Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXXVIII
Dig. 1,5,20Ulpianus libro trigensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Qui furere coepit, et statum et dignitatem in qua fuit et magistratum et potestatem videtur retinere, sicut rei suae dominium retinet.
Ulpianus, on Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. Anyone who becomes insane is considered to retain the position and rank he previously held, and also his magistracy and authority; just as he retains the ownership of his property.
Dig. 1,14,3Ulpianus libro trigensimo octavo ad Sabinum. Barbarius Philippus cum servus fugitivus esset, Romae praeturam petiit et praetor designatus est. sed nihil ei servitutem obstetisse ait Pomponius, quasi praetor non fuerit: atquin verum est praetura eum functum. et tamen videamus: si servus quamdiu latuit, dignitate praetoria functus sit, quid dicemus? quae edixit, quae decrevit, nullius fore momenti? an fore propter utilitatem eorum, qui apud eum egerunt vel lege vel quo alio iure? et verum puto nihil eorum reprobari: hoc enim humanius est: cum etiam potuit populus Romanus servo decernere hanc potestatem, sed et si scisset servum esse, liberum effecisset. quod ius multo magis in imperatore observandum est.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. Barbarus Philippus, a fugitive slave, sought the prætorship of Rome, and was appointed Prætor. Pomponius is of the opinion that his condition as a slave was no obstacle to his holding the office of Prætor. It is true that he performed the duties of that office, still, let us consider the case of a slave having kept his condition secret for a long time, while he discharged his duty as Prætor. Will all that he decided or decreed be of no force or effect? What shall We say? Or will it be valid on account of the welfare of those who instituted proceedings before him either under the law, or by virtue of some other legal right? Indeed, I think that none of these things should be rejected; for this is the more humane view to take, since the Roman people had the power to invest a slave with this authority, and if they had known that he was such they would have granted him his freedom. Much more must this right be considered well founded with respect to the Emperor.
Dig. 26,1,6Ulpianus libro trigesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Muto itemque mutae impuberibus tutorem dari posse verum est: sed an auctoritas eis accommodari possit, dubitatur. et si potest tacenti, et muto potest. est autem verius, ut Iulianus libro vicesimo primo digestorum scripsit, etiam tacentibus auctoritatem posse accommodare. 1Sub condicione a praesidibus provinciarum non posse dari tutorem placet et, si datus sit, nullius esse momenti dationem: et ita Pomponius ait: hanc autem adiectionem, quam praesides provinciarum faciunt ‘tutorem do, si satisdederit’ non condicionem in se habere, sed admonitionem, non aliter ei tutelam committi, quam si satisdederit, hoc est non aliter ei gerere permittendum, quam si rem salvam fore caverit. 2Tutoris datio neque imperii est neque iurisdictionis, sed ei soli competit, cui nominatim hoc dedit vel lex vel senatus consultum vel princeps. 3Surdo impuberi poterit tutor dari. 4Ei cuius pater in hostium potestate est tutorem dari non posse palam est: sed si datus sit, an in pendenti sit datio, quaeri potest. et non puto dationem valere: sic enim post patris regressum reccidit in potestatem, atque si numquam pater ab hostibus captus fuisset. immo curator substantiae dari debet, ne in medio pereat.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. It is true that a guardian can be appointed for minors who are dumb, and have not arrived at puberty. But may it not be doubted whether they can be authorized by their guardian? If the guardian can authorize a ward who is silent, he can also authorize one who is dumb. It is, however, perfectly true (as Julianus states in the Twenty-first Book of the Digest), that the guardian can authorize his ward to act even if he is silent. 1It is settled that a guardian cannot be appointed conditionally by the Governor of a province, and if one should be appointed, his appointment will be of no effect. This is also the opinion of Pomponius. But if a Governor makes the appointment in the following terms: “I appoint such-and-such a man guardian, if he gives security”; this appointment does not contain a condition, but a warning that the guardlianship will not be conferred upon him unless he furnishes security; that is to say, he will not be allowed to transact the business of his office without giving a bond to insure the preservation of the property. 2The appointment of a guardian is not an Imperial privilege, nor one attaching to magisterial jurisdiction, but only belongs to him upon whom the right has been conferred by the law, or by a Decree of the Senate, or by the Emperor himself. 3A guardian can be appointed for a minor who is deaf. 4It is clear that a guardian cannot be appointed for a minor whose father is in the hands of the enemy. If, however, one should be appointed, it may be asked whether or not the appointment may not remain in suspense. I do not think that such an appointment is valid, for, after the return of the father, the minor will again come under his control, just as if his father had never been captured by the enemy. Still, a curator should be appointed for the management of the property to prevent it from being lost in the meantime.
Dig. 26,1,15Idem libro trigesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Si quis tutor non sit captus ab hostibus, sed missus ad eos quasi legatus, aut etiam receptus ab eis, aut transfugerit, quia servus non efficitur, tutor manet, sed interim a praesidibus alius tutor dabitur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. Where a guardian is not captured by the enemy, but is sent in the capacity of ambassador, whether he is received or deserts, for the reason that he does not become a slave, he still remains a guardian, but, in the meantime, another guardian will be appointed by the Governor.
Dig. 26,2,12Idem libro trigesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Certarum rerum vel causarum testamento tutor dari non potest nec deductis rebus.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. A guardian cannot be appointed by will for the management of certain affairs, without including the administration of property.
Dig. 26,2,15Ulpianus libro trigesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Si tamen tutor detur rei Africanae vel rei Syriaticae, utilis datio est: hoc enim iure utimur.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. Where, however, a guardian is appointed for property which is situated in Africa or Syria, the appointment will be valid, for this is our practice.
Dig. 26,4,3Idem libro trigesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Tutela legitima, quae patronis defertur e lege duodecim tabularum, non quidem specialiter vel nominatim delata est, sed per consequentias hereditatium, quae ex ipsa lege patronis datae sunt. 1Ergo manumissor ex lege duodecim tabularum tutor est, sive sponte manumisit sive etiam compulsus ex causa fideicommissi manumisit. 2Sed et si hac lege emit, ut manumitteret, et ex constitutione divi Marci ad Aufidium Victorinum pervenit ad libertatem, dicendum est tutorem esse. 3Plane si forte ex Rubriano senatus consulto pervenerit ad libertatem, non habebit tutorem eum qui rogatus est, sed orcinus libertus effectus ad familiam testatoris pertinebit. in qua specie incipit tutela ad liberos patroni primos pertinere, quae ad patronos non pertinuit: quod quidem in omnibus orcinis libertis locum habet testamento manumissis. 4Si duo pluresve manumittant, omnes tutores sunt: sed si mulier sit inter manumissores, dicendum est solos masculos fore tutores. 5Sed si aliquis ex patronis decesserit, tutela penes ceteros patronos est, quamvis ille filium reliquerit. sed et si ab hostibus fuerit captus, interim soli compatroni tutores sunt. simili modo et si in servitutem redactus sit, apparet ceteros esse tutores. 6Sed si omnes patroni decesserint, tunc tutela ad liberos eorum incipit pertinere. 7Proinde si alter ex patronis filium, alter nepotem reliquerit, utrum ad solum filium an vero et ad nepotem tutela pertineat, quia et nepos in familia patris sui proximus est? hoc apparebit ex legitimis hereditatibus: legitima autem hereditas ad solum filium pertinet. ergo et tutela ad solum filium descendit, post filium tunc ad nepotem. 8Quaeri potest, si patroni filius sit remotus vel excusatus, an nepoti tutela deferatur. et Marcellus in ea sententia est, ut succedi non posse scribat: idcirco enim abierunt tutela, ut alii in locum eorum dentur, non ut successio admittatur. 9Non tantum autem morte, verum etiam capitis deminutione successio debet in legitima tutela admitti: quare si proximior capite deminutus est, qui post eum est succedit in tutelae administratione. 10Si parens filium vel filiam vel nepotem vel neptem vel deinceps impuberes, quos in potestate habeat, emancipet, vicem legitimi tutoris sustinet:
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. Legal guardianship, which is granted to patrons by the Law of the Twelve Tables, is not, indeed, granted expressly or specifically, but as the result of the right of succession conferred upon patrons by this same law. 1Therefore a man who has manumitted a slave becomes a guardian by the Law of the Twelve Tables, whether he acted voluntarily, or whether he manumitted him, having been obliged to do so by the terms of a trust. 2But even if he purchased a slave for the purpose of manumitting him, under this law, and by virtue of a Constitution of the Divine Marcus, addressed to Ofilius Victorinus, he should obtain his freedom, he must be held to be the guardian of said slave. 3It is evident that if a slave should obtain his freedom in accordance with the Rubrian Decree of the Senate, he will not have as guardian the person charged with his manumission, but, having been liberated by the will of his master, he will belong to the family of the latter. In this instance, the guardianship which does not belong to the patron will belong to the children of the latter. This rule applies to all freedmen manumitted by will. 4Where two or more persons manumit a slave, all become his guardians. If, however, a woman should be among those who manumitted him, it must be held that the males alone will be his guardians. 5Where one of several patrons dies, the guardianship remains with the survivors, even though the deceased may have left a son. If, however, a patron is taken by the enemy, his fellow-patrons remain sole guardians until he is released. In like manner, if one of them is reduced to slavery, it is evident that the others remain guardians. 6If, however, all of the patrons should die, the guardianship will then vest in their children. 7Hence, if one of two patrons leaves a son, and the other a grandson, shall the guardianship vest in the son alone, or also in the grandson, for the reason that the latter is the next of kin in the family of his father? This point should be settled in accordance with the rule governing legal inheritances, for a legal inheritance belongs to the son alone, and therefore the guardianship descends to the son alone, and after the son to the grandson. 8It may be asked whether the guardianship should be granted to the grandson, where the son of the patron is either removed or excused from serving. Marcellus states that he is of the opinion that the grandson cannot succeed, and therefore that he must be excluded from the guardianship, and another appointed in his stead, in order that succession may not be permitted in such cases. 9Succession should be permitted in legal guardianship not only where death occurs, but also where forfeiture of civil rights takes place. Wherefore, where the nearest relative loses his civil rights, he who is next in degree succeeds to the administration of the guardianship. 10Where a father emancipates his son or his daughter, his grandson or his granddaughter, or any other descendants under age whom he has subject to his authority, he occupies the place of their legal guardian.
Dig. 27,10,4Idem libro trigesimo octavo ad Sabinum. Furiosae matris curatio ad filium pertinet: pietas enim parentibus, etsi inaequalis est eorum potestas, aequa debebitur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXXVIII. The curatorship of an insane mother belongs to her son, for equal filial affection is due to both parents although their authority is not the same.
Dig. 50,16,172Ulpianus libro trigensimo octavo ad Sabinum. ‘Liberti’ appellatione etiam libertam contineri placuit.
Ulpianus, On SoMnus, Book XXXVIII. It is established that a freedwoman is also included under the term “freedman.”