Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 32,19Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Si tibi legatum est vel fideicommissum relictum, uti quid facias, etiamsi non interest heredis id fieri, negandam tibi actionem, si non caveas heredi futurum, quod defunctus voluit, Nerva et Atilicinus recte putaverunt.
Valens, Trusts, Book V. Nerva and Atilicinus very properly held that where a legacy was bequeathed to you, or a trust was left requiring you to perform some act, even if it was not to the interest of the heir for this to be done, the right to bring an action should be denied to you, if you did not furnish security to the heir to comply with the will of the deceased.
Dig. 34,4,28Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Si tibi certam rem legavero et rogavero te, ut eam Titio restitueres, deinde eandem rem tibi fideicommisero nec rogavero te, ut alii eam praestares, quaeritur, an in tua potestate sit ex causa fideicommissi eligere, ut fideicommissum non praestes. et magis posteriorem scripturam testamenti placuit spectari.
Valens, Trusts, Book V. If I should bequeath certain property to you, and ask you to deliver it to Titius, and then should leave you the same property under a trust, but should not request you to deliver it to anyone, the question arises whether it is in your power to select the property under the terms of the second trust in order to avoid the execution of the first one. It has been established that it is better to take into consideration the last provision of the will.
Dig. 38,1,46Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Liberta si in concubinatu patroni esset, perinde ac si nupta eidem esset, operarum petitionem in eam dari non oportere constat.
Dig. 49,14,42Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Arrianus Severus praefectus aerarii, cum eius, qui tacite rogatus fuerat non capienti fideicommissum reddere, bona publicata erant, pronuntiavit nihilo minus ius deferendi ex constitutione divi Traiani habere eum cui fideicommissum erat relictum. 1Quia autem nonnulli ingrati adversus beneficium divi Traiani post professionem quoque de tacito fideicommisso factam cum possessoribus transigunt atque tribus edictis evocati non respondent, placuit senatui tantum ab eo qui id fecisset exigi, quantum apud aerarium ex ea causa quam detulerat remanere oporteret, si professionem suam implesset: et si possessoris quoque fraus apud praefectum convicta fuisset, ab eo quoque quod convictus inferre debuisset exigi.
Valens, Trusts, Book V. Arrianus Severus, Prefect of the Treasury, in a case where the estate of one who had been secretly charged with a trust for the benefit of a person who could not receive it, and the property of the trustee was confiscated, decided that he to whom the trust had been left had still the right to give information, according to the Constitution of the Divine Trajan. 1Moreover, for the reason that some persons display ingratitude towards the privilege granted by the Divine Trajan, and, after they have revealed the existence of a secret trust, compromise with the possessors, and, after having been summoned by the Edict, fail to answer, it was decreed by the Senate that as much should be collected from him who had acted in this manner as the Senate would have obtained through the informer, if he had proved his allegations; and if the fraud of the possessor should be established before the Prefect, as much should be collected from him as he would have been compelled to pay if he had been convicted.