Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro L
Dig. 9,2,46Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad Sabinum. Si vulnerato servo lege Aquilia actum sit, postea mortuo ex eo vulnere agi lege Aquilia nihilo minus potest.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book L. If, where a slave is wounded, an action is brought under the Lex Aquilia, and the slave afterwards dies of the wound, an action can still be brought under the Lex Aquilia.
Dig. 34,4,12Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad Sabinum. ut Stichum legatarius eligere non possit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book L. As the legatee cannot select Stichus.
Dig. 45,1,41Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad Sabinum. Eum, qui ‘kalendis Ianuariis’ stipulatur, si adiciat ‘primis’ vel ‘proximis’, nullam habere dubitationem palam est: sed et si dicat ‘secundis’ vel ‘tertiis’ vel quibus aliis, aeque dirimit quaestionem. si autem non addat quibus Ianuariis, facti quaestionem inducere, quid forte senserit, hoc est quid inter eos acti sit (utique enim hoc sequimur quod actum est), easque adsumemus. si autem non appareat, dicendum est quod Sabinus, primas kalendas Ianuarias spectandas. plane si ipsa die kalendarum quis stipulationem interponat, quid sequemur? et puto actum videri de sequentibus kalendis. 1Quotiens autem in obligationibus dies non ponitur, praesenti die pecunia debetur, nisi si locus adiectus spatium temporis inducat, quo illo possit perveniri. verum dies adiectus efficit, ne praesenti die pecunia debeatur: ex quo apparet diei adiectionem pro reo esse, non pro stipulatore. 2Idem in idibus etiam et nonis probandum est et generaliter in omnibus diebus.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book L. It is clear that no doubt can arise where anyone stipulates for payment on the Kalends of January, and adds on “the first” or “the next.” And, also, if he mentions the second or the third, or any other, he also fixes the date beyond dispute. If, however, he does not mention what January, he introduces a question of fact as to his intention; that is to say, what was agreed upon between the parties; for we examine what was the intention, and decide accordingly. Where the intention is not evident, we must adopt the opinion of Sabinus, and hold that the first Kalends of January were meant. But if anyone makes a stipulation on the very day of the kalends, what rule shall we follow? I think that the intention should be considered to refer to the following kalends. 1Whenever the day is not stated in an obligation, the money is considered to be due at once; unless a place is mentioned which requires a certain time to arrive there. Where, however, a day is fixed, the effect is that the money will not immediately be due, from which it is clear that the mention of the time is in favor of the promisor, and not of the stipulator. 2This rule also applies to the ides, and the nones, and, generally speaking, to all dates.
Dig. 45,1,43Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad Sabinum. Si quis arbitratu puta Lucii Titii restitui sibi stipulatus est, deinde ipse stipulator moram fecerit, quo minus arbitretur Titius: promissor quasi moram fecerit, non tenetur. quid ergo si ipse, qui arbitrari debuit, moram fecerit? magis probandum est a persona non esse recedendum eius, cuius arbitrium insertum est.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book L. If anyone should stipulate that restitution shall be made to him, for instance, by the arbitration of Lucius Titius, and then the stipulator himself should cause Titius to delay in rendering his award, the promisor will not be liable for being in default. But what if he who is to decide the matter should cause delay? It will be better to hold that the case should not be withdrawn from the jurisdiction of him to whose arbitration it was submitted.
Dig. 45,1,45Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad Sabinum. Quodcumque stipulatur is, qui in alterius potestate est, pro eo habetur, ac si ipse esset stipulatus. 1Sicuti cum morietur quis stipulari potest, ita etiam hi, qui subiecti sunt alienae potestati, cum morientur stipulari possunt. 2Si ita quis stipulatus sit: ‘post mortem meam filiae meae dari?’ vel ita: ‘post mortem filiae meae mihi dari?’, utiliter erit stipulatus: sed primo casu filiae utilis actio competit, licet heres ei non existat. 3Non solum ita stipulari possumus: ‘cum morieris’, sed etiam: ‘si morieris’: nam sicuti inter haec nihil interest ‘cum veneris’ aut ‘si veneris’, ita nec ibi interest ‘si morieris’ et ‘cum morieris’. 4Filius patri dari stipulari videtur, etsi hoc non adiciat.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. Whatever one person stipulates in favor of another who has control over him will be considered as if the latter himself had made the stipulation. 1Just as anyone can stipulate for something “when he dies,” so, also, those who are subject to the authority of others can stipulate in such away that what they provide will take effect at the time of their death. 2Where anyone stipulates as follows, “Do you promise to pay my daughter after my death?” or, “Do you promise to pay me after my daughter’s death?” the stipulation will be valid; but, in the first case, the daughter will be entitled to an equitable action, although she may not be her father’s heir. 3We can stipulate not only, “When you die,” but also, “If you die,” for as there is no difference between “When you come,” or, “If you come,” likewise there is no difference between, “If you die,” and “When you die.” 4A son is understood to stipulate for payment to his father, even if he does not say so.
Dig. 45,1,47Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad Sabinum. Qui sic stipulatur: ‘quod te mihi illis kalendis dare oportet, id dare spondes?’ videtur non hodie stipulari, sed sua die, hoc est kalendis.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. Anyone who stipulates as follows, “Do you promise to pay what you ought to pay on these kalends” is understood to be stipulated not for to-day, but for the time agreed upon, that is to say, for the kalends.
Dig. 46,4,7Idem libro quinquagensimo ad Sabinum. Sane et sic acceptilatio fieri potest: ‘accepta facis decem?’ ille respondit ‘facio’.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book L. It is certain that a release can be made as follows, “Do you acknowledge the receipt of ten aurei?” and the other party answers “I do.”
Dig. 46,4,13Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad Sabinum. Et per iusiurandum liberti interpositam operarum obligationem per acceptilationem tolli verius est. 1Si id, quod in stipulationem deductum est, divisionem non recipiat, acceptilatio in partem nullius erit momenti, ut puta si servitus fuit praedii rustici vel urbani. plane si usus fructus sit in stipulatum deductus, puta fundi Titiani, poterit pro parte acceptilatio fieri et erit residuae partis fundi usus fructus. si tamen viam quis stipulatus accepto iter vel actum fecerit, acceptilatio nullius erit momenti: hoc idem est probandum, si actus accepto fuerit latus. si autem iter et actus accepto fuerit latus, consequens erit dicere liberatum eum, qui viam promisit. 2Illud certum est eum, qui fundum stipulatus usum fructum vel viam accepto facit, in ea esse causa, ut acceptilatio non valeat: qui enim accepto facit, vel totum vel partem eius, quod stipulatus est, debet accepto facere, hae autem partes non sunt, non magis quam si quis domum stipulatus accepto ferat cementa vel fenestras vel parietem vel diaetam. 3Si quis usum fructum stipulatus usum accepto tulerit, si quidem sic tulerit acceptum quasi usu debito, liberatio non continget: si vero quasi ex usu fructu, cum possit usus sine fructu constitui, dicendum est acceptilationem valere. 4Si is, qui hominem stipulatus est, Stichum accepto tulerit, Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quarto digestorum scripsit acceptilationem aliquid egisse tollisseque totam obligationem: quod enim invito stipulatori promissor solvere potest, id et acceptum latum liberationem pariet. 5Eum, qui fundum stipulatus est, non posse de dolo malo clausulam acceptum ferre constat: non enim in partem debiti id constitit, et aliud est quod debetur, aliud quod accepto fertur. 6Si Stichum aut decem sub condicione stipulatus Stichum acceptum fecerit et pendente condicione Stichus decesserit, decem in obligatione manebunt, perinde ac si acceptilatio interposita non fuisset. 7Si fideiussori accepto fuerit latum, cum reus re, non verbis fuisset obligatus, an reus quoque liberetur? et hoc iure utimur, ut, licet reus non sit verbis obligatus, tamen acceptilatione per fideiussorem liberetur. 8Si legatorum sub condicione relictorum fideiussori dato accepto latum sit, legata debebuntur postea condicione eorum existente. 9Qui ita stipulatur a fideiussore: ‘quod Titio credidero, fide tua esse iubes?’, deinde, antequam crederet, acceptum fecit fideiussori, reus non liberabitur, sed quandoque ei creditum fuerit, tenetur: nam et si fideiussorem non ante liberatum esse credimus, quam cum fuerit creditum reo, non tamen reus antiquiore acceptilatione, quam obligatio eius est, liberari potuit. 10Tutor, curator furiosi acceptum ferre non potuit, nec procurator quidem potest facere acceptum: sed hi omnes debent novare (possunt enim) et sic accepto facere. ne his quidem accepto fieri potest, sed novatione facta potuerunt liberari per acceptilationem. nam et in absentium persona hoc remedio uti solemus: stipulamur ab aliquo id novandi causa, quod nobis absens debet, et ita accepto liberamus, a quo stipulati sumus: ita fiet, ut absens novatione, praesens acceptilatione liberetur. 11Heres quoque et liberare et liberari accepto potest et honorarii successores. 12Ex pluribus reis stipulandi si unus acceptum fecerit, liberatio contingit in solidum.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book L. It is better to say that the obligation for services promised by the oath of a freedman can be extinguished by a release. 1If what is the object of a stipulation is not susceptible of division, the release of a portion of it will be of no force or effect; as, for instance, where it is a servitude attaching to a rustic or an urban estate. It is clear that if an usufruct, for instance, of the Titian Estate, is the object of the stipulation, a release can be made for a part of it, and the usufruct of the remaining portion of the land will continue to exist. If, however, anyone should stipulate for a right of way, and a stipulation is granted for a right of passage, or a driveway, it will be of no effect. This opinion should also be adopted if a release is made for a driveway. But where a release is granted for both a passage and a driveway, the result will be that he who promised the right of way will be released. 2It is certain that anyone who stipulates for a tract of land, and consents to the release of the usufruct, or of a right of way through said land, commits an act which renders the release void; for he who grants a release must do so for the entire right, or that part of it which is included in the stipulation. These things, however, are not parts of the land, any more than if someone, having stipulated for a house, should give a release for the stones or windows, or for a wall, or a room. 3Ad Dig. 46,4,13,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 202, Note 1.Where anyone having stipulated for an usufruct gives a release for the use, and does so believing that only the use was due, there will be no release. If, however, he did this in order to deduct it from the usufruct, when the use can be established without the usufruct, it must be held that the release is valid. 4Where anyone who stipulated for a slave gives a receipt for Stichus, Julianus, in the Fifty-fourth Book of the Digest, says that the release has an effect, and that is to extinguish the entire obligation; for what the promisor can pay to the stipulator, even against his consent, being the object of the release, discharges the former from liability. 5Where anyone stipulates for a tract of land, it is decided that the clause having reference to fraud cannot be included in the release, for this does not constitute a part of the debt, as what is due is one thing, and what is released is another. 6If anyone stipulates for Stichus, or ten aurei, under a condition, and receipts for Stichus, or ten aurei, and while the condition is pending, Stichus dies, the ten aurei will remain in the obligation, just as if a release had not been given. 7If a release is granted to a surety, where the principal debtor was liable on account of the property, but not by words, will he also be released? It is our practice that, although the principal debtor may not be bound by words, still he will be discharged from liability on account of the release granted to his surety. 8When a surety is given for a legacy payable under a condition, and a release is given him, the legacy will be due as soon as the condition upon which its payment is dependent is complied with. 9Where anyone stipulates with a surety as follows, “Do you promise to be responsible for what I shall lend to Titius?” and then, before he lends him the money, he gives a release to the surety, the principal debtor will not be discharged, but when the money is lent to him he will be liable. For, although we think that the surety is not released before the money is lent to the principal debtor, still the latter cannot be discharged by a release which precedes his obligation. 10The guardian or curator of an insane person cannot consent to a release, nor can an agent do so, but all these persons must make novations; for, in this way, they can grant releases. Nor can a release be made for their benefit, but if a novation is made first, they can be discharged by means of a release. We are accustomed to apply this remedy with reference to an absent person, when we stipulate with someone for the purpose of making a novation of what the former owes us, and in this way we release him with whom we have stipulated. The result is that the absent person is released by the novation, and the one who is present is freed from liability by a release. 11An heir, as well as prætorian successors, can release others, and be released in this manner. 12Where one of several joint-stipulators grants a release, it will apply to the entire amount which is due.