Regularum libri
Ex libro singulari
Dig. 22,5,17Ulpianus libro singulari regularum. Pater et filius qui in potestate eius est, item duo fratres qui in eiusdem patris potestate sunt testes utrique in eodem testamento vel eodem negotio fieri possunt, quoniam nihil nocet ex una domo plures testes alieno negotio adhiberi.
Ulpianus, Rules. A father, and a son who is under his control, and also two brothers, subject to the authority of the same father, can be witnesses in the case of a will, or in the same transaction; since there is nothing to prevent several witnesses belonging to one household from testifying in a matter in which another party is interested.
Dig. 44,7,25Ulpianus libro singulari regularum. Actionum genera sunt duo, in rem, quae dicitur vindicatio, et in personam, quae condictio appellatur. in rem actio est, per quam rem nostram, quae ab alio possidetur, petimus: et semper adversus eum est qui rem possidet. in personam actio est, qua cum eo agimus, qui obligatus est nobis ad faciendum aliquid vel dandum: et semper adversus eundem locum habet. 1Actionum autem quaedam ex contractu, quaedam ex facto, quaedam in factum sunt. ex contractu actio est, quotiens quis sui lucri causa cum aliquo contrahit, veluti emendo vendendo locando conducendo et ceteris similibus. ex facto actio est, quotiens ex eo teneri quis incipit, quod ipse admisit, veluti furtum vel iniuriam commisit vel damnum dedit. in factum actio dicitur, qualis est exempli gratia actio, quae datur patrono adversus libertum, a quo contra edictum praetoris in ius vocatus est. 2Omnes autem actiones aut civiles dicuntur aut honorariae.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book V. Ad Dig. 44,7,25 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 9 (1873), S. 33: Zulässigkeit der Klagen auf Feststellung eines obligatorischen Verhältnisses.ROHGE, Bd. 9 (1873), S. 33: Klagen auf Feststellung eines obligatorischen Verhältnisses.There are two kinds of actions, one a real one, which is styled vindictio, and the other a personal one, which is called condictio. The real action is that by which we sue for property belonging to us which is in the possession of another, and it is always brought against the party in possession. The personal action is one which we bring against a person who is bound to do something for, or give something to us, and it is always against him that it is brought. 1Some actions are based on contract, others on an act, and others still are in factum. An action is founded upon a contract whenever one person has entered into an agreement with another for his own advantage; as, for instance, by a purchase, a sale, a hiring, a lease, and other transactions of this kind. An action based on an act is where anyone is liable for some offence which he himself has committed; for instance, a theft or an injury, or for some damage which he has caused. An action in factum is, for example, one which is granted to a patron against his freedman, by whom he has been brought into court in violation of the Prætorian Edict. 2All actions are said to be either civil or prætorian.