Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro LI
Dig. 2,1,13Idem libro quinquagensimo primo ad Sabinum. Eum qui iudicare iubet magistratum esse oportet. 1Magistratus autem vel is qui in potestate aliqua sit, ut puta proconsul vel praetor vel alii qui provincias regunt, iudicare iubere eo die, quo privati futuri essent, non possunt.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book LI. He who orders anyone to act as judge must be a magistrate. 1A magistrate, or he who is invested with any authority, (as for instance, a Proconsul, a Prætor, or any other official who governs a province) cannot appoint a judge on the day on which he becomes a private person.
Dig. 4,5,6Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo primo ad Sabinum. Nam et cetera officia quae publica sunt, in eo non finiuntur: capitis enim minutio privata hominis et familiae eius iura, non civitatis amittit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book LI. For other public offices are not lost by a person whose status is changed in this way; for a change of status deprives a man of certain private and domestic rights, but it does not deprive him of those of citizenship.
Dig. 5,1,59Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo primo ad Sabinum. Si locus in iubendo iudicare non est comprehensus, videtur eo loco iudicare iussisse quo solet iudicari, sine incommodo litigantium.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book LI. If, in the appointment of a judge, the place in which he is to discharge his duties is not mentioned, he is held to be appointed to act in that place where he can do so without inconvenience to the litigants.
Dig. 12,3,1Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo primo ad Sabinum. Rem in iudicio deductam non idcirco pluris esse opinamur, quia crescere condemnatio potest ex contumacia non restituentis per iusiurandum in litem: non enim res pluris fit per hoc, sed ex contumacia aestimatur ultra rei pretium.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book LI. Where property is the subject of legal proceedings and an oath is taken with reference to the claim, we do not consider its value to be greater because the judgment may be for a larger amount on account of the contumacy of the defendant in not surrendering the property, as it does not by this means become more valuable; but its value is increased above what it is worth on account of the contumacy of the defendant:
Dig. 21,2,33Idem libro quinquagesimo primo ad Sabinum. Si servum emero et eundem vendidero, deinde emptori ob hoc fuero condemnatus, quia tradere non potui evictum, committitur stipulatio.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book LI. If I purchase a slave and sell him, and afterwards have judgment rendered against me in favor of the purchaser, because I could not deliver the slave on account of eviction, the stipulation becomes operative.
Dig. 42,1,55Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo primo ad Sabinum. Iudex posteaquam semel sententiam dixit, postea iudex esse desinit: et hoc iure utimur, ut iudex, qui semel vel pluris vel minoris condemnavit, amplius corrigere sententiam suam non possit: semel enim male seu bene officio functus est.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book LI. After a judge has once rendered his decision, he ceases to be judge so far as this case is concerned. It is our practice that a magistrate who has once rendered judgment for a larger or a smaller sum than was claimed cannot amend it, because he has performed the duty of his office well or ill, once for all.
Dig. 50,16,179Idem libro quinquagensimo primo ad Sabinum. Inter haec verba ‘quanti ea res erit’ vel ‘quanti eam rem esse paret’ nihil interest: in utraque enim clausula placet veram rei aestimationem fieri.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book LI. There is no difference between the expressions, “As much as a thing is worth,” and “As much as a thing appears to be worth,” for it has been established that in both instances a true valuation of the property must be made.
Dig. 50,17,37Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo primo ad Sabinum. Nemo, qui condemnare potest, absolvere non potest.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book LI. Anyone who has the power to condemn has also the power to acquit.