Responsorum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 10,2,53Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Pecuniam, quam filius emancipatus ita credidit, ut patri solveretur, ita demum in hereditatem patris numerari, si patri adversus filium eiusdem quantitatis nomine actio competebat.
Dig. 11,8,4Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Longa possessione ius sepulchri non tribui ei, cui iure non competit.
Dig. 15,4,3Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Dominum, qui iussit semissibus usuris servo suo pecuniam mutuam credi, hactenus teneri quatenus iussit: nec pignoris obligationem locum habere in his praediis, quae servus non ex voluntate domini obligavit.
Dig. 23,3,51Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Si res, quas filiae emancipatae pater donavit, ex voluntate eius postea in dotem pro ea datae sunt, a filia dotem, non a patre videri datam.
Dig. 24,1,40Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Quod apiscendae dignitatis gratia ab uxore in maritum collatum est, eatenus ratum est, quatenus dignitati supplendae opus est:
Dig. 24,3,37Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Dotem voluntate filiae videri patrem recepisse, cum causas contradicendi ei filia non haberet, maxime cum ab eo postea ampliore summa dotata sit.
Dig. 27,1,23Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Propter magistratum, quem in municipio quis erat administraturus, tutelae excusationem non habere respondi. 1Si in castris merentes non ab eo tutores dentur, qui in castris merebat, excusationem habere respondi.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. I have already stated that a person has not a valid excuse for release from guardianship on account of some magisterial office, the duties of which he should discharge in a municipality. 1I have given it as my opinion that where a soldier is serving in camp, he has a right to be excused if he is appointed guardian for someone who is not serving in the same camp.
Dig. 30,120Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Nihil proponi, cur prohibeatur heres aedificia distrahere, quorum reditus sportulae sunt relictae, salva tamen causa legati. 1Omnibus quibus fideicommissum relictum est ad distractionem consentientibus nullam fideicommissi petitionem superfuturam. 2Fructus ex fundo pure legato post aditam hereditatem a legatario perceptos ad ipsum pertinere, colonum autem cum herede ex conducto habere actionem.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. Nothing is stated by which an heir is prevented from selling houses belonging to an estate, although annuities may have been left to be derived from their rent, provided the right to the legacy remains Unimpaired. 1Where all the parties to whom a trust has been bequeathed consent to the sale of the property, no further demand can be made under the terms of the trust. 2Where a tract of land has been unconditionally devised, and its profits have been acquired by the legatee after acceptance of the estate, they will belong to him, and the tenant interested in said profits will be entitled to an action against the heir under his lease.
Dig. 39,5,16Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Ex hac scriptura: ‘sciant heredes mei me vestem universam ac res ceteras, quascumque in diem mortis meae mecum habui, illi et illi libertis meis vivum donasse’ dominium ad libertos benigna interpretatione pertinere.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. By the following clause, “Let my heirs take notice that my entire wardrobe, and any other property which I had in my possession at the time of my death, has been given to So-and-So and So-and-So, my freedmen,” the ownership of the property will, by a liberal interpretation, belong to the said freedmen.
Dig. 40,11,1Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. A principe natalibus suis restitutum eum, qui se ingenuum natum principi adfirmavit, si ex ancilla natus est, nihil videri impetrasse.
Dig. 43,26,20Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Ea, quae distracta sunt, ut precario penes emptorem essent, quoad pretium universum persolveretur: si per emptorem stetit, quo minus persolveretur, venditorem posse consequi.
Dig. 49,1,13Idem libro secundo responsorum. Appellanti nihil obesse, quod in libellis a qua parte sententiae appellaret non significavit. 1Non solere improbari appellationem eorum, qui vel unam causam appellandi probabilem habuerunt.