Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro XIX
Dig. 23,4,2Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Si convenerit, ut, quoquo modo dissolutum sit matrimonium, liberis intervenientibus dos apud virum remaneret, Papinianus Iuniano praetori respondit morte mariti finito matrimonio neque convenisse videri dotem remanere, et, si convenisset, non esse servandum pactum contra dotem, cum mariti mortalitas intervenit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. Where an agreement has been made that the dowry shall remain in the hands of the husband, no matter in what way the marriage may be dissolved, provided there are any children, Papinianus stated to Junianus, the Prætor, that in case the marriage was terminated by the death of the husband, it must be held that no agreement had taken place for the retention of the dowry, and that, under such circumstances, an agreement which was prejudicial to the dowry, should not be observed when the death of the husband takes place.
Dig. 30,28Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Si creditori meo, tutus adversus eum exceptione, id quod ei debeo legem, utile legatum est, quia remissa exceptio videtur, sicut Aristo ait id quod honoraria actione mihi debetur si legetur mihi, legatum valere, quia civilis mihi datur actio pro honoraria. 1Marcellus libro vicesimo octavo putat rem quam ex stipulatu mihi debes si legaveris, utile esse legatum, ut neque Falcidia hoc minuat:
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. If I bequeath to my creditor what I owe him, I being protected against the debt by an exception, the legacy will be valid; for the reason that a release of the exception is held to have been made. This corresponds to what Aristo says, namely, that if my debtor bequeaths to me what is due from him to me in a prætorian action, the legacy will be valid; for the reason that a civil action is granted me instead of an honorary one. 1Marcellus holds, in the Twenty-eighth Book, that if you should bequeath to me what you owe me under a stipulation, the legacy will be valid, and the bequest will not be diminished on account of the Falcidian Law.
Dig. 30,30Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Talis scriptura: ‘quas pecunias legavi, quibus dies adpositus non est, eas heres meus annua bima trima die dato’, ad corpora legata non pertinet, sed ad ea quae pondere numero mensura continentur. 1Et ad ea tantum legata pertinet, quibus dies non est adpositus: proinde si forte pure legatum est, ex hac adiectione prorogabitur. 2Quid si forte centum mihi legata sunt praesentia, utrum annua die dabuntur an vero praesentia? et ait Servius et Labeo praesens deberi. quamvis igitur supervacua sit haec adiectio, quantum ad vim et effectum legati pertinet, tamen ad hoc proficiet, ut praesenti die legatum debeatur. 3Sed si in annos singulos aut singulos menses sit legatum relictum, cessabit ea scriptura, quia hoc legatum et initium et finem habet. 4Sed et si sub condicione sit legatum relictum, potest dici cessare annuam adiectionem, quia dies incertus appellatur condicio. 5Cui congruit quod Trebatius existimat, si cui legetur, quando annorum viginti erit, vulgarem hanc clausulam cessare. 6Item si legetur pecunia quae in arca est vel vinum quod in apothecis est, dicendum est cessare clausulam, quoniam quotiens species legetur, cessare diximus. 7Hanc autem scripturam non solum ad praecedentia sola legata, sed ad universa quae testamento adscripta sunt, extendi Gallus Aquilius, Ofilius, Trebatius responderunt idque verum est.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. A provision as follows: “Let my heir pay the money which I have bequeathed, and for the payment of which I have not set a time, at the end of one, two, and three years,” this will not refer to all articles which may be bequeathed, but only to such as can be weighed, counted, or measured. 1And it only applies to those legacies for which time of payment has not been fixed; hence if the legacy was absolutely bequeathed, its time of payment will be prolonged by this addition. 2What if a hundred aurei in cash should be bequeathed to me, shall payment be made on stated days, or all at once? Servius and Labeo say that the legacy is due at once, in cash. Therefore, although this addition may be superfluous, so far as the force and effect of the legacy is concerned, still, it will apply in such a way as to make the legacy due immediately. 3But if the legacy should be left payable by the year or by the month, this provision will not apply, because this legacy has a beginning and an end. 4Where, however, a legacy is bequeathed under a condition, it can be said that the payment of the same at intervals will not be applicable, because the condition is considered uncertain. 5In accordance with this, Trebatius thinks that if a bequest is made to a person to be paid when he is twenty years of age, the provision above-mentioned, as commonly interpreted, does not apply. 6Again, this provision is not applicable where money is left which is in the testator’s chest, or wine which is in his warehouse; because we have stated that it is not operative where any certain kind of property is bequeathed. 7Gallus Aquilius, Ofilius, and Trebatius have given it as their opinion that this rule not only applies to legacies previously made, but also to all those mentioned in the will, which is true.
Dig. 33,4,1Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Cum dos relegatur, verum est id dotis legato inesse, quod actione de dote inerat. 1Et ideo si inter virum et uxorem convenerat, ut morte viri soluto matrimonio filio communi interveniente dos apud mariti heredem remaneret, et maritus decedens dotem relegaverit, stari pacto non debet ob hoc quod dos relegata est. verum et citra relegationem hoc probari debet: nam quod est admissum posse deteriorem condicionem dotis fieri intervenientibus liberis, totiens locum habet, quotiens ipsa in matrimonio decedit vel divortium intervenit. 2Et verum est commodum in dote relegata esse repraesentationis, quamvis annua die dos praestaretur: 3Est et illud, quod ob res donatas hodie post senatus consultum nulla fit exactio, si modo voluntatem non mutavit testator. 4Impensae autem ipso iure dotem minuunt. sed quod diximus ipso iure dotem impensis minui, non ad singula corpora, sed ad universitatem erit referendum. 5Adeo autem dotis actionem continet dotis relegatio, ut, si vivus eam uxori (scilicet quibus licet casibus) solverit, cesset legatum. 6Sed et si mancipia fuerint in dote non aestimata et haec demortua sint, legatum dotis in his evanescit. 7Sed et si dotem promiserit mulier neque dederit et decedens maritus uxori dotem praelegaverit, mulier nihil amplius quam liberationem habebit: nam et si quis ita legaverit ‘centum quae in arca habeo’ aut ‘quae ille apud me deposuit’, si nulla sint, nihil deberi constat, quia nulla corpora sint. 8Si quis uxori fundum Titianum his verbis legasset: ‘is enim fundus propter illam ad me pervenit’, omnimodo debetur fundus: nam quidquid demonstratae rei additur satis demonstratae, frustra est. 9Celsus libro vicesimo digestorum scribit, si socer nurui dotem relegavit, si quidem ius actionis de dote voluit relegare, nullius momenti esse legatum, quippe nupta est: sed si voluit eam recipere dotalem pecuniam, inquit, utile erit legatum. si tamen haec dotem receperit, nihilo minus maritus dotis persecutionem habebit, sive heres institutus esset, familiae herciscundae iudicio, sive non, utili actione. ego puto, quoniam non hoc voluit socer, ut bis dotem heres praestet, mulierem agentem ex testamento cavere debere defensu iri heredem adversus maritum. ergo et maritus idem debebit cavere adversus mulierem defensu iri, si prior agat. 10Per contrarium apud Iulianum libro trigesimo septimo quaeritur, si socer filio suo exheredato dotem nurus legasset: et ait agi quidem cum marito exheredato de dote non posse, verumtamen ipsum dotem persecuturum ex causa legati: sed non alias eum legatum consecuturum, quam si caverit heredes adversus mulierem defensu iri. et differentiam facit inter eum, cui dos relegata est, et orcinum libertum, cui peculium legatum est: namque eum de peculio posse conveniri ait, heredem non posse, quia peculium desiit penes se habere: at dotis actio nihilo minus competit, etsi dotem desierit habere. 11Idem Iulianus quaerit, si dotem marito relegaverit socer, an dote soluta mulieri legatum mariti extinguatur. et dicit extingui, quia nihil esset iam, quod marito posset praestari. 12Idem quaerit, si dos alii legata esset eamque rogatus sit mulieri restituere, an lex Falcidia in legato locum haberet. et dicit habere: sed quod minus est in fideicommisso, mulierem dotis actione consecuturam. ego quaero, an commoda repraesentationis in hoc legato sic observentur atque si dos ipsi mulieri fuisset relegata. et puto habere. 13Idem Iulianus quaerit, si mulieri dos sit relegata eaque rogata dotem restituere, an Falcidia locum habeat. et negat habere, quoniam fideicommissum quoque negat valere. quod si praeterea quid uxori legatum sit, putat ex residuo fideicommissum praestari: quod utique habita ratione Falcidiae mulieri praestabitur. sed et marito ex parte heredi instituto a socero dote praelegata legatum dotis Falcidiam passurum, videlicet quia adhuc constante matrimonio indebita dos videtur relegata, verum quod Falcidia reccidit, in familiae herciscundae iudicio maritum praecepturum, quemadmodum totam dotem praeciperet, si non esset relegata. 14Mela scripsit, si fundus in dote sit et specialiter sit legatus, mox generaliter dos relegata, non bis, sed semel deberi fundum. 15Ibidem Mela coniungit, si fundus in dote fuit locatus a marito ad certum tempus, uxorem non alias fundum ex relegatione consequi, quam si caverit se passuram colonum frui, dummodo ipsa pensiones percipiat.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. Where a dowry is bequeathed, it is certain that everything is included in it which is embraced in the dotal action. 1Therefore, where an agreement has been made between husband and wife, that, if the marriage should be dissolved by the death of the husband, and a son should be born, the dowry shall remain in the hands of the heir of the husband, and the latter, at his death, shall bequeath the dowry, the agreement will not stand, because the dowry was bequeathed. It should, however, be executed if the dowry was not bequeathed; for the established rule that the condition of the dowry cannot become worse through the intervention of children becomes applicable whenever the woman dies during marriage, or a divorce takes place. 2It is true that there is the advantage of payment where a dowry is bequeathed, as otherwise it would only be payable annually. 3There is also the advantage that, according to the Decree of the Senate, no demand can be made for property donated, provided the testator did not change his mind. 4Moreover, expenses which have been incurred diminish the dowry to that extent by operation of law, and what we have said concerning this does not refer to separate articles, but to the entire dowry. 5Ad Dig. 33,4,1,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 658, Note 3.The bequest of a dowry includes also the dotal action, so that if the husband, while living, restored it to his wife, as is permitted in certain cases, the legacy will be annulled. 6But if slaves, whose value had not been appraised, should be included in the dowry, and they should be dead, the legacy of the dowry, so far as they are concerned, will be void. 7If the wife promised a dowry, but did not give it, and the husband, at his death, should leave it as a preferred legacy to his wife; she will be entitled to nothing more than a release from liability. For if anyone should make a bequest as follows: “I bequeath a hundred aurei, which I have in my chest,” or “Which So-and-So has deposited with me;” and there should be no such sum, it is established that nothing will be due, because the property in question was not in existence. 8If anyone should bequeath the Titian Estate to his wife, as follows, “Since the said land has come into my hands through her;” the land will undoubtedly be due; for where anything is added for the purpose of pointing out something which has already been designated, it is superfluous. 9Celsus in the Twentieth Book of the Digest says that if a father-in-law bequeaths her dowry to his daughter-in-law, and he intends to leave a right of action with reference to the dowry, the legacy will be of no force or effect, as she is already married; but if he wished her to receive the money which she brought as dowry, he says that the legacy will be valid. When, however, she has received her dowry, the husband will, nevertheless, have the right to claim it by means of a prætorian action, whether an heir has been appointed in a suit for partition, or not. I think that, as the father-in-law did not intend his heir to pay the dowry twice, if the woman should bring an action under the will, she should furnish him security to defend the heir against the husband. Therefore, the husband also should furnish security to defend him against his wife, if he should be the first to institute proceedings. 10Ad Dig. 33,4,1,10Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 484, Note 20.On the other hand, it is stated by Julianus in the Thirty-seventh Book, that if a father-in-law should bequeath the dowry of his daughter-in-law to his disinherited son, while she cannot bring the dotal action against her disinherited husband, he himself can claim the dowry, on the ground of a legacy; but he cannot obtain it unless he furnishes security to defend the heir against the woman. He makes this difference between the person to whom the dowry is bequeathed, and a freedman liberated by the will, and to whom his peculium was bequeathed; for he says that the heir cannot be sued on account of the peculium for the reason that it is no longer in his possession, but the dotal action can, nevertheless, be brought against him, even though he has ceased to have control of the dowry. 11Julianus also asks, where the father-in-law bequeathed the dowry to the husband, and it has been paid to the wife, whether the legacy of the husband will be extinguished. He says that it will be extinguished, because there is nothing more which the heir can pay to the husband. 12He also asks, in case the dowry should be bequeathed to someone else who is charged to return it to the woman, whether the Falcidian Law will apply to the legacy. He says that it will apply, but that she can by the dotal action recover any deficiency which the trust may have suffered on this account. I ask whether the benefit of payment should be taken into consideration in this legacy, as if the dowry had been paid directly to the wife herself. I think that this ought to be done. 13Julianus also asks, if a dowry is bequeathed to a wife, and she is asked to pay it to another, whether the Falcidian Law will apply, and he says that it will not, as the trust is invalid. He thinks, however, that where anything, in addition, is bequeathed to the wife, the residue of the trust should be discharged and therefore what is paid her will be subject to the operation of the Falcidian Law. Where, however, the husband is appointed heir to a portion of the father-in-law’s estate, and the dowry is bequeathed by the latter as a preferred legacy, the bequest of the dowry will be subject to the Falcidian Law, for the reason that, as the marriage still exists, the dowry is considered not to be due to the woman. But whatever has been deducted through the operation of the Falcidian Law can be recovered by the husband in an action for partition, just as he could recover the entire dowry if it had not been bequeathed to his wife. 14Mela says that if a tract of land forming part of the dowry has been especially bequeathed, and after the dowry has been bequeathed in general terms, the land will be due not twice, but only once. 15Mela adds, in the same place, that where land forming a part of a dowry has been leased by the husband for a certain time, the wife cannot obtain it under the bequest, unless she furnishes security to permit the tenant to enjoy it, provided she herself receives the rent.
Dig. 36,1,21Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Sed et si ad tempus liberorum fuerit legatum relictum et is uxore praegnate decesserit, ad heredem suum transferat legatum.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. Where, however, a legacy is left to someone to vest at the time when he shall have children, and he dies leaving his wife pregnant, he will transmit the legacy to his heir.
Dig. 36,2,4Idem libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Si ‘cum heres morietur’ legetur, condicionale legatum est: denique vivo herede defunctus legatarius ad heredem non transfert. si vero ‘cum ipse legatarius morietur’ legetur ei, certum est legatum ad heredem transmitti.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XIX. If a bequest is made to anyone to take effect at the time of the death of the heir, the legacy is conditional, so that if the legatee should die during the lifetime of the heir, he will not transmit his right to his own heir. If, however, the bequest should be made to the legatee to take effect at the time of his own death, it is certain that the legacy will pass to his heir.
Dig. 40,4,7Idem libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Neratius scribit eius, cui libertas sic data est ‘si mihi nullus filius erit cum moriar, Stichus liber esto’, impediri libertatem postumo nato. sed dum speratur nasci, utrum in servitute remanere dicimus an vero ex postfacto respondemus retro liberum fuisse nullo filio nato? quod magis arbitror probandum.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XIX. Neratius says, that when freedom is granted to a slave as follows, “If I should have no child at the time of my death, let Stichus be free,” he will be prevented from obtaining his freedom in case a posthumous child is born. But, while the birth is in anticipation, shall we say that the slave remains in servitude; or shall we hold that he will become a freedman by retroactive effect, if no child should be born? I think that the latter opinion should be adopted.
Dig. 45,1,13Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Qui ‘ante kalendas proximas’ stipuletur, similis est ei, qui ‘kalendis’ stipulatur.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. He who enters into a stipulation for payment before the next kalends is in the same position as one who stipulates for payment on the kalends.
Dig. 49,14,25Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Est et decretum ab imperatore Severo et constitutum nullo modo exigendum quem probare, unde habeat, circa delationes fiscales, sed delatorem probare debere quod intendit.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. It was decreed and established by the Emperor Severus that, under no circumstances, should anyone be required to show when he obtained the property denounced to the Treasury, but that the informer should prove what he alleges.
Dig. 50,17,13Ulpianus libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Non videtur cepisse, qui per exceptionem a petitione removetur.
Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XIX. He is not considered to have acquired anything whose claim is barred by an exception.