De sponsalibus liber singularis
Dig. 23,1,2Ulpianus libro singulari de sponsalibus. Sponsalia autem dicta sunt a spondendo: nam moris fuit veteribus stipulari et spondere sibi uxores futuras,
Ulpianus, On Betrothals. “Betrothal” is derived from the word “promise,” for it is customary among the ancients to stipulate and promise wives to one another.
Dig. 23,1,12Ulpianus libro singulari de sponsalibus. sed quae patris voluntati non repugnat, consentire intellegitur. 1Tunc autem solum dissentiendi a patre licentia filiae conceditur, si indignum moribus vel turpem sponsum ei pater eligat.
Ulpianus, On Betrothals. A girl who evidently does not resist the will of her father is understood to give her consent. 1A daughter is only permitted to refuse to consent to her father’s wishes, where he selects someone for her husband who is unworthy on account of his habits or who is of infamous character.