Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Ven. Actionum lib.Venuleii Actionum libri

Actionum libri


Ex libro IV

Dig. 43,26,21Venuleius libro quarto actionum. Cum precario quis rogat, ut ipsi in eo fundo morari liceat, supervacuum est adici ‘ipsi suisque’: nam per ipsum suis quoque permissum uti videtur.

Venuleius, Actions, Book IV. When anyone obtains permission to reside upon land under a precarious tenure, it is superfluous for the words, “For him and his household” to be added; for it is understood that permission is granted through him for his family to make use of the property.

Ex libro V

Dig. 21,1,65Venuleius libro quinto actionum. Animi potius quam corporis vitium est, veluti si ludos adsidue velit spectare aut tabulas pictas studiose intueatur, sive etiam mendax aut similibus vitiis teneatur. 1Quotiens morbus sonticus nominatur, eum significari Cassius ait, qui noceat: nocere autem intellegi, qui perpetuus est, non qui tempore finiatur: sed morbum sonticum eum videri, qui inciderit in hominem postquam is natus sit: sontes enim nocentes dici. 2Servus tam veterator quam novicius dici potest. sed veteratorem non spatio serviendi, sed genere et causa aestimandum Caelius ait: nam quicumque ex venalicio noviciorum emptus alicui ministerio praepositus sit, statim eum veteratorum numero esse: novicium autem non tirocinio animi, sed condicione servitutis intellegi. nec ad rem pertinere, Latine sciat nec ne: nam ob id veteratorem esse, si liberalibus studiis eruditus sit.

Venuleius, Actions, Book V. It is a mental rather than a physical defect, for a slave to wish to constantly be present at exhibitions, or to carefully examine paintings, or even to be untruthful, or to have similar faults. 1Whenever a chronic disease is mentioned, Cassius says this means one which is harmful. The word, however, should be understood to signify an affection which is constant, and not ended by time. A chronic disease is held to be one which attacks a man after his birth, for the word chronic means continuous. 2A slave can be styled experienced, or a novice. Cælius says that an experienced slave should be valued, not on account of the time he has been in servitude, but because of his ability and qualifications; for where anyone, at a sale, purchases a slave who is a novice and employs him in some service, he is immediately included in the number of those who are experienced, since inexperience is understood to be dependent, not upon the undeveloped state of the mind, but upon the condition of servitude. It makes no difference whether he understands Latin or not, for a slave is not held to be experienced merely because he happens to be learned in the liberal arts and sciences.

Ex libro VII

Dig. 40,12,44Venuleius libro septimo actionum. Licet dubitatum antea fuit, utrum servus dumtaxat an libertus iurando patrono obligaretur in his quae libertatis causa imponuntur, tamen verius est non aliter quam liberum obligari. ideo autem solet iusiurandum a servis exigere, ut hi religione adstricti, posteaquam suae potestatis esse coepissent, iurandi necessitatem haberent, dummodo in continenti, cum manumissus est, aut iuret aut promittat. 1Licet autem circa donum munus operas etiam uxorum personas inserere. 2In eum, qui impubes iuraverit, scilicet qui et iurare potuerit, danda est utilis actio operarum nomine, cum pubes tamen factus erit. potest tamen et impubes operas dare, veluti si nomenculator sit vel histrio.

Venuleius, Actions, Book VII. Although it was formerly doubtful whether only a slave or a freedman could be obliged by his patron to swear to observe the conditions which were imposed upon him in consideration of his liberty, it is, however, better to hold that he cannot be bound to a greater extent than a freeman. Hence it is customary to exact this oath from slaves, in order that they may be restrained by religion, and be required to again be sworn after they become their own masters; provided they take the oath, or make the promise at the very time when they are manumitted. 1Moreover, it is lawful to insert the name of the wife with reference to any donation, present, or daily labor to be given or performed by the manumitted slave. 2A prætorian action on account of labor to be performed should be granted against one who, before reaching the age of puberty, took the oath, that is to say if he was legally capable of doing so; as a boy under the age of puberty can render services if he is either a nomenclator or an actor.

Ex libro VIII

Dig. 46,5,11Venuleius libro octavo actionum. In eiusmodi stipulationibus, quae ‘quanti ea res est’ promissionem habent, commodius est certam summam comprehendere, quoniam plerumque difficilis probatio est, quanti cuiusque intersit, et ad exiguam summam deducitur.

Venuleius, Actions, Book VIII. In stipulations which include a promise of as much as the property is worth, it is more convenient to mention a definite sum, for the reason that it is frequently difficult to prove the amount of the interest of each of the persons in question and this is reduced to a very small sum.

Ex libro X

Dig. 33,2,43Venuleius libro decimo actionum. Nihil interest, utrum bonorum quis an rerum tertiae partis usum fructum legaverit: nam si bonorum usus fructus legabitur, etiam aes alienum ex bonis deducetur, et quod in actionibus erit, computabitur. at si certarum rerum usus fructus legatus erit, non idem observabitur.

Venuleius, Actions, Book X. It makes no difference whether the testator bequeaths the usufruct of the third part of property, or the usufruct of the third part of certain property, for where the usufruct of property in general is left, the debts are deducted from it, and any accounts which may be due are credited. Where the usufruct of certain property is bequeathed, the same rule is not observed.

Dig. 34,4,32Venuleius libro decimo actionum. Detrahere legatis vel adicere, si nihil praeter pecuniam numeratam legatum sit, promptum est: cum vero res corporales intervenient, et scriptura difficilior fit et obscura portio. 1Cum libertas adimitur, legata servis relicta nihil attinet adimi.

Venuleius, Actions, Book X. It is easy to take anything from, or add anything to a legacy, where only a sum of money was bequeathed, but where certain corporeal property is concerned, it is more difficult to express this in writing, and the division is likely to be unintelligible. 1Where the freedom bequeathed to slaves is taken away from them, nothing is gained by specifically depriving them of their legacies.