Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Ulp. Responsorum lib.Ulpiani Responsorum libri

Responsorum libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 2,15,10Idem libro primo responsorum. De re filiorum, quos in potestate non habuit, transigentem patrem minime eis subesse placet.

The Same, Opinions, Book I. It is settled that where a father makes a compromise with reference to the rights of sons who are not under his control, they are not prejudiced by it.

Dig. 17,2,73Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Maximino respondit, si societatem universarum fortunarum coierint, id est earum quoque rerum, quae postea cuique adquirentur, hereditatem cuivis eorum delatam in commune redigendam. idem maximae respondit, si societatem universarum fortunarum ita coierint, ut quidquid erogetur vel quaereretur communis lucri atque impendii esset, ea quoque, quae in honorem alterius liberorum erogata sunt, utrisque inputanda.

Ulpianus, Opinions, in Answer to Maximin, Book I. Where persons form a partnership of their entire property, that is to say of whatever property either one may subsequently acquire, an estate which falls to either of them must be placed in the common fund. He also stated to Maximin that, where persons form a partnership of their entire property in such a way that whatever is expended or gained shall be to the common profit or expense; any sums which may be expended for the children of either must be charged to both.

Dig. 20,4,10Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Si et iure iudicatum et pignus in causa iudicati ex auctoritate eius qui iubere potuit captum est, privilegiis temporis fore potiorem heredem eius, in cuius persona pignus constitutum est.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. If, after sentence has been pronounced, a pledge should be taken in a case by the authority of someone who can order this to be done, the heir of the party to whom the pledge was given will be preferred through the privilege of priority of time.

Dig. 22,1,31Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Quod in stipulatione sic adiectum est: ‘et usuras, si quae competierint’, nullius esse momenti, si modus certus non adiciatur.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. Where the following has been added to a stipulation, “and interest, if any is due,” it will be void if the rate of interest is not mentioned.

Dig. 22,3,22Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Eum, qui voluntatem mutatam dicit, probare hoc debere.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. He who says that he has changed his mind must prove it.

Dig. 23,4,25Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Quod de reddenda dote, si data fuisset, mortua in matrimonio filia convenit, idem de non petenda quoque videri convenisse ac patrem pacti conventi exceptionem nanctum ad heredem suum transmississe.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. With reference to the return of a dowry, where it was agreed to do so if the girl died before marriage, it is also held that the husband agreed not to claim it, and that the father had obtained the right to transmit to his heir an exception on the ground of contract.

Dig. 26,7,19Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Actus sui rationem concuratori reddere non esse compellendum: sed nisi cum eo administrationem communicet aut si non ex fide curam gerat, suspectum postulari posse.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. A curator is not compelled to render an account of his acts to his associate, but where he does not share the administration with him, or does not discharge his trust in good faith, he can be denounced as suspicious.

Dig. 27,3,19Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Si probatum est nomen debitoris a novissimo curatore, frustra tutorem de eo conveniri.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. Where a claim due from a debtor has been approved by the last curator, the guardian cannot be sued for the claim.

Dig. 27,4,5Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Heredem tutoris, si eam summam solverit, in quam obligati pupilli fuerunt, actionem contrariam adversus eos habere posse respondi.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. I gave it as my opinion that the heir of a guardian, where he has paid a sum for which his wards were liable, is entitled to the counteraction against them.

Dig. 27,6,12Idem libro primo responsorum. Ex eo, quod interrogatus tutorem se esse respondit, nulla eum actione teneri: si tamen, cum tutor non esset, responso suo in aliquam captionem adulescentem induxit, utilem actionem adversus eum dandam.

The Same, Opinions, Book XII. Where a party, having been interrogated in court, answers that he is a guardian, he will not be liable to any action for making this statement. Where, however, he was not a guardian, and the minor was in any way defrauded through his answer, an equitable action should be granted against him.

Dig. 32,68Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Iunianio respondit testatorem adiciendo ‘praedium Seianum omne’ eam quoque partem fundi supra scripti quasi ad se pertinentem videri per fideicommissum reliquisse, quam ex causa pignoris nactus est, salvo scilicet iure debitoris. 1Ex his verbis: ‘curate agros attendere, et ita fiet, ut filius meus filios vestros vobis condonet’, fideicommissum peti non posse. 2Servos communes a Seia ita relictos ‘si mei erunt cum moriar’ non deberi, si modo hoc sensit testatrix, ut ita deberentur, si in solidum eius fuissent. 3Praediis cum his enthecis, quae in ea possessione sunt, relictis mancipia quoque praediorum, cum illic testamenti facti tempore fuerunt, cedent: sed et quae postea accesserunt, si modo hoc testator manifeste expressit.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. Ulpianus stated to Julianus that the testator, by adding, “The entire Seian Estate,” was understood to have left also that portion of the above-mentioned land which seemed to be appurtenant to it by the terms of the trust, and which he had obtained by way of pledge; the right of the debtor to the same being reserved. 1The execution of a trust cannot be demanded under the following words: “Be sure to take good care of my fields, and the result will be that my son will give you your children.” 2Where slaves held in common with another are bequeathed by Seia, under the condition, “If they should be mine when I die,” they will not be due; provided the testatrix intended that they should be due if they were entirely hers at that time. 3Where certain tracts of land are left, together with the stores situated thereon, the slaves who belonged to said lands when the will was made will be included in the legacy, as well as those who were subsequently attached to it; provided the testator plainly showed that this was his intention.

Dig. 40,5,52Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Posteaquam a creditore alienati sunt servi, quibus fideicommissa libertas adscripta est, non nisi ex iusta causa adversus heredem subveniri eis posse.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. Where slaves, to whom freedom has been bequeathed under the terms of a trust, are afterwards sold by a creditor, they cannot be granted relief against the heir, except for good cause.

Dig. 40,12,31Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Filium ob hoc, quod patri heres extitit, prohiberi a patre suum servum manumissum in servitutem petere.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. A son who appears as the heir of his father is forbidden from demanding as a slave one who had been manumitted by his father.

Dig. 45,2,8Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. His verbis: ‘eaque praestari stipulanti tibi spopondimus’ interesse, quid inter contrahentes actum sit: nam si duo rei facti sint, eum qui absens fuit non teneri, praesentem autem in solidum esse obligatum, aut si minus, in partem fore obstrictum.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. The intention of the contracting parties must be determined from the following words, “What we have promised to furnish you, as stipulator,” for if both of them have become joint-promisors, and one is absent, he will not be bound, but the one who is present will be liable for the entire amount; or if they are not joint-promisors, he only will be liable for his share.

Dig. 46,3,45Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Callippo respondit, quamvis stipulanti uxori vir spoponderit dirempto matrimonio praedia, quae doti erant obligata, in solutum dare, tamen satis esse offerri dotis quantitatem. 1Idem Frontoni respondit perseveranti tutori in tutelae administratione, licet capitis reo, potuisse id, quod pupillo bona fide debetur, exsolvi.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. It was held by Callippus that although a husband had promised his wife, who was the stipulator, that in case the marriage should be dissolved, the land which was hypothecated for the dowry should be given in payment, still it would be sufficient to tender the amount of the dowry. 1The same authority stated to Fronto, that if a guardian continued to administer the affairs of the guardianship, although he had been accused of a capital crime, payment could be made to him of what was actually due to his ward.

Dig. 46,5,10Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Valeriano respondit: si praeses, qui ante in triennium caveri iusserat, postea in longum tempus caveri praecepit: quia a prima stipulatione prorsus discedi voluerat, exceptionem primae stipulationi obligatis peperisse videtur.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. Answers Valerianus. If the Prætor, who previously had ordered security furnished for three years afterwards, should direct it to be given for a longer time, because he desired that the first stipulation should be abandoned, he is considered to have granted an exception to those who were bound by the first stipulation.

Dig. 49,14,33Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Eum, qui debitoris fisci adiit hereditatem, privilegiis fisci coepisse esse subiectum.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. He who has entered upon the estate of a fiscal debtor begins to be subject to the privileges of the Treasury.

Dig. 50,12,5Ulpianus libro primo responsorum. Charidemo respondit ex epistula, quam muneris edendi gratia absens quis emisit, compelli eum ad editionem non posse.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. Answered Charidemus as follows: “Anyone who, while absent, promises by letter that something shall be done for a city, will be compelled to comply with his promise.”

Ex libro II

Dig. 10,2,53Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Pecuniam, quam filius emancipatus ita credidit, ut patri solveretur, ita demum in hereditatem patris numerari, si patri adversus filium eiusdem quantitatis nomine actio competebat.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. Where an emancipated son lent a sum of money to be paid to his father, it will afterwards be included in the estate of the father only in case the latter had a right of action against his son for the said sum of money.

Dig. 11,8,4Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Longa possessione ius sepulchri non tribui ei, cui iure non competit.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. The right to a burial-place is not acquired by a party through long possession, if it does not lawfully belong to him.

Dig. 15,4,3Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Dominum, qui iussit semissibus usuris servo suo pecuniam mutuam credi, hactenus teneri quatenus iussit: nec pignoris obligationem locum habere in his praediis, quae servus non ex voluntate domini obligavit.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. A master who has directed money to be loaned to his slave at six per cent interest, is liable for the amount which he has authorized; and an obligation of pledge does not affect lands which a slave has encumbered without the consent of his master.

Dig. 23,3,51Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Si res, quas filiae emancipatae pater donavit, ex voluntate eius postea in dotem pro ea datae sunt, a filia dotem, non a patre videri datam.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. Where property which a father has given to his emancipated daughter is afterwards given for her by way of dowry, with her consent, the dowry is held to have been given by the daughter, and not by the father.

Dig. 24,1,40Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Quod apiscendae dignitatis gratia ab uxore in maritum collatum est, eatenus ratum est, quatenus dignitati supplendae opus est:

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. Where property is given to a husband by his wife for the purpose of obtaining some office, the donation will be valid to the extent that it was necessary to provide the office for her husband.

Dig. 24,3,37Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Dotem voluntate filiae videri patrem recepisse, cum causas contradicendi ei filia non haberet, maxime cum ab eo postea ampliore summa dotata sit.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. A father is held to have received the dowry with the consent of his daughter, when the latter has no good reason to advance in opposition to his claim, and especially if she has afterwards been endowed by him with a larger sum.

Dig. 27,1,23Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Propter magistratum, quem in municipio quis erat administraturus, tutelae excusationem non habere respondi. 1Si in castris merentes non ab eo tutores dentur, qui in castris merebat, excusationem habere respondi.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. I have already stated that a person has not a valid excuse for release from guardianship on account of some magisterial office, the duties of which he should discharge in a municipality. 1I have given it as my opinion that where a soldier is serving in camp, he has a right to be excused if he is appointed guardian for someone who is not serving in the same camp.

Dig. 30,120Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Nihil proponi, cur prohibeatur heres aedificia distrahere, quorum reditus sportulae sunt relictae, salva tamen causa legati. 1Omnibus quibus fideicommissum relictum est ad distractionem consentientibus nullam fideicommissi petitionem superfuturam. 2Fructus ex fundo pure legato post aditam hereditatem a legatario perceptos ad ipsum pertinere, colonum autem cum herede ex conducto habere actionem.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. Nothing is stated by which an heir is prevented from selling houses belonging to an estate, although annuities may have been left to be derived from their rent, provided the right to the legacy remains Unimpaired. 1Where all the parties to whom a trust has been bequeathed consent to the sale of the property, no further demand can be made under the terms of the trust. 2Where a tract of land has been unconditionally devised, and its profits have been acquired by the legatee after acceptance of the estate, they will belong to him, and the tenant interested in said profits will be entitled to an action against the heir under his lease.

Dig. 39,5,16Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Ex hac scriptura: ‘sciant heredes mei me vestem universam ac res ceteras, quascumque in diem mortis meae mecum habui, illi et illi libertis meis vivum donasse’ dominium ad libertos benigna interpretatione pertinere.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. By the following clause, “Let my heirs take notice that my entire wardrobe, and any other property which I had in my possession at the time of my death, has been given to So-and-So and So-and-So, my freedmen,” the ownership of the property will, by a liberal interpretation, belong to the said freedmen.

Dig. 40,11,1Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. A principe natalibus suis restitutum eum, qui se ingenuum natum principi adfirmavit, si ex ancilla natus est, nihil videri impetrasse.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. Where anyone, who stated to the Emperor that he was born free, has been restored by him to the rights to which he was entitled by birth, is proved to have been born of a female slave, he is considered to have obtained nothing.

Dig. 43,26,20Ulpianus libro secundo responsorum. Ea, quae distracta sunt, ut precario penes emptorem essent, quoad pretium universum persolveretur: si per emptorem stetit, quo minus persolveretur, venditorem posse consequi.

Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. The vendor can follow up any property which has been sold, and which is to remain in the hands of the purchaser under a precarious title, until the entire price has been paid, if it was the purchaser’s fault that payment has not been made.

Dig. 49,1,13Idem libro secundo responsorum. Appellanti nihil obesse, quod in libellis a qua parte sententiae appellaret non significavit. 1Non solere improbari appellationem eorum, qui vel unam causam appellandi probabilem habuerunt.

The Same, Opinions, Book II. It is no disadvantage to an appellant if, in his petition, he did not indicate from what part of the decision he appealed. 1It is not customary to reject the appeal of those who have at least one good ground for appeal.