De omnibus tribunalibus libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 2,12,1Ulpianus libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. Ne quis messium vindemiarumque tempore adversarium cogat ad iudicium venire, oratione divi Marci exprimitur, quia occupati circa rem rusticam in forum conpellendi non sunt. 1Sed si praetor aut per ignorantiam vel socordiam evocare eos perseveraverit hique sponte venerint: si quidem sententiam dixerit praesentibus illis et sponte litigantibus, sententia valebit, tametsi non recte fecerit qui eos evocaverit: sin vero, cum abesse perseveraverint, sententiam protulerit etiam absentibus illis, consequens erit dicere sententiam nullius esse momenti (neque enim praetoris factum iuri derogare oportet): et citra appellationem igitur sententia infirmabitur. 2Sed excipiuntur certae causae, ex quibus cogi poterimus et per id temporis, cum messes vindemiaeque sunt, ad praetorem venire: scilicet si res tempore peritura sit, hoc est si dilatio actionem sit peremptura. sane quotiens res urguet, cogendi quidem sumus ad praetorem venire, verum ad hoc tantum cogi aequum est ut lis contestetur, et ita ipsis verbis orationis exprimitur: denique alterutro recusante post litem contestatam litigare dilationem oratio concessit.
Ulpianus, On all Tribunals, Book IV. It is stated in an Address of the Divine Marcus that no one can compel another to go to trial in the seasons of harvest and vintage; because being occupied in agricultural pursuits, he should not be compelled to appear in court. 1If, however, the Prætor, either through ignorance or neglect, should continue to summon the parties, and they should voluntarily appear, and he should render judgment in the presence of the litigants, who are here of their own accord, the judgment will be valid, even though he who summoned them acted improperly; but if he should render judgment in their absence, and while they continued to remain away, it follows that it must be held that his judgment is of no effect; for the act of the Prætor can not abrogate the law. The judgment therefore becomes void without appeal. 2There are, however, certain cases which must be excepted, and in which we may be compelled to appear before the Prætor during the seasons of harvest and vintage, namely, where the property in question will be lost by lapse of time; that is to say, where delay will deprive the party of his right of action. And, in fact, when the matter is urgent, we can be forced to appear before the Prætor, but this only can be done in order that issue may be joined; and it is so stated in the words of the aforesaid Address, for, after issue has been joined, if either of the parties refuses to proceed, the Address grants him delay.
Dig. 5,1,69Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. per intervallum non minus decem dierum
The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. After an interval of not less than ten days;
Dig. 5,1,71Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. In peremptorio autem comminatur is qui edictum dedit etiam absente diversa parte cogniturum se et pronuntiaturum.
The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. In the peremptory citation the magistrate who issues it gives notice that he will hear and decide the case even should the other party be absent.
Dig. 5,1,73Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. Et post edictum peremptorium impetratum, cum dies eius supervenerit, tunc absens citari debet: et sive responderit sive non responderit, agetur causa et pronuntiabitur, non utique secundum praesentem, sed interdum vel absens, si bonam causam habuit, vincet. 1Quod si is qui edictum peremptorium impetravit absit die cognitionis, is vero adversus quem impetratum est adsit, tum circumducendum erit edictum peremptorium neque causa cognoscetur nec secundum praesentem pronuntiabitur. 2Circumducto edicto videamus an amplius reus conveniri possit, an vero salva quidem lis est, verum instantia tantum edicti periit: et magis est ut instantia tantum perierit, ex integro autem litigari possit. 3Sciendum est ex peremptorio absentem condemnatum si appellet non esse audiendum, si modo per contumaciam defuit: si minus, audietur.
The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. After a peremptory citation has been obtained, and as soon as the day mentioned therein arrives, the absent party must be called; and whether he answers, or not, the case must proceed and decision be rendered, but not always in favor of the party who is present; for sometimes the absent party may prevail if he has a good case. 1But if the party who obtained the peremptory citation is absent on the day appointed for the hearing, and he against whom it was obtained is present, the peremptory citation must be annulled, and the cause shall not be heard, nor shall a decision be rendered in favor of the party who is present. 2If the citation is annulled, let us consider whether the defendant can be sued again, and whether the right of action still remains, or whether merely the proceeding relating to this citation is annulled? The better opinion is, that it only is annulled, and that the parties can litigate again. 3It should be borne in mind that where an absent party has a judgment rendered against him on account of a peremptory citation, and appeals, he shall not be heard; that is, if he was absent through contumacy; but if he was not, he should be heard.
Dig. 42,1,59Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. In summa sufficiet, si expresserit iudex summam in sententia solvique iusserit vel praestari vel quo alio verbo hoc significaverit. 1Amplius est rescriptum, etsi in sententia non sit summa adiecta, si tamen is qui petit summam expresserit et iudex ait: ‘solve, quod petitum est’ vel ‘quantum petitum est’, valere sententiam. 2Qui sortis quidem condemnationem faciunt, de usuris autem ita pronuntiant ‘usurae si quae competunt’ vel ‘quae competunt, ut praestentur’, non recte pronuntiant: debent enim de usuris quoque cognoscere et certam facere condemnationem. 3Si quis ex edicto peremptorio post mortem sit condemnatus, non valet sententia, quia morte rei peremptorium solvitur. ideoque, ut in re integra, de causa notio praestabitur et quod optimum patuerit, statuetur.
The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. In rendering judgment, it is sufficient if the judge mentions the amount, and orders it to be paid or furnished, or makes use of any other term which has this signification. 1It is, moreover, set forth in a rescript, that even if the amount is not stated in the decision, but the party who brought suit mentioned it, and the judge says, “Pay what is claimed,” or “As much as is claimed,” the decision will be yalid. 2When magistrates render a judgment for the principal, and with reference to the interest add, “If any interest is due, let it be paid,” “Or let what interest is due be paid,” their judgment is not valid; for they ought to ascertain the amount of interest and establish it by their decision. 3If anyone, having received a peremptory summons, has judgment rendered against him after his death, it will not be valid, because a peremptory summons is of no effect after the death of the defendant; and hence the judge must take cognizance of the case, just as if matters remained unchanged, and decide as seems to him best.