who served notice that he was about to undertake a new work should begin it immediately, he will not be understood to have done so clandestinely; but he will be considered to have acted clandestinely if he undertakes it after the designated time has expired.