Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro XL
Dig. 13,7,1Ulpianus libro quadragensimo ad Sabinum. Pignus contrahitur non sola traditione, sed etiam nuda conventione, etsi non traditum est. 1Si igitur contractum sit pignus nuda conventione, videamus, an, si quis aurum ostenderit quasi pignori daturus et aes dederit, obligaverit aurum pignori: et consequens est ut aurum obligetur, non autem aes, quia in hoc non consenserint. 2Si quis tamen, cum aes pignori daret, adfirmavit hoc aurum esse et ita pignori dederit, videndum erit, an aes pignori obligaverit et numquid, quia in corpus consensum est, pignori esse videatur: quod magis est. tenebitur tamen pigneraticia contraria actione qui dedit, praeter stellionatum quem fecit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. A pledge can be contracted not only by delivery, but also by mere agreement, even if no delivery is made. 1Let us therefore consider where a pledge has been contracted by mere agreement, whether, when anyone exhibits some gold as if he intended to deliver it by way of pledge, and he delivers brass, he will bind himself to pledge the gold? If follows that he will bind himself for the gold, but not for the brass, as the parties did not make an agreement with reference to the latter. 2However, where anyone when he delivers brass by way of pledge, states that it is gold, and gives it in pledge, it should be considered whether he does not make the brass a pledge, and whether as an agreement was made as to what was to be given, it may not be held to be pledged? This is the better opinion; still, the party who gave it will be liable to a counter action on pledge, without taking into account the fraud which he perpetrated.
Dig. 17,1,18Ulpianus libro quadragensimo ad Sabinum. Qui patitur ab alio mandari, ut sibi credatur, mandare intellegitur.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. Where anyone allows himself to be directed by another to lend him money, he is understood to have received a mandate.
Dig. 26,8,5Ulpianus libro quadragesimo ad Sabinum. Pupillus obligari tutori eo auctore non potest. plane si plures sint tutores, quorum unius auctoritas sufficit, dicendum est altero auctore pupillum ei posse obligari, sive mutuam pecuniam ei det sive stipuletur ab eo. sed et cum solus sit tutor mutuam pecuniam pupillo dederit vel ab eo stipuletur, non erit obligatus tutori: naturaliter tamen obligabitur in quantum locupletior factus est: nam in pupillum non tantum tutori, verum cuivis actionem in quantum locupletior factus est dandam divus Pius rescripsit. 1Pupillus vendendo sine tutoris auctoritate non obligetur sed nec in emendo, nisi in quantum locupletior factus est. 2Item ipse tutor et emptoris et venditoris officio fungi non potest: sed enim si contutorem habeat, cuius auctoritas sufficit, procul dubio emere potest. sed si mala fide emptio intercesserit, nullius erit momenti ideoque nec usucapere potest. sane si suae aetatis factus comprobaverit emptionem, contractus valet. 3Sed si per interpositam personam rem pupilli emerit, in ea causa est, ut emptio nullius momenti sit, quia non bona fide videtur rem gessisse: et ita est rescriptum a divo Severo et Antonino. 4Sane si ipse quidem emit palam, dedit autem nomen non mala fide sed simpliciter, ut solent honestiores non pati nomina sua instrumentis inscribi, valet emptio: quod si callide, idem erit ac si per interpositam personam emisset. 5Sed et si creditor pupilli distrahat, aeque emere bona fide poterit. 6Si filius tutoris vel quae alia persona iuri eius subiecta emerit, idem erit atque si ipse emisset.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. A ward cannot legally bind himself to his guardian by the authority of the latter. It is clear that, when there are several guardians, it must be held that the authority of one of them is sufficient to enable the ward to bind himself to another, whether he lends him money, or enters into a stipulation with him. Where, however, there is only one guardian, and he lends money to his ward, or enters into a stipulation with him, he will not be bound to the guardian, but he will be naturally liaable to him for the amount by which he has been pecuniarily benefited. For the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that an action should be granted in favor of the guardian against the ward, and indeed against anyone else, for the amount by which he was enriched at his expense through the transaction. 1A ward who makes a purchase or a sale without the authority of his guardian will only be liable for the amount by which he profits pecuniarily. 2Moreover, a guardian cannot contract the obligation of either buyer or seller with his ward. Where, however, he has a fellow-guardian, the authority of the latter will undoubtedly be sufficient to empower him to make a purchase. But if the transaction is fraudulent it will be of no effect, and hence the property cannot be acquired by usucaption. If, however, the ward, having attained his majority, confirms the purchase, the contract will be valid. 3If a guardian should buy property of his ward through the interposition of a third party, the purchase made under such circumstances will be void, because the transaction does not appear to have been concluded in good faith. This was also stated in a Rescript by the Divine Severus and Antoninus. 4If, however, he should make the purchase openly, and give another name, not fraudulently, but without concealment, as persons of rank are accustomed to do who do not wish their names to appear on the records, the purchase will be valid. But where he makes the purchase craftily, it will be the same as if he had made it by the agency of another person. 5If the creditor of the ward should sell his property, his guardian can purchase it in good faith. 6If the son of a guardian, or any other person under his control, should purchase the property, it will be the same as if he himself had purchased it.
Dig. 26,8,7Ulpianus libro quadragesimo ad Sabinum. Quod dicimus in rem suam auctoritatem accommodare tutorem non posse, totiens verum est, quotiens per semet vel subiectas sibi personas adquiritur ei stipulatio: ceterum negotium ei geri per consequentias, ut dictum est, nihil prohibet auctoritas. 1Si duo rei sint stipulandi et alter me auctore a pupillo stipuletur, alter altero tutore auctore, dicendum est stipulationem valere, sic tamen, si auctoritas tutoris unius sufficiat: ceterum si non sufficiat, dicendum erit inutilem esse stipulationem. 2Si et pater et filius qui in potestate eius fuit tutores fuerunt et pater sit stipulatus filio auctore, nullius momenti erit stipulatio idcirco, quia in rem patris auctor esse filius non potest.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. When we say that a guardian cannot grant authority to his ward to transact business with him; this is only true where the stipulation is acquired by him, or by persons under his control. But there is nothing to prevent his authority from being exercised in the transaction of any business by which his ward will be benefited. 1Where there are two creditors, and one of them stipulates for the payment of the debt by a ward, under the authority of one guardian, and the other stipulates for its payment by the ward with the authority of another guardian, it must be held that the stipulation is valid, provided the authority of one guardian is sufficient; but if it is not sufficient, it must be said that the stipulation is void. 2Where a father and his son, who is under his control, are both guardians, and the father stipulates with the authority of the son, the stipulation will be of no effect, and this is the case because the son cannot authorize any transaction in which his father is concerned.
Dig. 41,1,22Ulpianus libro quadragensimo ad Sabinum. Nemo servum vi possidens aut clam aut precario per hunc stipulantem vel rem accipientem potest adquirere.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. No one who is in possession of a slave either by force or clandestinely, or by a precarious title, can acquire a right to him by any stipulation he may enter into, or by delivery of the property.
Dig. 47,2,19Ulpianus libro quadragensimo ad Sabinum. In actione furti sufficit rem demonstrari, ut possit intellegi. 1De pondere autem vasorum non est necesse loqui: sufficiet igitur ita dici ‘lancem’ vel ‘discum’ vel ‘pateram’: sed adscribenda etiam materia est, utrum argentea an aurea an alia quae sit. 2Quod si quis argentum infectum petat, et massam argenteam dicere et pondus debebit ponere. 3Signati argenti numerum debebit complecti, veluti aureos tot pluresve furto ei abesse. 4De veste quaeritur, an color eius dicendus sit. et verum est colorem eius dici oportere ut, quemadmodum in vasis dicitur patera aurea, ita et in veste color dicatur. plane si quis iuret pro certo se colorem dicere non posse, remitti ei huius rei necessitas debet. 5Qui rem pignori dat eamque subripit, furti actione tenetur. 6Furtum autem rei pigneratae dominus non tantum tunc facere videtur, cum possidenti sive tenenti creditori aufert, verum et si eo tempore abstulerit, quo non possidebat, ut puta si rem pigneratam vendidit: nam et hic furtum eum facere constat. et ita et Iulianus scripsit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XL. In an action for theft, it is sufficient for the property to be described in such a way that it can be understood what it is. 1It is not necessary to mention the weight of vessels, therefore it will be sufficient to say a dish, a plate, or a bowl. The material of which the article is composed must, however, be stated; that is, whether it is of silver, or gold, or anything else. 2Where anyone brings suit for unmanufactured silver, he should say an ingot of silver, and give its weight. 3The number of coins which have been stolen from the owner must be included, for instance, so many aurei, or more. 4The question arises whether the color of a garment should be mentioned. It is true that this should be done, for, just as where a theft of plate is involved, a golden bowl is mentioned, so, where a garment is concerned, the color should be stated. It is clear that if anyone should swear that he cannot positively designate the color, the necessity of the case should excuse him. 5Where anyone gives property in pledge, and then steals it, he will be liable in an action for theft. 6The owner is not only considered as guilty of the theft of property which has been pledged, when he takes it from the creditor who possesses or holds it, but also if he should remove it at a time when he did not possess it; for instance, if he should sell the article which had been pledged; for it is settled that, under such circumstances, he commits theft. Julianus, also, is of this opinion.