Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 4,4,33Aburnius Valens libro sexto fideicommissorum. Si minor viginti quinque annis servum suum, qui pluris, quam in testamento ei legatum sit, manumittere rogatus fuerit et legatum acceperit, non cogendum praestare libertatem, si legatum reddere paratus sit, Iulianus respondit: ut quemadmodum maioribus liberum sit non accipere, si nolint manumittere, sic huic reddenti legatum necessitas manumittendi remittatur.
Aburnius Valens, Trusts, Book VI. Where a minor under twenty-five years of age is requested to manumit his slave, who is worth more than the legacy bequeathed in the will to said minor, and he accepts the legacy; he cannot be forced to grant freedom to the slave if he is ready to return the legacy. Julianus was of the opinion that, as minors have the right to decline a legacy if they are unwilling to manumit a slave; so a minor, in this instance, if he returns the legacy, is released from the necessity of manumission.
Dig. 35,2,37Valens libro sexto de fideicommissis. Eius servi aestimatio perinde ac statuliberi fieri debet. 1Sed et si heres servum alienum rogatus est manumittere, placuit ut etiam huius pretium ex aestimatione hereditatis deduci debeat.
Valens, On Trusts, Book VI. The appraisement of such a slave should be made in the same way as that of one who is to become free under a certain condition. 1Where, however, the heir was charged to manumit a slave belonging to another, it was decided that the price of the said slave should also be deducted from the assets of the estate.
Dig. 38,1,47Idem libro sexto fideicommissorum. Campanus scribit non debere praetorem pati donum munus operas imponi ei, qui ex fideicommissi causa manumittatur. sed si, cum sciret posse se id recusare, obligari se passus sit, non inhibendam operarum petitionem, quia donasse videtur.
The Same, Trusts, Book VI. Campanus says that the Prætor should not allow the promise of any gift, present, or service to be imposed upon a slave who is manumitted under the terms of a trust. If, however, he permitted himself to be bound by an obligation, when he was aware that he could refuse, a suit to compel the performance of services should not be denied, because the slave is held to have donated them.