Actionum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 33,2,43Venuleius libro decimo actionum. Nihil interest, utrum bonorum quis an rerum tertiae partis usum fructum legaverit: nam si bonorum usus fructus legabitur, etiam aes alienum ex bonis deducetur, et quod in actionibus erit, computabitur. at si certarum rerum usus fructus legatus erit, non idem observabitur.
Venuleius, Actions, Book X. It makes no difference whether the testator bequeaths the usufruct of the third part of property, or the usufruct of the third part of certain property, for where the usufruct of property in general is left, the debts are deducted from it, and any accounts which may be due are credited. Where the usufruct of certain property is bequeathed, the same rule is not observed.
Dig. 34,4,32Venuleius libro decimo actionum. Detrahere legatis vel adicere, si nihil praeter pecuniam numeratam legatum sit, promptum est: cum vero res corporales intervenient, et scriptura difficilior fit et obscura portio. 1Cum libertas adimitur, legata servis relicta nihil attinet adimi.
Venuleius, Actions, Book X. It is easy to take anything from, or add anything to a legacy, where only a sum of money was bequeathed, but where certain corporeal property is concerned, it is more difficult to express this in writing, and the division is likely to be unintelligible. 1Where the freedom bequeathed to slaves is taken away from them, nothing is gained by specifically depriving them of their legacies.