Aburnii Valentis Opera
Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 32,12Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. ‘Stichus liber esto: et ut eum heres artificium doceat, unde se tueri possit, peto’. Pegasus inutile fideicommissum esse ait, quia genus artificii adiectum non esset: sed praetor aut arbiter ex voluntate defuncti et aetate et condicione et natura ingenioque eius, cui relictum erit, statuet, quod potissimum artificium heres docere eum sumptibus suis debeat.
Valens, Trusts, Book I. “Let Stichus be free, and I request my heir to teach him a trade, in order that he may be able to support himself.” Pegasus says that the trust is void, because the kind of trade was not stated. But the Prætor or the Judge must determine, in accordance with the intention of the deceased, and the age, position, character, and talents of the slave to whom the bequest was made, what trade it would be best for the heir to teach him at his own expense.
Dig. 34,1,22Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. Cum alimenta per fideicommissum relicta sunt non adiecta quantitate, ante omnia inspiciendum est, quae defunctus solitus fuerat ei praestare, deinde quid ceteris eiusdem ordinis reliquerit: si neutrum apparuerit, tum ex facultatibus defuncti et caritate eius, cui fideicommissum datum erit, modus statui debebit. 1Qui fratris sui libertis alimenta debebat, his testamento vineas cum hac adiectione reliquerat ‘ut habeant, unde se pascant’. si pro alimentis vineas reliquisset, non aliter eis ex fideicommissi causa eas praestari debere, quam si testamenti obligatione heredes liberassent: aut, si id omissum fuisset et postea ex testamento agerent, doli mali exceptione tutum heredem futurum, scilicet si non minus valent vineae quam alimentorum aestimatio. illam autem adiectionem ‘ut habeant unde se pascant’ magis ad causam praelegandi quam ad usum fructum constituendum pertinere.
Valens, Trusts, Book I. Where maintenance is left by the terms of a trust, and the amount is not stated, what the deceased was accustomed to furnish the legatee must be learned before anything else is done, and then what he left to others of the same rank must be ascertained. If neither of these things can be found out, the amount must then be determined according to the means of the deceased, and the affection which he entertained toward the party for whose benefit the trust was created. 1A testator, who was already under obligations to provide support for the freedmen of his brother, bequeathed to them certain vineyards by his will, with the following addition: “That they may have them in order to provide themselves with food.” If he left them these vineyards instead of the support which he was obliged to provide, they should not be transferred under the terms of the trust, unless the heirs are freed from the obligations imposed by the will; for if this should fail to be done, and he should afterwards bring suit under the will, the heir could protect himself by an exception on the ground of fraud; that is to say, if the vineyards were not worth less than the amount furnished for support. The addition, “That they may have them in order to provide themselves with food,” rather shows the reason for making the bequest, than an intention to establish an usufruct.
Dig. 35,1,87Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. Quod traditum est in legatis novissimam, in libertatibus levissimam condicionem spectandam esse,
Dig. 35,1,89Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. non ad ea dumtaxat pertinet, quae saepius sub diversis condicionibus, sed etiam quae primo pure, deinde sub condicione dantur. itaque quod heres pure dare iussus est quodve pure legatum est, cum id ex intervallo sub condicione legatum est, posterius valet: si prius sub condicione, deinde pure legatum est, praesens debetur. quod si pure legatum ex continenti heres sub condicione damnatus aut rogatus est dare, perinde est, ac si iuncta subiecta scriptura idem legatum esset, vel ut praesens vindicari, si hoc voluerit legatarius, vel, cum condicio exstiterit, ab herede peti possit, nisi commemoratione superioris legati posterius scriptum fuerit, velut: ‘Stichum, quem illi legavi, heres meus ei, si illud factum erit, dato’: tunc enim revocandi animo praesens legatum et sub condicione dandi ita scribsisse videbitur: et si ante condicionem rem vindicet, doli exceptio locum habere poterit.
Valens, Trusts, Book I. This has reference not only to provisions which are often dependent upon different conditions, but also to dispositions which are at first absolutely made, and have afterwards become conditional. Therefore, where the heir is ordered to pay something absolutely, or where the bequest is absolute, and the same property is subsequently bequeathed under a condition, the last bequest will be valid. If the property is first left under a condition and afterwards absolutely, it will be payable immediately. If, however, the legacy is bequeathed absolutely and the heir is charged or requested to pay it at once under a certain condition, it is the same as if the bequest had been made in two places, so that, if the legatee desires, he can bring suit for its recovery immediately, or it can be claimed by the heir when the condition has been fulfilled, unless the legacy has only been mentioned the second time by way of calling attention to the first, for example, “Let my heir give Stichus to the party to whom I have bequeathed him, if he does such-and-such a thing,” for, in this instance, the testator is not considered to have made this provision for the purpose of revoking the bequest, and changing it to a conditional one, and if the legatee should bring suit to recover the property before the condition was complied with, an exception on the ground of bad faith will be a bar to further proceedings.
Dig. 36,2,29Valens libro primo fideicommissorum. ‘Rogo, quandoque heres meus Titio decem det’: utique decem heres debebit, sed quando, dubitari potest: utrum cum primum potuerit, et dies cedit et ab ipso petitur.
Ex libro II
Dig. 32,10Valens libro secundo fideicommissorum. Si tibi et ei, qui ex tribus liberis meis in funus meum venerit, centum aureos legavero, non minuitur in tua persona legatum, si nemo venit.
Dig. 32,94Valens libro secundo fideicommissorum. Is, qui complures libertos relinquebat, tribus ex his fundum legaverat et petierat, ut curarent, ne de nomine suo exiret. quaerebatur, ex tribus qui primus moriebatur utrum utrique vel alteri ex his, qui sibi in legato coniuncti essent, relinquere partem suam deberet, an possit vel alii conliberto suo eam relinquere. placuit, etsi voluntatis quaestio esset, satis illum facturum etsi alii reliquisset. quod si nulli dedisset, occupantis an omnium conlibertorum et num eorum tantum, quibus pariter legatum esset, petitio fideicommissi esset, dubitabatur. et Iulianus recte omnibus debere putavit.
Valens, Trusts, Book II. A man who left several freedmen devised a tract of land to three of them, and requested them to see that its name was not changed. The question arose if, when the first one of the three died, he would be obliged to leave his share to both of his co-legatees who were joined with him in the legacy, or only to one of them; or whether he could leave it to another who was his fellow-freedman. It was decided that although this was a question of intention, still, the wishes of the testator would be sufficiently complied with if the legatee should leave the land to another of his fellow-freedmen. Where, however, he did not give it to any, could it not be doubted whether the claim for the execution of the trust would belong to the more diligent of the fellow-freedmen, or to all of them; or whether it would only belong to those to whom the legacy was jointly bequeathed? Julianus very properly held that the claim belonged to all the freedmen.
Dig. 33,1,25Valens libro secundo fideicommissorum. Filio familias, quoad in potestate patris sit, in annos singulos dena dari possunt.
Dig. 50,8,6Valens libro secundo fideicommissorum. Legatam municipio pecuniam in aliam rem quam defunctus voluit convertere citra principis auctoritatem non licet. et ideo si unum opus fieri iusserit, quod Falcidiae legis interventu fieri non potest, permittitur summam, quae eo nomine debetur, in id, quod maxime necessarium rei publicae videatur, convertere: sive plures summae in plura opera legantur et legis Falcidiae interventu id quod relinquitur omnium operum exstructioni non sufficit, permittitur in unum opus, quod civitas velit, erogari. sed municipio pecuniam legatam, ut ex reditu eius venatio aut spectacula edantur, senatus in eas causas erogare vetuit: et pecuniam eo legatam in id, quod maxime necessarium municipibus videatur, conferre permittitur, ut in eo munificentia eius qui legavit inscriptione notetur.
Valens, Trusts, Book II. Where a bequest has been left to a town, it cannot be converted to any other use than that intended by the deceased, without the authority of the Emperor; and therefore, if the deceased directed a work to be constructed with it, which cannot be done after the reservation of the fourth authorized by the Falcidian Law, it is permitted for the sum of money to be employed for whatever may appear most necessary for the benefit of the town. The rule is the same where several sums of money are bequeathed for the construction of several works, and, after the deduction under the Falcidian Law, the remainder is not sufficient for the construction of them all, for the money is allowed to be expended for any single work which the State may wish to have constructed. Where, however, money was bequeathed in order that its income may be used for hunting, or for exhibitions, the Senate forbade it to be used for such purposes, and permitted the legacy to be expended upon what was most needed by the city, and to recognize the munificence of the person who made the bequest, authorized that the fact should be commemorated by an inscription.
Ex libro III
Dig. 36,1,69Valens libro tertio fideicommissorum. Si postulante me suspectam hereditatem ex decreto praetoris adieris nec ego postea eam mihi restitui velim nec bonis me immiscere, hoc fieri debet, ut (quod Octaveno non ineleganter videbatur) a praetore perinde actiones in me dentur, ac si hereditatem recepissem, quod est iustius. 1Etiam eo tempore, quo creditorum fraudandorum consilium inieris, citra periculum interdicti fraudatorii hereditatem suspectam adibis et restitues mihi, quia et remoto fideicommisso liberum tibi fuerat nolenti adire hereditatem creditores tuos tali commodo fraudare, et ego nihil turpiter faciam recipiendo eam hereditatem, quam remota postulatione mea creditores compellere te ut adires non potuerint. 2Sed et filius suus heres patri rogatus sit a patre hereditatem mihi restituere, cum suorum creditorum fraudandorum consilium inisset, tamquam suspectam ex decreto praetoris restituerit mihi, vix fraudatorio interdicto locus erit, quia bonis patris eius venditis nihil proprium creditores eius ex ea hereditate ferre potuerint: nisi forte proprii creditores filii audiri debeant, si postulent, ut dimissis patris eius bona vendere sibi permittatur. 3Si donationis causa suspectam hereditatem sibi heres dixerit et restituerit ei, qui solidum capere non possit, auferetur ei id quod capere non potest. idem dicendum est et si citra consilium donandi fiduciarius heres id fecerit.
Valens, Trusts, Book III. If, upon my application, and, under the decree of the Prætor, you accept an estate suspected of being insolvent, and I should afterwards be unwilling to have it transferred to me, or to concern myself with it, the following course (which is not improperly approved by Octavenus) should be pursued, namely, the Prætor should grant actions against me just as if I had received the estate; which opinion is perfectly correct. 1At the same time when you have formed a design to defraud your creditors, you can enter upon an estate suspected of being insolvent, and transfer it to me, without running the risk of an interdict on the ground of fraud; because, even though you were not charged with the trust in my favor, you are at liberty to refuse to accept the estate, and by doing so can defraud your creditors; and I will not act dishonorably in accepting the said estate which your creditors could not have compelled you to enter upon if I had not required you to do so. 2Where a son, who is his own master, becomes the heir of his father, and is charged by him to transfer his estate to me; and, having formed the design of defrauding his creditors, transfers the estate to me under the decree of the Prætor, after having pretended that he believes it to be insolvent, there will hardly be ground for the application of an interdict based on fraud; because if the property of his father had been sold, his creditors could not have obtained anything belonging to him out of the estate; unless the creditors of the son himself should be heard, if they ask to be permitted to sell the property of the son without including that of the father. 3If the heir, for the purpose of making a donation, should say that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, and should transfer it to someone who has no right to take it, the beneficiary of the trust shall be deprived of that to which he is not legally entitled. The same rule will apply where the fiduciary heir does this without the intention of making a donation.
Ex libro IV
Dig. 36,1,70Idem libro quarto fideicommissorum. Si heres, ab eo qui cum moreretur solvendo non fuit rogatus hereditatem restituere, suspectam sibi dicit, dubium non est, quin hodie coactus ex Trebelliano senatus consulto restituere possit. sed et si sua sponte adierit, ex eodem senatus consulto restituturus est, quamvis, cum summa aut certum corpus per fideicommissum ab eo qui solvendo non fuit datum est, perinde non debeatur atque si legatum esset: eo enim casu legatarii, superiore heredis vice fungi eum, cui fideicommissum relictum est. 1Si totam hereditatem rogatus restituere tu sponte adieris et, sine deductione quartae partis restitueris, difficile quidem crederis per ignorantiam magis, non explendi fideicommissi causa hoc fecisse: sed si probaveris per errorem te quartam non retinuisse, reciperare eam poteris.
The Same, Trusts, Book IV. Where an heir, who was asked to transfer an estate by a person who was bankrupt at the time of his death, alleges that he thinks that it is insolvent, there is no doubt that, under the present interpretation of the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, he can be compelled to transfer the estate, and, even though he should accept it voluntarily, it must be: transferred under the said Decree, although, if a certain sum of money, or a specified article of property should be given in trust by one who is insolvent, it is considered not to be due, just as if it had been directly bequeathed; for, in this instance, the person to whom the property is left in trust takes the place of a legatee, while, in the former one, he takes the place of the heir. 1If, having been charged to transfer an estate, you accept it voluntarily, and deliver it without deducting the fourth, it will be difficult to believe that you have done this rather through ignorance, than for the purpose of more completely executing the trust. If, however, you can prove that you did not reserve the fourth through mistake, you can recover it.
Ex libro V
Dig. 32,19Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Si tibi legatum est vel fideicommissum relictum, uti quid facias, etiamsi non interest heredis id fieri, negandam tibi actionem, si non caveas heredi futurum, quod defunctus voluit, Nerva et Atilicinus recte putaverunt.
Valens, Trusts, Book V. Nerva and Atilicinus very properly held that where a legacy was bequeathed to you, or a trust was left requiring you to perform some act, even if it was not to the interest of the heir for this to be done, the right to bring an action should be denied to you, if you did not furnish security to the heir to comply with the will of the deceased.
Dig. 34,4,28Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Si tibi certam rem legavero et rogavero te, ut eam Titio restitueres, deinde eandem rem tibi fideicommisero nec rogavero te, ut alii eam praestares, quaeritur, an in tua potestate sit ex causa fideicommissi eligere, ut fideicommissum non praestes. et magis posteriorem scripturam testamenti placuit spectari.
Valens, Trusts, Book V. If I should bequeath certain property to you, and ask you to deliver it to Titius, and then should leave you the same property under a trust, but should not request you to deliver it to anyone, the question arises whether it is in your power to select the property under the terms of the second trust in order to avoid the execution of the first one. It has been established that it is better to take into consideration the last provision of the will.
Dig. 38,1,46Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Liberta si in concubinatu patroni esset, perinde ac si nupta eidem esset, operarum petitionem in eam dari non oportere constat.
Dig. 49,14,42Valens libro quinto fideicommissorum. Arrianus Severus praefectus aerarii, cum eius, qui tacite rogatus fuerat non capienti fideicommissum reddere, bona publicata erant, pronuntiavit nihilo minus ius deferendi ex constitutione divi Traiani habere eum cui fideicommissum erat relictum. 1Quia autem nonnulli ingrati adversus beneficium divi Traiani post professionem quoque de tacito fideicommisso factam cum possessoribus transigunt atque tribus edictis evocati non respondent, placuit senatui tantum ab eo qui id fecisset exigi, quantum apud aerarium ex ea causa quam detulerat remanere oporteret, si professionem suam implesset: et si possessoris quoque fraus apud praefectum convicta fuisset, ab eo quoque quod convictus inferre debuisset exigi.
Valens, Trusts, Book V. Arrianus Severus, Prefect of the Treasury, in a case where the estate of one who had been secretly charged with a trust for the benefit of a person who could not receive it, and the property of the trustee was confiscated, decided that he to whom the trust had been left had still the right to give information, according to the Constitution of the Divine Trajan. 1Moreover, for the reason that some persons display ingratitude towards the privilege granted by the Divine Trajan, and, after they have revealed the existence of a secret trust, compromise with the possessors, and, after having been summoned by the Edict, fail to answer, it was decreed by the Senate that as much should be collected from him who had acted in this manner as the Senate would have obtained through the informer, if he had proved his allegations; and if the fraud of the possessor should be established before the Prefect, as much should be collected from him as he would have been compelled to pay if he had been convicted.
Ex libro VI
Dig. 4,4,33Aburnius Valens libro sexto fideicommissorum. Si minor viginti quinque annis servum suum, qui pluris, quam in testamento ei legatum sit, manumittere rogatus fuerit et legatum acceperit, non cogendum praestare libertatem, si legatum reddere paratus sit, Iulianus respondit: ut quemadmodum maioribus liberum sit non accipere, si nolint manumittere, sic huic reddenti legatum necessitas manumittendi remittatur.
Aburnius Valens, Trusts, Book VI. Where a minor under twenty-five years of age is requested to manumit his slave, who is worth more than the legacy bequeathed in the will to said minor, and he accepts the legacy; he cannot be forced to grant freedom to the slave if he is ready to return the legacy. Julianus was of the opinion that, as minors have the right to decline a legacy if they are unwilling to manumit a slave; so a minor, in this instance, if he returns the legacy, is released from the necessity of manumission.
Dig. 35,2,37Valens libro sexto de fideicommissis. Eius servi aestimatio perinde ac statuliberi fieri debet. 1Sed et si heres servum alienum rogatus est manumittere, placuit ut etiam huius pretium ex aestimatione hereditatis deduci debeat.
Valens, On Trusts, Book VI. The appraisement of such a slave should be made in the same way as that of one who is to become free under a certain condition. 1Where, however, the heir was charged to manumit a slave belonging to another, it was decided that the price of the said slave should also be deducted from the assets of the estate.
Dig. 38,1,47Idem libro sexto fideicommissorum. Campanus scribit non debere praetorem pati donum munus operas imponi ei, qui ex fideicommissi causa manumittatur. sed si, cum sciret posse se id recusare, obligari se passus sit, non inhibendam operarum petitionem, quia donasse videtur.
The Same, Trusts, Book VI. Campanus says that the Prætor should not allow the promise of any gift, present, or service to be imposed upon a slave who is manumitted under the terms of a trust. If, however, he permitted himself to be bound by an obligation, when he was aware that he could refuse, a suit to compel the performance of services should not be denied, because the slave is held to have donated them.
Ex libro VII
Dig. 33,1,15Valens libro septimo fideicommissorum. Iavolenus eum, qui rogatus post decem annos restituere pecuniam ante diem restituerat, respondit, si propter capientis personam, quod rem familiarem tueri non posset, in diem fideicommissum relictum probetur et perdituro ei id heres ante diem restituisset, nullo modo liberatum esse: quod si tempus heredis causa prorogatum esset, ut commodum medii temporis ipse sentiret, liberatum eum intellegi: nam et plus eum praestitisse quam debuisset.
Valens, Trusts, Book VII. Javolenus gave it as his opinion, with reference to an heir who having been charged to pay a certain sum of money after the lapse of ten years paid it before the expiration of the time, that, if it could be proved that the trust had been left for the said period to benefit the party entitled to it, because he could not take care of the property, and the heir paid him the money before the time, knowing that he would squander it, he will, under no circumstances, be released from liability. If, however, the time had been fixed on account of the heir, in order that he might profit by the delay, it is understood that he will be released; and, indeed, it may be said that he paid more than he should have done.
Actionum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 36,4,15Valens libro septimo actionum. Interdum licet dolo malo fecerit heres, quo minus res in causa hereditaria maneant, non poterit in possessionem earum legatarius mitti, veluti si locum religiosum fecerit aut quid publice consecraverit permissu scilicet imperatoris aut aliquem non in fraudem creditoris manumiserit.
Valens, Actions, Book VII. Sometimes, although the heir may have acted fraudulently and caused the property of the estate to be diminished, the legatee can not be placed in possession of it; as, for example, where he has rendered some of the land religious, or has publicly consecrated a part of the same, for instance, with the consent of the Emperor; or where he has manumitted a slave without the intention of defrauding creditors.