Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro XLVI
Dig. 2,15,4Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad Sabinum. Aquiliana stipulatio omnimodo omnes praecedentes obligationes novat et peremit ipsaque peremitur per acceptilationem: et hoc iure utimur. ideoque etiam legata sub condicione relicta in stipulationem Aquilianam deducuntur.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. The Aquilian stipulation absolutely changes and annuls all preceding obligations, and is itself annulled by a release; and this is now our practice. Therefore, even bequests which are made conditionally come under the Aquilian stipulation.
Dig. 12,6,24Idem libro quadragensimo sexto ad Sabinum. Si is, qui perpetua exceptione tueri se poterat, cum sciret sibi exceptionem profuturam, promiserit aliquid ut liberaretur, condicere non potest.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. Where a party who could protect himself by a perpetual exception promises to give something in order to be released, when he knew that he could take advantage of this exception; he cannot bring an action for recovery.
Dig. 19,1,10Ulpianus libro quadragesimo sexto ad Sabinum. Non est novum, ut duae obligationes in eiusdem persona de eadem re concurrant: cum enim is qui venditorem obligatum habebat ei qui eundem venditorem obligatum habebat heres exstiterit, constat duas esse actiones in eiusdem persona concurrentes, propriam et hereditariam, et debere heredem institutum, si velit separatim duarum actionum commodo uti, ante aditam hereditatem proprium venditorem convenire, deinde adita hereditate hereditarium: quod si prius adierit hereditatem, unam quidem actionem movere potest, sed ita, ut per eam utriusque contractus sentiat commodum. ex contrario quoque si venditor venditori heres exstiterit, palam est duas evictiones eum praestare debere.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. It is not unusual for one person to be liable to two obligations with reference to the same matter, at the same time; for when one who has a vendor bound becomes heir of another to whom the same vendor is liable, it is established that there are two concurrent rights of action united in the same person, one which he has as his own, and the other which is derived from the estate; and the appointed heir, if he wishes for his own convenience to avail himself of the two actions separately, must bring his own against the vendor before he enters on the estate, and then, after he has done so, bring the one which is derived from the latter. If he should first enter upon the estate, he can only bring one action, but he can do this in such a way as to obtain the greatest advantage from both contracts. On the other hand, if one vendor should become the heir to the other, it is clear that he must guarantee the purchaser doubly against eviction.
Dig. 21,2,32Idem libro quadragesimo sexto ad Sabinum. Quia dicitur, quotiens plures res in stipulationem deducuntur, plures esse stipulationes, an et in duplae stipulatione hoc idem sit, videamus. cum quis stipulatur ‘fugitivum non esse, erronem non esse’ et cetera quae ex edicto aedilium curulium promittuntur, utrum una stipulatio est an plures? et ratio facit, ut plures sint. 1Ergo et illud procedit, quod Iulianus libro quinto decimo digestorum scribit. egit, inquit, quanti minoris propter fugam servi, deinde agit propter morbum: id agendum est, inquit, ne lucrum faciat emptor et bis eiusdem vitii aestimationem consequatur. fingamus emptum decem, minoris autem empturum fuisse duobus, si tantum fugitivum esse scisset emptor: haec consecutum propter fugam mox comperisse, quod non esset sanus: similiter duobus minoris empturum fuisse, si de morbo non ignorasset: rursus consequi debebit duo: nam et si de utroque simul egisset, quattuor esset consecuturus, quia eum forte, qui neque sanus et fugitivus esset, sex tantum esset empturus. secundum haec saepius ex stipulatu agi poterit: neque enim ex una stipulatione, sed ex pluribus agitur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. For the reason that it is held that, where several matters are set forth in one stipulation, there are several stipulations; let us see whether this applies to one calling for double damages, for example, where anyone stipulates that the slave is not in the habit of running away, and is not a wanderer, and the other things which are mentioned in the Edict of the Curule Ædiles; is there one stipulation, or several, in this instance? It is reasonable to hold that there are several. 1Ad Dig. 21,2,32,1ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 93, S. 328: Berechnung des Minderwerths im Falle der exceptio quanti minoris.Hence what Julianus states in the Fifteenth Book of the Digest is correct. For he says that, where a purchaser brings an action for the depreciation in value of a slave because he was in the habit of running away, and then brings another on account of some disease with which he was afflicted; care must be taken to prevent the purchaser from obtaining a profit, and recovering damages twice for the same defect. Let us suppose that a slave was purchased for ten aurei, and that the buyer could have acquired him for at least two less, if he had only known that he was in the habit of running away; and, after recovering this sum because of said habit, he afterwards discovers that he is not sound, and that he could have purchased him for two aurei less, if he had been aware that he was diseased. He should, therefore, again recover two aurei, for if he had brought suit at the same time on both causes of action, he could have recovered four, since he could have purchased the slave who was not sound, and who was in the habit of running away, for only six aurei. In accordance to principle, he can proceed frequently under the stipulation, for he does not do so merely on account of one stipulation, but on account of several.
Dig. 45,1,29Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad Sabinum. Scire debemus in stipulationibus tot esse stipulationes, quot summae sunt, totque esse stipulationes, quot species sunt. secundum quod evenit, ut mixta una summa vel specie, quae non fuit in praecedenti stipulatione, non fiat novatio, sed efficit duas esse stipulationes. quamvis autem placuerit tot esse stipulationes, quot summae, totque esse stipulationes quot res: tamen si pecuniam quis, quae in conspectu est, stipulatus sit, vel acervum pecuniae, non tot sunt stipulationes, quot nummorum corpora, sed una stipulatio: nam per singulos denarios singulas esse stipulationes absurdum est. stipulationem quoque legatorum constat unam esse, quamvis plura corpora sint vel plura legata. sed et familiae vel omnium servorum stipulatio una est. itemque quadrigae aut lecticariorum stipulatio una est. at si quis illud et illud stipulatus sit, tot stipulationes sunt, quot corpora. 1Si a fure hominem sim stipulatus, quaesitum est, an stipulatio valeat. movet quaestionem, quod stipulatus hominem plerumque meum videor: non valet autem huiusmodi stipulatio, ubi quis rem suam stipulatus est. et constat, si quidem ita stipulatus sim: ‘quod ex causa condictionis dare facere oportet?’, stipulationem valere: si vero hominem dari stipulatus fuero, nullius momenti esse stipulationem. quod si postea sine mora decessisse proponatur servus, non teneri furem condictione Marcellus ait: quamdiu enim vivit, condici poterit, at si decessisse proponatur, in ea condicione est, ut evanescat condictio propter stipulationem.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. Ad Dig. 45,1,29 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 40, S. 103: Erwerb des Pfandbesitzes an einer Quantität vertretbarer Sachen.ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 44, S. 155: Mehrheit von Gegenständen. Mehrheit von Rechtsgeschäften.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 252, Note 9; Bd. II, § 464, Note 4.We must remember that, in stipulations, there are as many agreements as. there are sums of money, and as many stipulations as there are articles involved. The result of this is that where a sum of money or an article which was not included in the preceding stipulation is mixed with another, a renewal does not take place, but two stipulations are made. And although it has been decided that there are as many stipulations as there are sums of money, and as many stipulations as there are articles; still, if anyone stipulates for a certain sum or a pile of money which is in sight, there are not as many stipulations as there are separate pieces of money, but only a single stipulation; as it is absurd that there should be a separate stipulation for every coin. It is also certain that there is only one stipulation for a legacy, although several objects may be included in one legacy, or there may be several legacies. Moreover, there is but one stipulation, where it refers to the entire body of slaves, or all the slaves in a household. In like manner, a stipulation which has reference to a team of four horses, or to a number of litter bearers, is but one. If, however, anyone stipulates for “this article and that,” there are as many stipulations as there are objects. 1If I stipulate with a thief for a slave, the question arises whether the stipulation will be valid. What causes the difficulty is, that having stipulated for a slave, I am generally held to have contracted for my own property, and a stipulation of this kind is not valid when anyone makes an agreement with reference to what is bis own. If I should stipulate as follows, “Do you promise to give what must be given under a personal action for recovery?” there is no doubt that the stipulation will be valid. If, however, I should merely stipulate for “a slave,” the stipulation will be of no force or effect. If the slave should afterwards die, without the thief being in default, Marcellus says that the latter will not be liable to a personal action, for as long as the slave lived he could have been recovered by such a proceeding. But if we suppose that he died, he is placed in such a position that the right to bring a personal action for his recovery based on the stipulation will be extinguished.
Dig. 46,1,5Idem libro quadragensimo sexto ad Sabinum. Generaliter Iulianus ait eum, qui heres exstitit ei, pro quo intervenerat, liberari ex causa accessionis et solummodo quasi heredem rei teneri. denique scripsit, si fideiussor heres extiterit ei, pro quo fideiussit, quasi reum esse obligatum, ex causa fideiussionis liberari: reum vero reo succedentem ex duabus causis esse obligatum. nec enim potest repperiri, quae obligatio quam peremat: at in fideiussore et reo repperitur, quia rei obligatio plenior est. nam ubi aliqua differentia est obligationum, potest constitui alteram per alteram peremi: cum vero duae eiusdem sint potestatis, non potest repperiri, cur altera potius quam altera consumeretur. refert autem haec ad speciem, in qua vult ostendere non esse novum, ut duae obligationes in unius persona concurrant. est autem species talis. si reus promittendi reo promittendi heres exstiterit, duas obligationes sustinet: item si reus stipulandi exstiterit heres rei stipulandi, duas species obligationis sustinebit. plane si ex altera earum egerit, utramque consumet, videlicet quia natura obligationum duarum, quas haberet, ea esset, ut, cum altera earum in iudicium deduceretur, altera consumeretur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. Julianus says that, generally speaking, he who becomes the heir of a person for whom he appeared as surety is released so far as the latter is concerned, and is only liable as the heir of the principal debtor. Finally, he says that if the surety becomes the heir of him for whom he made himself responsible, he will be liable as the principal debtor, but will be released as surety; still a principal debtor who succeeds a principal debtor is liable under two obligations; for it cannot be ascertained which one of them annuls the other; but, in the case of a surety and a principal debtor, this can be easily determined, because the obligation of the principal debtor is the more binding. When any difference exists between the obligations; it can be held that one is annulled by the other. Where, however, they are both of the same force, and it cannot be ascertained why one of them should be annulled rather than the other, he refers this matter to an example in which he desires to show that there is nothing new in the fact that two obligations may exist in the same person at the same time. This is his example. If one of two joint-promisors becomes the heir of the other, he will be liable to two obligations. Likewise, if one joint-stipulator becomes the heir of the other, he will benefit by two distinct obligations. It is evident that, if he instituted proceedings under one of them, he will make use of both; that is to say, because the nature of the two obligations which he had is such that, if one of them is brought into court, the other will also be disposed of.
Dig. 46,2,1Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad Sabinum. Novatio est prioris debiti in aliam obligationem vel civilem vel naturalem transfusio atque translatio, hoc est cum ex praecedenti causa ita nova constituatur, ut prior perematur. novatio enim a novo nomen accepit et a nova obligatione. 1Illud non interest, qualis processit obligatio, utrum naturalis an civilis an honoraria, et utrum verbis an re an consensu: qualiscumque igitur obligatio sit, quae praecessit, novari verbis potest, dummodo sequens obligatio aut civiliter teneat aut naturaliter: ut puta si pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate promiserit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. Novation is the transfer and transmission of a former debt into another civil or natural obligation; that is to say, when from the preceding liability a new one is created in such a way that the former is destroyed; for novation derives its name from the term “new,” and from a fresh obligation. 1It is of no importance what the character of the first obligation may be, whether it is natural, civil, or prætorian, or whether it is oral, real, or based on consent. Therefore, whatever it is, it can be verbally renewed, provided the following obligation is binding either civilly or naturally, for instance, where a ward promises without the authority of his guardian.
Dig. 46,2,6Idem libro quadragensimo sexto ad Sabinum. Si ita fuero stipulatus: ‘quanto minus a Titio debitore exegissem, tantum fideiubes?’, non fit novatio, quia non hoc agitur, ut novetur. 1Cum pecuniam mutuam dedit quis sine stipulatione et ex continenti fecit stipulationem, unus contractus est. idem erit dicendum et si ante stipulatio facta est, mox pecunia numerata sit.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. If I should stipulate as follows: “Will you be responsible for any amount which I may not be able to collect from Titius, my debtor?” a novation is not created, because the transaction is not for that purpose. 1When anyone has lent money without a stipulation and immediately makes one, there is but one contract. The same thing must be said where the stipulation was made first, and the money counted afterwards.
Dig. 46,2,8Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad Sabinum. Si Stichum dari stipulatus fuerim et, cum in mora promissor esset, quo minus daret, rursus eundem stipulatus fuero, desinit periculum ad promissorem pertinere quasi mora purgata. 1Legata vel fideicommissa si in stipulationem fuerint deducta et hoc actum, ut novetur, fiet novatio, si quidem pure vel in diem fuerint relicta, statim, si vero sub condicione, non statim, sed ubi condicio extiterit. nam et alias qui in diem stipulatur, statim novat, si hoc actum est, cum certum sit diem quandoque venturum: at qui sub condicione stipulatur, non statim novat, nisi condicio extiterit. 2Si quis ita stipulatus a Seio sit: ‘quod a Titio stipulatus fuero, dare spondes?’, an, si postea a Titio stipulatus sim, fiat novatio solusque teneatur Seius? et ait Celsus novationem fieri, si modo id actum sit, ut novetur, id est ut Seius debeat quod Titius promisit: nam eodem tempore et impleri prioris stipulationis condicionem et novari ait, eoque iure utimur. 3Idem Celsus ait iudicatum solvi stipulatione actionem iudicati non novari, merito, quia hoc solum agitur ea stipulatione, ut fideiussoribus cautum sit, non ut ab obligatione iudicati discedatur. 4Si decem, quae mihi Titius debet, aut decem, quae Seius debet, a tertio stipulatus fuero, putat Marcellus neutrum liberari, sed tertium eligere posse, pro quo decem solvere velit. 5Si ab alio promissam sibi dotem maritus ab uxore dotis nomine stipulatus sit, non duplari dotem, sed fieri novationem placet, si hoc actum est: quid enim interest, ipsa an alius quilibet promittat? quod enim ego debeo si alius promittat, liberare me potest, si novationis causa hoc fiat: si autem non novandi animo hoc intervenit, uterque quidem tenetur, sed altero solvente alter liberatur. non tamen si quis stipuletur quod mihi debetur, aufert mihi actionem, nisi ex voluntate mea stipuletur: liberat autem me is qui quod debeo promittit, etiamsi nolim.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLVI. If I stipulate for the delivery of Stichus to me, and when the promisor fails to deliver him, I again stipulate for him, the promisor is no longer responsible for the risk, as liability for the default has been released. 1Ad Dig. 46,2,8,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 355, Note 3.Where legacies or trusts are included in the stipulation, and the intention was that it should be subjected to novation, this will take place; and if they were bequeathed absolutely, or to take effect at a certain time, novation occurs immediately. When, however, they were conditional, it will not take place at once, but when the condition is complied with; for, otherwise, where anyone stipulates for a prescribed time, he immediately creates a novation, if such was the intention, as it is certain that the date will arrive at some time or other. But where anyone stipulates under a condition, novation does not become operative immediately unless the condition is fulfilled. 2Where anyone stipulates with Seius, as follows, “Do you promise to pay whatever I stipulate for with Titius?” and I afterwards stipulate with Titius, does a novation take place so that Seius alone will liable? Celsus says that a novation does take place, provided this was the intention, that is to say that Seius should owe what Titius promised to pay. For he asserts that the condition of the first stipulation is complied with and novation occurs at the same time. This is our practice. 3Celsus also says that by the stipulation of paying the judgment, the action to enforce judgment is not subjected to novation; and this is reasonable, because in this stipulation the only thing involved is that a surety shall be provided, and that there shall be no departure from the obligation of the judgment. 4If I stipulate with a third party for the ten aurei which Titius owes me, or the ten which Seius owes me, Marcellus thinks that neither one of them is released, but that the third party can select him for whom he wishes to pay the ten aurei. 5When a husband stipulates with his wife for a dowry which was promised to her by a stranger, the dowry will not be doubled, but it has been decided that a novation will take place, if this was the intention. For what difference does it make whether she or someone else makes the promise? For if another person promises to pay what I owe, he can free me from liability, if this is done for the purpose of novation. If, however, he did not intervene in order to make a novation, both parties will, in fact, be liable; but if one of them pays, the other will be released. Still, if anyone stipulates for what is due to me, he does not deprive me of my right of action, unless he stipulates with my consent; but he who promises what I owe releases me from liability, even if I am unwilling that this shall be done.