De omnibus tribunalibus libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 10,4,17Ulpianus libro nono de omnibus tribunalibus. Si quis hominem debilitatum exhibeat vel eluscatum, ad exhibendum quidem absolvi debet: exhibuit enim et nihil impedit directam actionem talis exhibitio, poterit tamen agere actor ex lege Aquilia de hoc damno.
Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book IX. Where a party produces a slave who is disabled or blind, he should be discharged from liability under this action, for he has produced him, and a production of this kind is no impediment to a direct action, for the plaintiff can still bring suit under the Lex Aquilia for the damage sustained.
Dig. 11,7,38Ulpianus libro nono de omnibus tribunalibus. Ne corpora aut ossa mortuorum detinerentur aut vexarentur neve prohiberentur quo minus via publica transferrentur aut quominus sepelirentur, praesidis provinciae officium est.
Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book IX. It is the duty of the Governor of a province to see that the bodies or bones of deceased persons are not detained, or maltreated, or prevented from being transported on the public highway, or buried.