Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro XLVIII
Dig. 5,2,24Ulpianus libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Circa inofficiosi querellam evenire plerumque adsolet, ut in una atque eadem causa diversae sententiae proferantur. quid enim si fratre agente heredes scripti diversi iuris fuerunt? quod si fuerit, pro parte testatus, pro parte intestatus decessisse videbitur.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. It frequently occurs with reference to suits for inofficiousness that different decisions are rendered in one and the same case. For what if the brother who institutes proceedings and the appointed heirs are persons occupying different legal positions? If this should be the case, the deceased is held to have died partly testate and partly intestate.
Dig. 13,6,14Ulpianus libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Si servus meus rem meam tibi scienti nolle me tibi commodari commodaverit, et commodati et furti nascitur actio et praeterea condictio ex causa furtiva.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. If my slave lends you an article belonging to me, and you were aware at the time that I was unwilling that it should be lent to you; an action on loan, as well as one for theft, will lie in my favor, and I will be entitled to an action to recover the property on the ground of theft, as well.
Dig. 23,3,36Idem libro quadragesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Debitor mulieris iussu eius pecuniam viro expromisit, deinde vir acceptam eam iussu mulieris fecit. res mulieri perit. hoc quomodo accipimus? utrum dotis nomine an et si alia ex causa? et videtur de eo debitore dictum, qui dotis nomine promisit. illud adhuc subest, utrum ante nuptias an post nuptias id factum sit: multum enim interesse videtur. nam si secutis nuptiis id factum est, dote iam constituta maritus accepto ferendo perdit, si autem antequam nuptiae sequerentur, nihil videtur doti constitutum esse.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. The debtor of a woman, by her order, bound himself to pay the money to her husband, and the latter then released him by order of his wife. The loss was sustained by the woman. In what way should we understand this? Should it be on the ground of the dowry, or for some other reason? The decision seems to have been made with reference to the debtor, who gave the promise to pay the dowry. It must be ascertained whether this was done before or after the marriage; for it is held to be a matter of importance whether the discharge was given after the marriage took place, since if the dowry was already constituted, the husband will lose it by discharging the debtor. If, however, this was done before the marriage was celebrated, the dowry is held not to have been constituted.
Dig. 23,3,38Ulpianus libro quadragesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Sane videndum est, an marito mulier, quae iussit accepto ferri, obligetur. et putem obligari mandati actione et hoc ipsum in dotem converti, quod mulier mandati iudicio obligata est. et quod dicitur rem mulieri perire, consequens est: nam si coeperit velle de dote agere, ipsa secum debebit compensare iussum suum.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XXVIII. It certainly should be considered whether the woman will be liable to her husband if she ordered him to discharge her debtor. And I think she will be liable to an action on mandate, and that this right is transformed into a dowry, because the woman is liable to the said action, and because she is held to have lost her property in consequence. If, however, she desires to bring an action on dowry, she ought to set off against her own claim what she has ordered her husband to do.
Dig. 26,8,8Idem libro quadragesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Etsi condicionalis contractus cum pupillo fiat, tutor debet pure auctor fieri: nam auctoritas non condicionaliter, sed pure interponenda est, ut condicionalis contractus confirmetur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. Even where the contract with a ward is conditional, the consent of the guardian should be absolute; for his authority must be not conditionally, but absolutely interposed, in order that a conditional contract may be confirmed.
Dig. 36,3,8Ulpianus libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Cum legatorum nomine satisdatum est, simul dies legatorum cessit, protinus isdem diebus etiam ex stipulatione debentur,
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. Where security is given to pay legacies, the day of payment arrives under this stipulation as soon as the legacies begin to be due:
Dig. 45,1,1Ulpianus libro quadragesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Stipulatio non potest confici nisi utroque loquente: et ideo neque mutus neque surdus neque infans stipulationem contrahere possunt: nec absens quidem, quoniam exaudire invicem debent. si quis igitur ex his vult stipulari, per servum praesentem stipuletur, et adquiret ei ex stipulatu actionem. item si quis obligari velit, iubeat et erit quod iussu obligatus. 1Qui praesens interrogavit, si antequam sibi responderetur discessit, inutilem efficit stipulationem: sin vero praesens interrogavit, mox discessit et reverso responsum est, obligat: intervallum enim medium non vitiavit obligationem. 2Si quis ita interroget ‘dabis?’ responderit ‘quid ni?’, et is utique in ea causa est, ut obligetur: contra si sine verbis adnuisset. non tantum autem civiliter, sed nec naturaliter obligatur, qui ita adnuit: et ideo recte dictum est non obligari pro eo nec fideiussorem quidem. 3Si quis simpliciter interrogatus responderit: ‘si illud factum erit, dabo’, non obligari eum constat: aut si ita interrogatus: ‘intra kalendas quintas?’ responderit: ‘dabo idibus’, aeque non obligatur: non enim sic respondit, ut interrogatus est. et versa vice si interrogatus fuerit sub condicione, responderit pure, dicendum erit eum non obligari. cum adicit aliquid vel detrahit obligationi, semper probandum est vitiatam esse obligationem, nisi stipulatori diversitas responsionis ilico placuerit: tunc enim alia stipulatio contracta esse videtur. 4Si stipulanti mihi ‘decem’ tu ‘viginti’ respondeas, non esse contractam obligationem nisi in decem constat. ex contrario quoque si me ‘viginti’ interrogante tu ‘decem’ respondeas, obligatio nisi in decem non erit contracta: licet enim oportet congruere summam, attamen manifestissimum est viginti et decem inesse. 5Sed si mihi Pamphilum stipulanti tu Pamphilum et Stichum spoponderis, Stichi adiectionem pro supervacuo habendam puto: nam si tot sunt stipulationes, quot corpora, duae sunt quodammodo stipulationes, una utilis, alia inutilis, neque vitiatur utilis per hanc inutilem. 6Eadem an alia lingua respondeatur, nihil interest. proinde si quis Latine interrogaverit, respondeatur ei Graece, dummodo congruenter respondeatur, obligatio constituta est: idem per contrarium. sed utrum hoc usque ad Graecum sermonem tantum protrahimus an vero et ad alium, Poenum forte vel Assyrium vel cuius alterius linguae, dubitari potest. et scriptura Sabini, sed et verum patitur, ut omnis sermo contineat verborum obligationem, ita tamen, ut uterque alterius linguam intellegat sive per se sive per verum interpretem.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. A stipulation cannot be made except by the words of the two contracting parties, and hence neither anyone who is dumb or deaf, nor a child, can enter into a stipulation; nor can an absent person do so, because the parties must understand one another reciprocally. Therefore, if any one of these persons wishes to make a stipulation, let him do so by means of a slave who is present at the time, and the latter will acquire for him the action based on the stipulation. Likewise, if anyone desires to bind himself, let him order that this shall be done, and he will be bound by his order. 1Where one of the parties present asks a question, and departs before an answer is given him, he renders the stipulation void. If, however, he asks the question while present, and departs, and on his return is answered, he will bind himself, for the intermediate time did not vitiate the obligation. 2Ad Dig. 45,1,1,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 82, Note 14; Bd. II, § 289, Note 1.If anyone should ask a question as follows: “Will you pay?” and the other answers “Why not?” the latter binds himself. This will not be the case if he assents without speaking, for he who assents in this manner is bound not only civilly but naturally; and therefore it is very properly said that even his surety does not become liable for him. 3If anyone, having been simply interrogated, should answer, “If such-and-such a thing is done, I will pay,” it is certain that he will not be bound. And if he should be asked, “Will you pay before the fifth kalends” and he answers, “I will pay on the ides,” he will also not be bound, for he did not answer with reference to what he was asked; and vice versa, if he should be asked under a condition and should answer absolutely, it must be said that he will not be liable. If anything is added or taken from the obligation, it must always be held that it was vitiated, unless the stipulator should immediately accept the difference in the answer; for then a new stipulation will be considered to have been made. 4If when I stipulate for ten aurei, and you answer twenty, it is certain that an obligation is only contracted for ten. On the other hand, if I ask for twenty, and you answer ten, the obligation will only be contracted for ten; for although the amounts must agree, still it is perfectly clear that twenty and ten are involved. 5If I stipulate for Pamphilus, and you promise both Pamphilus and Stichus, I think that the addition of Stichus should be considered superfluous. For when there are as many stipulations as objects, there are, as it were, two stipulations, one of which is useful and the other useless, and the useful one is not vitiated by that which is of no value. 6It makes no difference if the answer is given in a different language. Hence, if anyone interrogates in Latin and he is answered in Greek, the obligation is contracted, provided the reply is suitable. The same rule governs in an opposite case. But is there any doubt whether we shall apply this only to Greek, or also to other tongues; for example, to Punic, Assyrian, or any other language? Sabinus has written upon this point, but the truth is, that any kind of speech can give rise to an obligation, if, however, each of the parties understands the language of the other either himself, or through a faithful interpreter.
Dig. 45,1,34Ulpianus libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Multum interest, utrum ego stipuler rem, cuius commercium habere non possum, an quis promittat: si stipuler rem, cuius commercium non habeo, inutilem esse stipulationem placet: si quis promittat, cuius non commercium habet, ipsi nocere, non mihi.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. It makes a great deal of difference whether I stipulate for property which I cannot make use of in commerce, or whether someone promises it to me. If I stipulate for something which I have not the right to dispose of in commerce, it is settled that the stipulation is void. If anyone promises me something which he cannot dispose of commercially, he injures himself, and not me.
Dig. 45,1,36Ulpianus libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Si quis, cum aliter eum convenisset obligari, aliter per machinationem obligatus est, erit quidem suptilitate iuris obstrictus, sed doli exceptione uti potest: quia enim per dolum obligatus est, competit ei exceptio. idem est et si nullus dolus intercessit stipulantis, sed ipsa res in se dolum habet: cum enim quis petat ex ea stipulatione, hoc ipso dolo facit, quod petit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. If anyone having agreed to bind himself in one way is fraudulently bound in another, he will be liable under the strict construction of the law; but he can have recourse to an exception on the ground of fraud, because anyone who has been rendered liable by fraud is entitled to an exception. The same rule applies if no fraud has been committed by the stipulator, even if the thing itself is fraudulent, for anyone who brings an action under such a stipulation commits fraud by doing so.
Dig. 45,3,5Idem libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Servus communis sic omnium est non quasi singulorum totus, sed pro partibus utique indivisis, ut intellectu magis partes habeant quam corpore: et ideo si quid stipulatur vel quaqua alia ratione adquirit, omnibus adquirit pro parte, qua dominium in eo habent. licet autem ei et nominatim alicui ex dominis stipulari vel traditam rem accipere, ut ei soli adquirat. sed si non nominatim domino stipuletur, sed iussu unius dominorum, hoc iure utimur, ut soli ei adquirat, cuius iussu stipulatus est.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. A slave owned in common is the property of all his masters, and does not, so to speak, entirely belong to any of them, but belongs to each in proportion to his undivided interest; so that they hold their shares rather by a mutual understanding than corporeally. Hence, if he stipulates for something, or makes an acquisition in some other way, he acquires for all his owners in proportion to their interest in him. He is, however, allowed to stipulate specifically for any one of his masters, or to receive the property delivered in order to acquire it for him alone. If, however, he does not stipulate specifically for one master, but, by the order of one of them, it is our practice to hold that he acquires the property for the one alone by whose order he made the stipulation.
Dig. 45,3,7Ulpianus libro quadragesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Proinde et si quattuor forte dominos habuerit et duorum iussu stipulatus sit, his solis adquiret qui iusserunt, magisque est, ut non aequaliter, sed pro portione dominica totum eis adquiratur. idem puto et si nominatim eis stipulatus esse proponatur: nam et si omnium iussu stipulatus sit vel omnibus nominatim, non dubitaremus omnibus pro dominicis eum portionibus, non pro virilibus adquirere. 1Si servus communis ab uno ex sociis stipulatus sit, si quidem nominatim alteri socio, ei soli debetur: sin autem sine ulla adiectione pure stipulatus sit, reliquas partes is servus ceteris sociis praeter eam partem, ex qua promissor dominus esset, adquiret. sed si iussu unius socii stipulatus est, idem iuris est, quod esset, si eidem illi socio nominatim dari stipulatus esset. interdum etiamsi neque iussu neque nominatim alteri ex dominis stipularetur, ei tamen soli adquirere eum Iuliano placuit: ut puta si quid forte stipuletur, quod utrique adquiri non potest. veluti servitutem ad fundum Cornelianum stipulatus est, qui fundus Sempronii erat alterius ex dominis: ei soli adquirit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. Hence, if a slave should happen to have four masters, and stipulates by the order of two of them, he will only acquire for the benefit of those who gave the order; and the better opinion is that he does not acquire for them equally, but in proportion to their ownership. I hold the same opinion, if it is stated that he stipulated for them by name. For if he did not stipulate by the order of all, or for each and all of them by name, we should entertain no doubt that he acquired for all in proportion to their ownership, and not in equal shares. 1Ad Dig. 45,3,7,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 352, Note 5.If a slave owned in common stipulates with one of two partners specifically for the benefit of the other, payment will be due to him alone. If, however, he stipulates absolutely, without adding anything, the slave will acquire the shares for the other partners, excepting the one of which the promisor is the owner. When he stipulates by order of one of the partners, the rule will be the same as if he had specifically stipulated that payment should be made to the said partner. Sometimes, although he may not stipulate specifically for the benefit of any one of his masters, or by his order, still, it is held by Julianus that he will acquire for him alone; just as where he stipulates for something which cannot be acquired by both, as, for instance, a servitude attaching to the Cornelian Estate which belongs to Sempronius, one of his two masters, he also acquires it for him alone.
Dig. 45,3,9Ulpianus libro quadragesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Item si servus duorum Titii et Maevii hominem, qui Titii erat, stipulatus fuerit, ei soli adquirit, cuius non fuit. sed si stipulatus sit Stichum sibi et ‘Maevio et Titio dari spondes?’, totum eum Maevio adquirit: quod enim alteri ex dominis adquirere non potest, id ad eum, qui ad obligationem admittitur, pertinet. 1Si, cum duos dominos servus haberet, stipulatus fuerit illi aut illi dominis suis, quaesitum est, an consistat stipulatio. Cassius inutilem esse stipulationem scripsit et Iulianus Cassii sententiam probat eoque iure utimur.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. Likewise, if the slave of two masters, Titius and Mævius, stipulates for a slave of Titius, he acquires him for the one alone to whom he does not belong. If, however, he stipulates for Stichus as follows, “Do you promise to deliver him to Mævius and Titius?” he acquires him entirely for Mævius, for what he cannot acquire for one of his masters, belongs entirely to the other who is interested in the obligation. 1If, when a slave has two masters, and stipulates for “one or the other” of them; the question arises whether the stipulation is valid. Cassius says that it is void, and Julianus adopts his opinion, which is our practice.
Dig. 45,3,11Ulpianus libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Sed si sibi aut primo aut secundo dominis suis stipulatus sit, et hic tantundem erit probandum, quod Iulianus, inutilem esse stipulationem. sed utrum adiectio inutilis est aut tota stipulatio utilis non est? puto adiectionem solam esse inutilem: eo enim quod ait ‘mihi’ omnibus adquisiit ex stipulatu actionem. an ergo in ceterorum persona solutio locum habeat exemplo extraneae personae? et puto vel solvi eis posse, quemadmodum cum ego mihi aut Titio stipuler. cur ergo cum primo aut secundo dominis stipulatio non constitit nec solutio est? illa ratio est, quia non invenimus, in cuius persona stipulatio constitit, in cuius solutio.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. If he stipulates for “himself,” or for “one or the other of his masters,” in this instance, the statement of Julianus that the stipulation is void, must be accepted. But is it the addition which is void, or is the entire stipulation of no force or effect? I think that the addition alone is void, for when he utters the words, “for me,” he acquires a right of action under the stipulation for all his masters; but can payment be made to others, for instance, to a stranger? I think that payment can be made to them, just as when I stipulate for myself, or for Titius. Therefore, when a stipulation is made for “one or the other of his masters,” why is it not valid, or why will not payment be valid? The reason for this is that we cannot ascertain the person to whom the stipulation refers, and who is entitled to payment.
Dig. 45,3,13Ulpianus libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Cum enim stipulatur domino aut extraneo servus, utrumque consistet et in domini persona stipulatio et in extranei solutio: at hic τὸ ἰσάζον corrumpit stipulationem et solutionem.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. Where a slave stipulates for his master, or a stranger, both parts of the contract exist, the stipulation for the benefit of the master, and the payment with reference to the stranger; but, in this instance, the equality annuls both the stipulation and the payment.
Dig. 46,2,2Idem libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Omnes res transire in novationem possunt: quodcumque enim sive verbis contractum est sive non verbis, novari potest et transire in verborum obligationem ex quacumque obligatione, dummodo sciamus novationem ita demum fieri, si hoc agatur, ut novetur obligatio: ceterum si non hoc agatur, duae erunt obligationes.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. All matters are susceptible of novation, for every contract, whether verbal or otherwise, can be substituted in this manner, and pass from any kind of an obligation whatsoever into an oral one, provided we know that this is done in such a way that the obligation is changed in this way. If, however, this is not the case, there will be two obligations.
Dig. 46,4,8Idem libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. An inutilis acceptilatio utile habeat pactum, quaeritur: et nisi in hoc quoque contra sensum est, habet pactum. dicet aliquis: potest ergo non esse consensus? cur non possit? fingamus eum, qui accepto ferebat, scientem prudentemque nullius esse momenti acceptilationem sic accepto tulisse: quis dubitat non esse pactum, cum consensum paciscendi non habuerit? 1Servus communis sicut uni ex dominis stipulari potest, ita etiam acceptum rogare uni ex dominis potest eumque in solidum liberat: et ita Octavenus putat. 2Accepto liberare servus communis alterum ex dominis etiam ab altero domino potest: id enim et Labeoni placuit. denique libro pithanon scripsit, si a primo domino secundo socio domino suo stipulatus fuerit, posse secundum accepto rogare et per acceptilationem primum liberare, quem ipse obligaverat: sic fieri, ut per unum atque eundem servum et constituatur et tollatur obligatio. 3Acceptum fieri non potest, nisi quod verbis colligatum est: acceptilatio enim verborum obligationem tollit, quia et ipsa verbis fit: neque enim potest verbis tolli, quod non verbis contractum est. 4Filius familias promittendo patrem civiliter non obligat, sed se obligat: propter quod accepto rogare filius familias potest, ut se liberet, quia ipse obligatus est, pater autem acceptum rogando nihil agit, cum non sit ipse obligatus, sed filius. idem erit et in servo dicendum: nam et servus accepto liberari potest, et tolluntur etiam honorariae obligationes, si quae sunt adversus dominum. quia hoc iure utimur, ut iuris gentium sit acceptilatio: et ideo puto et Graece posse acceptum fieri, dummodo sic fiat, ut Latinis verbis solet: ἔχεις λαβὼν δηνάρια τόσα; ἔχω λαβών.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. The question arises whether a release which is of no effect can include a valid agreement. It includes an agreement, unless the intention is otherwise. Someone may say, “Can it not then be a consent?” Why can it not be? Suppose that he who makes the release, being well aware that it will be of no effect, grants it; who would entertain any doubt that there was no agreement, since he did not have the consent required to render one valid? 1As a slave owned in common can stipulate for one of his masters, he can also receive a release for him, and by so doing, he entirely discharged him from liability. Octavenus is of the same opinion. 2A slave owned in common can receive a release from one of his masters for the discharge of the other; and this opinion is held by Labeo. Finally, in the Book of Probabilities, he says that if the slave has stipulated with his first master for the benefit of his second, who is his partner, he can demand a release from the second, and by means of it, release his first master, whom he himself had bound by an obligation. Hence it happens that an obligation is contracted and annulled by one and the same slave. 3Only a verbal contract can be dissolved by a release, for it destroys the oral obligation, as it, itself, is verbally made; for what has not been contracted by words cannot be annulled by them. 4A son under paternal control does not bind his father civilly by promising, but he binds himself. Hence a son under paternal control can ask for a release in order to be discharged from liability, because he himself is bound; but the father, by making the interrogatories with reference to the release, does not produce any legal effect, for the reason that not he himself, but his son, is bound. The same rule applies to the case of slaves; for a slave can be discharged by a release, and even prætorian obligations are extinguished if they are against the master, because this is our practice, and a release is part of the Law of Nations. Therefore, I think that the release can be expressed in the Greek language, provided the same formula is used as in Latin, that is, “Do you acknowledge the receipt of so many denarii?” “I do.”
Dig. 50,17,35Idem libro quadragensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Nihil tam naturale est quam eo genere quidque dissolvere, quo colligatum est. ideo verborum obligatio verbis tollitur: nudi consensus obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVIII. Nothing is so natural as that an obligation should be abrogated in the same way in which it was contracted; therefore a verbal obligation is abrogated by words, and one based upon the mere consent of the parties is annulled by the dissent of both.