Opinionum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,18,6Idem libro primo opinionum. Illicitas exactiones et violentia factas, et extortas metu venditiones et cautiones vel sine pretii numeratione prohibeat praeses provinciae. item ne quis iniquum lucrum aut damnum sentiat, praeses provinciae provideat. 1Veritas rerum erroribus gestarum non vitiatur: et ideo praeses provinciae id sequatur quod convenit eum ex fide eorum quae probabuntur. 2Ne potentiores viri humiliores iniuriis adficiant neve defensores eorum calumniosis criminibus insectentur innocentes, ad religionem praesidis provinciae pertinet. 3Illicita ministeria sub praetextu adiuvantium militares viros ad concutiendos homines procedentia prohibere et depraehensa coercere praeses provinciae curet, et sub specie tributorum illicitas exactiones fieri prohibeat. 4Neque licita negotiatione aliquos prohiberi neque prohibita exerceri neque innocentibus poenas irrogari ad sollicitudinem suam praeses provinciae revocet. 5Ne tenuis vitae homines sub praetextu adventus officiorum vel militum, lumine unico vel brevi suppellectili ad aliorum usus translatis, iniuriis vexentur, praeses provinciae providebit. 6Ne quid sub nomine militum, quod ad utilitates eorum in commune non pertinet, a quibusdam propria sibi commoda inique vindicantibus committatur, praeses provinciae provideat. 7Sicuti medico imputari eventus mortalitatis non debet, ita quod per imperitiam commisit, imputari ei debet: praetextu humanae fragilitatis delictum decipientis in periculo homines innoxium esse non debet. 8Qui universas provincias regunt, ius gladii habent et in metallum dandi potestas eis permissa est. 9Praeses provinciae si multam quam irrogavit ex praesentibus facultatibus eorum, quibus eam dixit, redigi non posse deprehenderit: necessitate solutionis moderetur repraehensa exactorum illicita avaritia. remissa propter inopiam multa a provincias regentibus exigi non debet.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. The Governor of a province must suppress illegal exactions, including such as are committed with violence, as well as sales and obligations extorted by fear, and those where the money is not paid down. He must also provide against anyone unjustly obtaining profit, or suffering loss. 1The truth is not changed by error, and hence the Governor of a province must follow the course which is suitable by taking into consideration facts which have been proved. 2It is a matter affecting the honor of the Governor of a province to provide that the more humble shall not be injured by the more powerful, and do not persecute the defenders of the innocent by means of false accusations. 3He shall restrain unauthorized parties who, under the pretext of assisting officials, proceed to disturb the people; and take measures to punish them when detected. He must also prevent illegal exactions from being made under the pretence of collecting tribute. 4The Governor of a province must make it his especial care that no one shall be prevented from transacting any lawful business, and that nothing prohibited shall be done, and that no punishment shall be inflicted upon the innocent. 5The Governor of a province must see that persons of limited resources are not treated unjustly by having their only lamp or small supply of furniture taken from them for the use of others, under the pretext of the arrival of officers or soldiers. 6The Government of a province must provide that no partiality shall be shown to soldiers—that is which does not benefit all of them—by certain ones claiming undue advantage for themselves. 7The event of death should not be imputed to a physician, but it is also a fact that he is responsible for anything caused by his lack of skill; for a wrong committed by a person who gives bad advice in a dangerous emergency should not be imputed to human frailty and be considered blameless. 8Those who govern entire provinces have the right to inflict the death penalty, and authority is conferred upon them to condemn delinquents to the mines. 9The Governor of a province who, after having imposed a fine, ascertains that it cannot be collected from the property of the parties whom he has directed to pay it, must relieve them from the necessity of payment, and repress the unlawful avarice of those who demand it. Where, on account of poverty a fine has been remitted by the provincial authorities, it should not be exacted.
Dig. 2,1,17Idem libro primo opinionum. Praetor sicut universam iurisdictionem mandare alii potest, ita et in personas certas vel de una specie potest, maxime cum iustam causam susceptae ante magistratum advocationis alterius partis habuerat.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. As the Prætor can delegate his entire jurisdiction to one person, he can also delegate it to several, or he can do this with reference to a particular case; and especially where he has a good reason, for example, because he appeared as the advocate of one of the parties before becoming a magistrate.
Dig. 2,14,52Idem libro primo opinionum. Epistula, qua quis coheredem sibi aliquem esse cavit, petitionem nullam adversus possessores rerum hereditariarum dabit. 1Si inter debitorem et eum, qui fundum pigneratum a creditore quasi debitoris negotium gereret emerit, placuit ut habita compensatione fructuum solutoque, quod reliquum deberetur, fundus debitori restitueretur: etiam heres pacto, quod defunctus fecit, fidem praestare debet. 2Pactum, ut si quas summas propter tributiones praedii pignori nexi factas creditor solvisset, a debitore reciperet, et ut tributa eiusdem praedii debitor penderet, iustum ideoque servandum est. 3De inofficioso patris testamento acturis, ut eis certa quantitas, quoad viveret heres, praestaretur, pactus est: produci ad perpetuam praestationem id pactum postulabatur: rescriptum est neque iure ullo neque aequitate tale desiderium admitti.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. A letter by which a party bound himself that a certain person was his co-heir, confers no right of action against parties in possession of the estate. 1If an agreement is made between a debtor and the party who purchased a tract of land held in pledge by the creditor, under the pretext that this was done on behalf of the debtor, so that the profits already obtained might be set off against the debt, and that the balance should be settled, and the tract returned to the debtor; then the heir must carry out the contract made by the deceased. 2An agreement which provides, “But where the creditor has paid any sums for taxes on real property held by him in pledge, he can recover the same from the debtor, and the debtor must pay any taxes due upon the same tract of land”; this is a legal contract and therefore must be observed. 3Where a party was about to bring suit to set aside an inofficious will made by his father, and an agreement was entered into that he should receive a certain sum of money as long as the heir lived, an attempt was made to have this agreement construed as a perpetual obligation; but it was stated in a rescript that a claim of this kind could not be admitted on any ground of law or equity.
Dig. 2,15,9Idem libro primo opinionum. Qui cum tutoribus suis de sola portione administratae tutelae suae egerat et transegerat, adversus eosdem tutores ex persona fratris sui, cui heres extiterat, agens praescriptione factae transactionis non summovetur. 1Transactio quaecumque fit, de his tantum, de quibus inter convenientes placuit, interposita creditur. 2Qui per fallaciam coheredis ignorans universa, quae in vero erant, instrumentum transactionis sine Aquiliana stipulatione interposuit, non tam paciscitur quam decipitur. 3Ei qui, nondum certus ad se querellam contra patris testamentum pertinere, de aliis causis cum adversariis pacto transegit, tantum in his interpositum pactum nocebit, de quibus inter eos actum esse probatur. his tantum transactio obest, quamvis maior annis viginti quinque eam interposuit, de quibus actum probatur. nam ea, quorum actiones competere ei postea conpertum est, iniquum est peremi pacto. id de quo cogitatum non docetur.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. A party brought an action against his guardians with reference to his share of the estate administered under their guardianship, and compromised the case. If, having become an heir of his brother, he brought suit against the same guardians as his brothers’ representative, he will not be barred by their pleading the compromise which was effected. 1Where a compromise of any description is made, it is considered to be restricted to those matters concerning which the parties have agreed among themselves. 2Where a party, being ignorant of all the existing conditions of the case through the deceit of his co-heir, executed an instrument of compromise without the Aquilian stipulation, he is held rather to have been deceived than to have made an agreement. 3Where a son who is not yet informed that he has a right to bring an action to set aside the will of his father, compromises other matters with his adversaries by an agreement; the agreement which he entered into will only prejudice him with reference to such things as it is proved that they were intended to do, even though one party who made the compromise was over twenty-five years of age; for, as far as relates to anything ascertained afterwards for which he was entitled to bring an action, it would be unjust to hold that the transaction extinguished rights which had not yet been considered.
Dig. 11,8,5Idem libro primo opinionum. Si in eo monumento, quod imperfectum esse dicitur, reliquiae hominis conditae sunt, nihil impedit quominus id perficiatur. 1Sed si religiosus locus iam factus sit, pontifices explorare debent, quatenus salva religione desiderio reficiendi operis medendum sit.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. Where human remains are deposited in a tomb which is said to be unfinished, this does not offer any hindrance to its completion. 1Where, however, the place has already been made religious, the pontiffs should determine to what extent the desire of repairing the structure may be indulged without violating the privileges of religion.
Dig. 12,6,31Idem libro primo opinionum. Is, qui plus quam hereditaria portio efficit per errorem creditori caverit, indebiti promissi habet condictionem.
Dig. 26,1,8Idem libro primo opinionum. Patronus quoque tutor liberti sui fidem exhibere debet, et si qua in fraudem debitorum quamvis pupilli liberti gesta sunt, revocari ius publicum permittit.
Dig. 26,9,2Ulpianus libro primo opinionum. Si tutor vel curator pecunia eius, cuius negotia administrat, mutua data ipse stipulatus fuerit vel praedia in nomen suum emerit, utilis actio ei, cuius pecunia fuit, datur ad rem vindicandam vel mutuam pecuniam exigendam.
Ad Dig. 26,9,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 174, Note 9.Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. Where a guardian or a curator lends the money of the minor whose affairs he is administering, and he himself makes the stipulation, or purchases land in his own name, an equitable action will be granted to the party to whom the money belongs, for its recovery, or for the collection of the loan.
Dig. 37,14,2Ulpianus libro primo opinionum. Liberti homines negotiatione licita prohiberi a patronis non debent.
Dig. 37,15,1Ulpianus libro primo opinionum. Etiam militibus pietatis ratio in parentes constare debet: quare si filius miles in patrem aliqua commisit, pro modo delicti puniendus est. 1Et inter collibertos matrem et filium pietatis ratio secundum naturam salva esse debet. 2Si filius matrem aut patrem, quos venerari oportet, contumeliis adficit vel impias manus eis infert, praefectus urbis delictum ad publicam pietatem pertinens pro modo eius vindicat. 3Indignus militia iudicandus est, qui patrem et matrem, a quibus se educatum dixerit, maleficos appellaverit.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. The filial affection due to parents should also be manifested by soldiers. Wherefore, if a son, who is a soldier, commits any improper act towards his father, he must be punished in proportion to his offence. 1Filial affection between a mother and a son who have been liberated from slavery together should be maintained in accordance with natural law. 2If a son, by the use of abusive language, should insult his father or his mother, whom it is his duty to respect, or should lay impious hands upon either of them, the Prefect of the City shall punish the crime, which affects public order, in proportion to its gravity. 3A son should be considered as unworthy to be a soldier, who calls his father and his mother, by whom he acknowledges that he has been brought up, malefactors.
Dig. 46,8,21Idem libro primo opinionum. Ne satisdatio ratam rem dominum habiturum exigatur in his quae nomine eius ageret, qui eum se fecisse procuratorem libello principi dato professus est, prodest. quod si iudicatum solvi satis ab eo procuratore postuletur, necesse est, ut iuri manifesto pareatur.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. It is proper that security for ratification by the principal should not be required in cases where someone sets forth in a petition presented to the Emperor that he has appointed an agent to act for him in this matter. If, however, security for the payment of the judgment is demanded of the agent, it will be necessary for him to obey the manifest rule of law.
Dig. 47,9,10Ulpianus libro primo opinionum. Ne piscatores nocte lumine ostenso fallant navigantes, quasi in portum aliquem delaturi, eoque modo in periculum naves et qui in eis sunt deducant sibique execrandam praedam parent, praesidis provinciae religiosa constantia efficiat.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book I. The vigilance of the Governors of provinces must be diligently exercised to prevent fishermen from showing lights at night in order to deceive sailors, thereby indicating that they are approaching some port, and in this way bringing ships and those on board of them into danger, and preparing for themselves a detestable booty.
Dig. 50,13,2Idem libro primo opinionum. De usu aquae, de rivis novis inciviliter institutis, item de equis alienis a sciente possessis fetuque earum, et de damno dato per immissos in praedium suum universos homines eos, qui in plurium praedia distribui debuerunt, si modo id non ex auctoritate eius qui iubere potuit factum est, praesidem provinciae doceri oportere responsum est, ut is secundum rei aequitatem et iurisdictionis ordinem convenientem formam rei det.
The Same, Opinions, Book I. It has been decided that the Governor of a province has jurisdiction of disputes arising with reference to the use of water distributed by new conduits, constructed contrary to law; as well as of those relating to horses possessed by persons who know that they belong to others, as well as to their increase; and to injuries caused by parties, placed in possession of the land of others, when the said land should be divided among several individuals; provided this has been done by the authority of someone who had no right to order it; so that the Governor may render his decision in these cases according to justice and his right of jurisdiction, and place matters in a suitable condition.