Regularum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,1,10Ulpianus libro primo regularum. Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi. 1Iuris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere. 2Iuris prudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque iniusti scientia.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book I. Justice is the constant and perpetual desire to give to every one that to which he is entitled. 1The precepts of the law are the following: to live honorably, to injure no one, to give to every one his due. 2The science of the law is the acquaintance with Divine and human affairs, the knowledge of what is just and what is unjust.
Dig. 2,1,1Ulpianus libro primo regularum. Ius dicentis officium latissimum est: nam et bonorum possessionem dare potest et in possessionem mittere, pupillis non habentibus tutores constituere, iudices litigantibus dare.
Dig. 29,2,67Idem libro primo regularum. Servus communis ab extero heres institutus si iussu unius adierit hereditatem, non pro maiore parte interim heredem eum facit, quam pro dominica, deinde ceteris sociis non iubentibus tacito iure partes ei adcrescunt.
The Same, Rules, Book I. Where a slave owned in common is appointed an heir by a stranger, and enters upon the estate by the order of one of his masters; this does not, in the meantime, constitute him the heir of a larger amount than his master is entitled to. If, however, his other masters do not order him to accept the estate, their shares will accrue to him tacitly by operation of law.
Dig. 44,3,8Ulpianus libro primo regularum. In accessione temporis et id tempus, quo in fuga sit servus, domino eius procedere verum est.
Dig. 48,15,1Ulpianus libro primo regularum. Si liberum hominem emptor sciens emerit, capitale crimen adversus eum ex lege Fabia de plagio nascitur, quo venditor quoque fit obnoxius, si sciens liberum esse vendiderit.
Dig. 50,16,213Idem libro primo regularum. ‘Cedere diem’ significat incipere deberi pecuniam: ‘venire diem’ significat eum diem venisse, quo pecunia peti possit. ubi pure quis stipulatus fuerit, et cessit et venit dies: ubi in diem, cessit dies, sed nondum venit: ubi sub condicione, neque cessit neque venit dies pendente adhuc condicione. 1‘Aes alienum’ est, quod nos aliis debemus: ‘aes suum’ est, quod alii nobis debent. 2‘Lata culpa’ est nimia neglegentia, id est non intellegere quod omnes intellegunt.
The Same, Rules, Book I. The expression “cedere diem” means to begin to owe a sum of money: “venire diem” means the day has come when the money can be collected. When anyone makes an absolute stipulation, the money begins to be due, and the day of payment arrives immediately. When he agrees to pay it at a certain time, the indebtedness begins at once, but the time of payment does not; when he agrees to pay it under a condition, the indebtedness is not incurred, nor is the sum payable, while the condition is pending. 1“Æs alienum” means what we owe to others: “æs suum” is what others owe us. 2Gross negligence is extreme negligence, that is to say, not to know what everybody else knows.