Actionum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 36,4,15Valens libro septimo actionum. Interdum licet dolo malo fecerit heres, quo minus res in causa hereditaria maneant, non poterit in possessionem earum legatarius mitti, veluti si locum religiosum fecerit aut quid publice consecraverit permissu scilicet imperatoris aut aliquem non in fraudem creditoris manumiserit.
Valens, Actions, Book VII. Sometimes, although the heir may have acted fraudulently and caused the property of the estate to be diminished, the legatee can not be placed in possession of it; as, for example, where he has rendered some of the land religious, or has publicly consecrated a part of the same, for instance, with the consent of the Emperor; or where he has manumitted a slave without the intention of defrauding creditors.