Regularum libri
Ex libro singulari
Dig. 22,5,17Ulpianus libro singulari regularum. Pater et filius qui in potestate eius est, item duo fratres qui in eiusdem patris potestate sunt testes utrique in eodem testamento vel eodem negotio fieri possunt, quoniam nihil nocet ex una domo plures testes alieno negotio adhiberi.
Ulpianus, Rules. A father, and a son who is under his control, and also two brothers, subject to the authority of the same father, can be witnesses in the case of a will, or in the same transaction; since there is nothing to prevent several witnesses belonging to one household from testifying in a matter in which another party is interested.
Dig. 44,7,25Ulpianus libro singulari regularum. Actionum genera sunt duo, in rem, quae dicitur vindicatio, et in personam, quae condictio appellatur. in rem actio est, per quam rem nostram, quae ab alio possidetur, petimus: et semper adversus eum est qui rem possidet. in personam actio est, qua cum eo agimus, qui obligatus est nobis ad faciendum aliquid vel dandum: et semper adversus eundem locum habet. 1Actionum autem quaedam ex contractu, quaedam ex facto, quaedam in factum sunt. ex contractu actio est, quotiens quis sui lucri causa cum aliquo contrahit, veluti emendo vendendo locando conducendo et ceteris similibus. ex facto actio est, quotiens ex eo teneri quis incipit, quod ipse admisit, veluti furtum vel iniuriam commisit vel damnum dedit. in factum actio dicitur, qualis est exempli gratia actio, quae datur patrono adversus libertum, a quo contra edictum praetoris in ius vocatus est. 2Omnes autem actiones aut civiles dicuntur aut honorariae.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book V. Ad Dig. 44,7,25 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 9 (1873), S. 33: Zulässigkeit der Klagen auf Feststellung eines obligatorischen Verhältnisses.ROHGE, Bd. 9 (1873), S. 33: Klagen auf Feststellung eines obligatorischen Verhältnisses.There are two kinds of actions, one a real one, which is styled vindictio, and the other a personal one, which is called condictio. The real action is that by which we sue for property belonging to us which is in the possession of another, and it is always brought against the party in possession. The personal action is one which we bring against a person who is bound to do something for, or give something to us, and it is always against him that it is brought. 1Some actions are based on contract, others on an act, and others still are in factum. An action is founded upon a contract whenever one person has entered into an agreement with another for his own advantage; as, for instance, by a purchase, a sale, a hiring, a lease, and other transactions of this kind. An action based on an act is where anyone is liable for some offence which he himself has committed; for instance, a theft or an injury, or for some damage which he has caused. An action in factum is, for example, one which is granted to a patron against his freedman, by whom he has been brought into court in violation of the Prætorian Edict. 2All actions are said to be either civil or prætorian.
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,1,10Ulpianus libro primo regularum. Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi. 1Iuris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere. 2Iuris prudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque iniusti scientia.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book I. Justice is the constant and perpetual desire to give to every one that to which he is entitled. 1The precepts of the law are the following: to live honorably, to injure no one, to give to every one his due. 2The science of the law is the acquaintance with Divine and human affairs, the knowledge of what is just and what is unjust.
Dig. 2,1,1Ulpianus libro primo regularum. Ius dicentis officium latissimum est: nam et bonorum possessionem dare potest et in possessionem mittere, pupillis non habentibus tutores constituere, iudices litigantibus dare.
Dig. 29,2,67Idem libro primo regularum. Servus communis ab extero heres institutus si iussu unius adierit hereditatem, non pro maiore parte interim heredem eum facit, quam pro dominica, deinde ceteris sociis non iubentibus tacito iure partes ei adcrescunt.
The Same, Rules, Book I. Where a slave owned in common is appointed an heir by a stranger, and enters upon the estate by the order of one of his masters; this does not, in the meantime, constitute him the heir of a larger amount than his master is entitled to. If, however, his other masters do not order him to accept the estate, their shares will accrue to him tacitly by operation of law.
Dig. 44,3,8Ulpianus libro primo regularum. In accessione temporis et id tempus, quo in fuga sit servus, domino eius procedere verum est.
Dig. 48,15,1Ulpianus libro primo regularum. Si liberum hominem emptor sciens emerit, capitale crimen adversus eum ex lege Fabia de plagio nascitur, quo venditor quoque fit obnoxius, si sciens liberum esse vendiderit.
Dig. 50,16,213Idem libro primo regularum. ‘Cedere diem’ significat incipere deberi pecuniam: ‘venire diem’ significat eum diem venisse, quo pecunia peti possit. ubi pure quis stipulatus fuerit, et cessit et venit dies: ubi in diem, cessit dies, sed nondum venit: ubi sub condicione, neque cessit neque venit dies pendente adhuc condicione. 1‘Aes alienum’ est, quod nos aliis debemus: ‘aes suum’ est, quod alii nobis debent. 2‘Lata culpa’ est nimia neglegentia, id est non intellegere quod omnes intellegunt.
The Same, Rules, Book I. The expression “cedere diem” means to begin to owe a sum of money: “venire diem” means the day has come when the money can be collected. When anyone makes an absolute stipulation, the money begins to be due, and the day of payment arrives immediately. When he agrees to pay it at a certain time, the indebtedness begins at once, but the time of payment does not; when he agrees to pay it under a condition, the indebtedness is not incurred, nor is the sum payable, while the condition is pending. 1“Æs alienum” means what we owe to others: “æs suum” is what others owe us. 2Gross negligence is extreme negligence, that is to say, not to know what everybody else knows.
Ex libro II
Dig. 10,4,20Ulpianus libro secundo regularum. Quaestionis habendae causa ad exhibendum agitur ex delictis servorum ad vindicandos conscios suos.
Dig. 46,3,43Ulpianus libro secundo regularum. In omnibus speciebus liberationum etiam accessiones liberantur, puta adpromissores hypothecae pignora, praeterquam quod inter creditorem et adpromissores confusione facta reus non liberatur.
Dig. 46,4,19Ulpianus libro secundo regularum. Si accepto latum fuerit ei, qui non verbis, sed re obligatus est, non liberatur quidem, sed exceptione doli mali vel pacti conventi se tueri potest. 1Inter acceptilationem et apocham hoc interest, quod acceptilatione omni modo liberatio contingit, licet pecunia soluta non sit, apocha non alias, quam si pecunia soluta sit.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book II. If a release should be granted to someone who is not bound by words, but by the property, he will not, indeed, be freed from liability, but he can defend himself by an exception on the ground of bad faith, or on that of an informal agreement. 1The following difference exists between a release and a receipt: by a release, absolute discharge from liability takes place, even if the money has not been paid; but a receipt does not have this effect, unless the money has actually been paid.
Ex libro III
Dig. 42,5,33Ulpianus libro tertio regularum. Si pupillus ex contractu suo non defendatur ideoque bona eius creditores possidere coeperint, deminutio ex his bonis fieri debet vescendi pupilli causa. 1Defendere debitorem sicut ante, quam bona eius possiderentur, licet, ita post bonorum quoque possessionem eius, sive ipse sui, sive alius defensionem eius suscipiat, debet satisdare, ut satisdatione interposita iudicium accipiatur et a possessione discedatur.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book III. Where a minor is sued on a contract, and offers no defence, and, fqr this reason, his creditors obtain possession of his property, an amount should be deducted from it for his maintenance. 1As it is permitted to defend a debtor before his creditors have obtained possession of his property, this can also be done after possession of it has been obtained; and, whether he himself undertakes his defence, or someone else does so for him, security must be given that the decision of the court will be complied with, and possession relinquished.
Ex libro IV
Dig. 40,4,25Ulpianus libro quarto regularum. Testamento liber esse iussus tum fit liber, cum adita fuerit hereditas qualibet ex parte, si modo ab eo gradu, quo liber esse iussus est, adita fuerit et pure quis manumissus sit.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book IV. Where a slave is ordered to be free by the terms of a will, he will obtain his freedom as soon as any portion of the estate whatsoever is accepted; provided it is accepted by one belonging to the degree in which the slave is ordered to be free, and that he has been unconditionally manumitted.
Dig. 40,7,16Ulpianus libro quarto regularum. Statulibera quidquid peperit, hoc servum heredis est.
Dig. 41,2,42Ulpianus libro quarto regularum. Communis servus etiamsi ab uno ex dominis omnium nomine possideatur, ab omnibus possideri intellegitur. 1Procurator si quidem mandante domino rem emerit, protinus illi adquirit possessionem: quod si sua sponte emerit, non nisi ratam habuerit dominus emptionem.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book IV. Where a slave owned in common is possessed by one of the joint-owners in the name of all, he is understood to be possessed by all. 1Ad Dig. 41,2,42,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 155, Noten 6, 9.Where an agent purchases property by the direction of his principal, he immediately acquires possession of it for him. This is not true if he purchases it on his own responsibility, unless his principal ratifies the sale.
Ex libro V
Dig. 25,1,14Ulpianus libro quinto regularum. Impensae necessariae sunt, quibus non factis dos imminuitur, veluti aggeres facere, flumina avertere, aedificia vetera fulcire itemque reficere, arbores in locum mortuarum reponere. 1Utiles sunt veluti pecora praediis imponere, id est stercorare. 2Voluptuosae sunt balinea exstruere.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book V. Necessary expenses are those through which the dowry is diminished, as, for instance, those incurred for the building of dikes, the diversion of streams, the supporting and repairing of old houses, and the replacing of trees where others have died. 1Useful expenses are, for example, such as placing cattle in fields for the purpose of manuring them. 2Expenses incurred for pleasure are, for instance, the construction of baths.
Dig. 25,2,24Ulpianus libro quinto regularum. Ob res amotas vel proprias viri vel etiam dotales tam vindicatio quam condictio viro adversus mulierem competit, et in potestate est, qua velit actione uti.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book V. The husband is entitled to an action for recovery as well as the personal action against his wife on the ground of property wrongfully appropriated by her, whether it belongs to him or is included in the dowry; and it is in his power to make use of whichever action he chooses.
Ex libro VI
Dig. 28,2,2Idem libro sexto regularum. Nominatim exheredatus filius et ita videtur ‘filius meus exheres esto’, si nec nomen eius expressum sit, si modo unicus sit: nam si plures sunt filii, benigna interpretatione potius a plerisque respondetur nullum exheredatum esse.
The Same, Rules, Book VI. It is held that a son is specifically disinherited in the following words, “Let my son be disinherited”, even if his name is not expressly stated, where the testator has only one son; for where he has several, the opinion is entertained by most authorities, in accordance with the more beneficent interpretation, that none of the sons will be disinherited.
Dig. 28,5,25Ulpianus libro sexto regularum. quia tacita substitutio inesse videtur institutioni:
Dig. 28,5,51Ulpianus libro sexto regularum. Servum meum heredem institutum cum libertate si vivus vendidero ei, cum quo testamenti factio non est, posteaque eum redemero, ex testamento mihi heres esse poterit nec medium tempus, quo apud eum fuit, vitiavit institutionem, quia verum est utroque tempore tam testamenti faciendi quam mortis tempore meum fuisse. unde si apud eum remanserit, vitiatur institutio: vel si cum eo testamenti factio est, iussu eius adeundo adquiret ei hereditatem. 1Si in non faciendo impossibilis condicio institutione heredis sit expressa, secundum omnium sententiam heres erit, perinde ac si pure institutus esset. 2Hereditas plerumque dividitur in duodecim uncias, quae assis appellatione continentur. habent autem et hae partes propria nomina ab uncia usque ad assem, puta haec: sextans quadrans triens quincunx semis septunx bes dodrans dextans deunx as.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book VI. If, during my lifetime, I should sell my slave, whom I had appointed my heir with the grant of his freedom, to a party who did not have testamentary capacity, and afterwards I should redeem said slave, he can be my heir under the will; nor will the intermediate time during which he was in the hands of another master annul the appointment, because it is certain that he has been mine at both times, namely that of the execution of the will, and that of death. Wherefore, if he had remained in the hands of his other master, the appointment would become void; or if he had been transferred to someone who had testamentary capacity, he would acquire my estate for the latter through entering upon it by his direction. 1If the condition upon which the appointment of an heir was dependent stated that some act was not to be performed, and it was impossible, the person designated will be the heir in accordance with the opinion of all authorities, just as if he had been unconditionally appointed. 2An estate is generally divided into twelve parts, which are included in the appellation as. These parts all have their own names from the uncia to the as, for example, the following: “The sixth, the fourth, the third, five-twelfths, half, seven-twelfths, two-thirds, three-fourths, five-sixths, eleven-twelfths, the as.”
Dig. 38,8,4Ulpianus libro sexto regularum. Si spurius intestato decesserit, iure consanguinitatis aut adgnationis hereditas eius ad nullum pertinet, quia consanguinitatis itemque adgnationis iura a patre oriuntur: proximitatis autem nomine mater eius aut frater eadem matre natus bonorum possessionem eius ex edicto petere potest.
Ulpianus, Rules, Book VI. If an illegitimate child should die intestate, his property will belong to no one by the right of consanguinity or cognation; because the rights of consanguinity, as well as those of cognation, are derived from the father. However, on the ground of being next of kin, his mother, or his brother by the same mother, can demand prætorian possession of his estate under the terms of the Edict.
Ex libro VII
Dig. 7,1,43Ulpianus libro septimo regularum. Etiam partis bonorum usus fructus legari potest. si tamen non sit specialiter facta partis mentio, dimidia pars bonorum continetur.