Regularum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 40,4,25Ulpianus libro quarto regularum. Testamento liber esse iussus tum fit liber, cum adita fuerit hereditas qualibet ex parte, si modo ab eo gradu, quo liber esse iussus est, adita fuerit et pure quis manumissus sit.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book IV. Where a slave is ordered to be free by the terms of a will, he will obtain his freedom as soon as any portion of the estate whatsoever is accepted; provided it is accepted by one belonging to the degree in which the slave is ordered to be free, and that he has been unconditionally manumitted.
Dig. 40,7,16Ulpianus libro quarto regularum. Statulibera quidquid peperit, hoc servum heredis est.
Dig. 41,2,42Ulpianus libro quarto regularum. Communis servus etiamsi ab uno ex dominis omnium nomine possideatur, ab omnibus possideri intellegitur. 1Procurator si quidem mandante domino rem emerit, protinus illi adquirit possessionem: quod si sua sponte emerit, non nisi ratam habuerit dominus emptionem.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book IV. Where a slave owned in common is possessed by one of the joint-owners in the name of all, he is understood to be possessed by all. 1Ad Dig. 41,2,42,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 155, Noten 6, 9.Where an agent purchases property by the direction of his principal, he immediately acquires possession of it for him. This is not true if he purchases it on his own responsibility, unless his principal ratifies the sale.