Regularum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 42,5,33Ulpianus libro tertio regularum. Si pupillus ex contractu suo non defendatur ideoque bona eius creditores possidere coeperint, deminutio ex his bonis fieri debet vescendi pupilli causa. 1Defendere debitorem sicut ante, quam bona eius possiderentur, licet, ita post bonorum quoque possessionem eius, sive ipse sui, sive alius defensionem eius suscipiat, debet satisdare, ut satisdatione interposita iudicium accipiatur et a possessione discedatur.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book III. Where a minor is sued on a contract, and offers no defence, and, fqr this reason, his creditors obtain possession of his property, an amount should be deducted from it for his maintenance. 1As it is permitted to defend a debtor before his creditors have obtained possession of his property, this can also be done after possession of it has been obtained; and, whether he himself undertakes his defence, or someone else does so for him, security must be given that the decision of the court will be complied with, and possession relinquished.