Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 32,12Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. ‘Stichus liber esto: et ut eum heres artificium doceat, unde se tueri possit, peto’. Pegasus inutile fideicommissum esse ait, quia genus artificii adiectum non esset: sed praetor aut arbiter ex voluntate defuncti et aetate et condicione et natura ingenioque eius, cui relictum erit, statuet, quod potissimum artificium heres docere eum sumptibus suis debeat.
Valens, Trusts, Book I. “Let Stichus be free, and I request my heir to teach him a trade, in order that he may be able to support himself.” Pegasus says that the trust is void, because the kind of trade was not stated. But the Prætor or the Judge must determine, in accordance with the intention of the deceased, and the age, position, character, and talents of the slave to whom the bequest was made, what trade it would be best for the heir to teach him at his own expense.
Dig. 34,1,22Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. Cum alimenta per fideicommissum relicta sunt non adiecta quantitate, ante omnia inspiciendum est, quae defunctus solitus fuerat ei praestare, deinde quid ceteris eiusdem ordinis reliquerit: si neutrum apparuerit, tum ex facultatibus defuncti et caritate eius, cui fideicommissum datum erit, modus statui debebit. 1Qui fratris sui libertis alimenta debebat, his testamento vineas cum hac adiectione reliquerat ‘ut habeant, unde se pascant’. si pro alimentis vineas reliquisset, non aliter eis ex fideicommissi causa eas praestari debere, quam si testamenti obligatione heredes liberassent: aut, si id omissum fuisset et postea ex testamento agerent, doli mali exceptione tutum heredem futurum, scilicet si non minus valent vineae quam alimentorum aestimatio. illam autem adiectionem ‘ut habeant unde se pascant’ magis ad causam praelegandi quam ad usum fructum constituendum pertinere.
Valens, Trusts, Book I. Where maintenance is left by the terms of a trust, and the amount is not stated, what the deceased was accustomed to furnish the legatee must be learned before anything else is done, and then what he left to others of the same rank must be ascertained. If neither of these things can be found out, the amount must then be determined according to the means of the deceased, and the affection which he entertained toward the party for whose benefit the trust was created. 1A testator, who was already under obligations to provide support for the freedmen of his brother, bequeathed to them certain vineyards by his will, with the following addition: “That they may have them in order to provide themselves with food.” If he left them these vineyards instead of the support which he was obliged to provide, they should not be transferred under the terms of the trust, unless the heirs are freed from the obligations imposed by the will; for if this should fail to be done, and he should afterwards bring suit under the will, the heir could protect himself by an exception on the ground of fraud; that is to say, if the vineyards were not worth less than the amount furnished for support. The addition, “That they may have them in order to provide themselves with food,” rather shows the reason for making the bequest, than an intention to establish an usufruct.
Dig. 35,1,87Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. Quod traditum est in legatis novissimam, in libertatibus levissimam condicionem spectandam esse,
Dig. 35,1,89Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. non ad ea dumtaxat pertinet, quae saepius sub diversis condicionibus, sed etiam quae primo pure, deinde sub condicione dantur. itaque quod heres pure dare iussus est quodve pure legatum est, cum id ex intervallo sub condicione legatum est, posterius valet: si prius sub condicione, deinde pure legatum est, praesens debetur. quod si pure legatum ex continenti heres sub condicione damnatus aut rogatus est dare, perinde est, ac si iuncta subiecta scriptura idem legatum esset, vel ut praesens vindicari, si hoc voluerit legatarius, vel, cum condicio exstiterit, ab herede peti possit, nisi commemoratione superioris legati posterius scriptum fuerit, velut: ‘Stichum, quem illi legavi, heres meus ei, si illud factum erit, dato’: tunc enim revocandi animo praesens legatum et sub condicione dandi ita scribsisse videbitur: et si ante condicionem rem vindicet, doli exceptio locum habere poterit.
Valens, Trusts, Book I. This has reference not only to provisions which are often dependent upon different conditions, but also to dispositions which are at first absolutely made, and have afterwards become conditional. Therefore, where the heir is ordered to pay something absolutely, or where the bequest is absolute, and the same property is subsequently bequeathed under a condition, the last bequest will be valid. If the property is first left under a condition and afterwards absolutely, it will be payable immediately. If, however, the legacy is bequeathed absolutely and the heir is charged or requested to pay it at once under a certain condition, it is the same as if the bequest had been made in two places, so that, if the legatee desires, he can bring suit for its recovery immediately, or it can be claimed by the heir when the condition has been fulfilled, unless the legacy has only been mentioned the second time by way of calling attention to the first, for example, “Let my heir give Stichus to the party to whom I have bequeathed him, if he does such-and-such a thing,” for, in this instance, the testator is not considered to have made this provision for the purpose of revoking the bequest, and changing it to a conditional one, and if the legatee should bring suit to recover the property before the condition was complied with, an exception on the ground of bad faith will be a bar to further proceedings.
Dig. 36,2,29Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. ‘Rogo, quandoque heres meus Titio decem det’: utique decem heres debebit, sed quando, dubitari potest: utrum cum primum potuerit, et dies cedit et ab ipso petitur.