Regularum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 28,2,2Idem libro sexto regularum. Nominatim exheredatus filius et ita videtur ‘filius meus exheres esto’, si nec nomen eius expressum sit, si modo unicus sit: nam si plures sunt filii, benigna interpretatione potius a plerisque respondetur nullum exheredatum esse.
The Same, Rules, Book VI. It is held that a son is specifically disinherited in the following words, “Let my son be disinherited”, even if his name is not expressly stated, where the testator has only one son; for where he has several, the opinion is entertained by most authorities, in accordance with the more beneficent interpretation, that none of the sons will be disinherited.
Dig. 28,5,25Ulpianus libro sexto regularum. quia tacita substitutio inesse videtur institutioni:
Dig. 28,5,51Ulpianus libro sexto regularum. Servum meum heredem institutum cum libertate si vivus vendidero ei, cum quo testamenti factio non est, posteaque eum redemero, ex testamento mihi heres esse poterit nec medium tempus, quo apud eum fuit, vitiavit institutionem, quia verum est utroque tempore tam testamenti faciendi quam mortis tempore meum fuisse. unde si apud eum remanserit, vitiatur institutio: vel si cum eo testamenti factio est, iussu eius adeundo adquiret ei hereditatem. 1Si in non faciendo impossibilis condicio institutione heredis sit expressa, secundum omnium sententiam heres erit, perinde ac si pure institutus esset. 2Hereditas plerumque dividitur in duodecim uncias, quae assis appellatione continentur. habent autem et hae partes propria nomina ab uncia usque ad assem, puta haec: sextans quadrans triens quincunx semis septunx bes dodrans dextans deunx as.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book VI. If, during my lifetime, I should sell my slave, whom I had appointed my heir with the grant of his freedom, to a party who did not have testamentary capacity, and afterwards I should redeem said slave, he can be my heir under the will; nor will the intermediate time during which he was in the hands of another master annul the appointment, because it is certain that he has been mine at both times, namely that of the execution of the will, and that of death. Wherefore, if he had remained in the hands of his other master, the appointment would become void; or if he had been transferred to someone who had testamentary capacity, he would acquire my estate for the latter through entering upon it by his direction. 1If the condition upon which the appointment of an heir was dependent stated that some act was not to be performed, and it was impossible, the person designated will be the heir in accordance with the opinion of all authorities, just as if he had been unconditionally appointed. 2An estate is generally divided into twelve parts, which are included in the appellation as. These parts all have their own names from the uncia to the as, for example, the following: “The sixth, the fourth, the third, five-twelfths, half, seven-twelfths, two-thirds, three-fourths, five-sixths, eleven-twelfths, the as.”
Dig. 38,8,4Ulpianus libro sexto regularum. Si spurius intestato decesserit, iure consanguinitatis aut adgnationis hereditas eius ad nullum pertinet, quia consanguinitatis itemque adgnationis iura a patre oriuntur: proximitatis autem nomine mater eius aut frater eadem matre natus bonorum possessionem eius ex edicto petere potest.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book VI. If an illegitimate child should die intestate, his property will belong to no one by the right of consanguinity or cognation; because the rights of consanguinity, as well as those of cognation, are derived from the father. However, on the ground of being next of kin, his mother, or his brother by the same mother, can demand prætorian possession of his estate under the terms of the Edict.