Ad Massurium Sabinum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 28,3,8Idem libro undecimo ad Sabinum. Verum est adoptione vel adrogatione filii filiaeve testamentum rumpi, quoniam sui heredis adgnatione solet rumpi. 1Filia cum emancipatur vel nepos, quia una mancipatione exeunt de potestate, testamentum non rumpunt.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XI. It is true that a will is broken by either the adoption or the arrogation of a son or a daughter, just as it is ordinarily broken by the birth of an heir. 1Where a daughter and a grandson are emancipated, this does not break a will, because they are released from paternal control by a single sale.
Dig. 29,1,10Idem libro undecimo ad Sabinum. Facere testamentum hostium potitus nec iure militari potest.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book IV. Anyone who is in the power of the enemy cannot make a will, even in compliance with military law.