Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Ulp.omn. trib.
Ulp. De omnibus tribunalibus lib.Ulpiani De omnibus tribunalibus libri

De omnibus tribunalibus libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 1,14,4Idem libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Praetor neque tutorem neque specialem iudicem ipse se dare potest.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book I. A Prætor cannot appoint himself a guardian, or a judge in any special proceeding.

Dig. 1,18,5Idem libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Praeses provinciae non magis tutorem quam specialem iudicem ipse se dare potest.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book I. The Governor of a province cannot appoint himself either a guardian, or a judge in a particular case.

Dig. 26,5,7Idem libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Non tantum ad dotem dandam nupturae curatorem dari oportet, verum etiam ei quoque, quae iam nupta est. sed et ad dotem augendam datur et mutandae quoque dotis gratia curator dari potest.

The Same, On All Courts, Book I. Not only must a curator be appointed for a girl about to be married, for the bestowal of her dowry; but one must also be appointed for a minor who is already married. A curator is also appointed for the purpose of increasing the dowry, or in order that some change may be made with reference to it.

Dig. 26,10,2Idem libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Libertus quoque si fraudulenter gessisse tutelam filiorum patroni probetur, ad praefectum urbis remittetur puniendus.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book I. A freedman shall also be sent to the Prefect of the City for punishment, if he is proved to have fraudulently administered the guardianship of the children of his patron.

Dig. 26,10,4Idem libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Hae enim causae faciunt, ut integra existimatione tutela vel cura quis abeat. 1Decreto igitur debebit causa removendi significari, ut appareat de existimatione. 2Quid ergo si non significaverit causam remotionis decreto suo? Papinianus ait debuisse dici hunc integrae esse famae, et est verum. 3Si praetor sententia sua non removerit tutela, sed gerere prohibuit, dicendum est magis esse, ut et hic desinat tutor esse. 4Qui nihil gesserunt, non possunt suspecti postulari, verum ob ignaviam vel neglegentiam vel dolum, si dolo fecerunt, possunt removeri.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book I. There are reasons why anyone may relinquish a guardianship or a curatorship and preserve his reputation. 1Therefore, the cause of his removal should be mentioned in the decree, in order that it may be known that the reputation of the guardian does not suffer. 2But what if the magistrate did not, in his decree, indicate the cause of the removal? Papinianus says that this should not affect the good name of the guardian; which is correct. 3If the Prætor by his decision does not remove the guardian from office, but forbids him to discharge its duties, it must be said that the better opinion is that he ceases to be a guardian. 4Those who have administered none of the affairs of the trust cannot be accused of being suspicious; they can, however, be removed on the ground of idleness, negligence, or fraud, if they have acted dishonestly.

Dig. 26,10,7Ulpianus libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Impuberibus quidem non permittitur suspectos facere: adulescentibus plane volentibus suspectos facere curatores suos permittitur, dummodo ex consilio necessariorum id faciant. 1Si fraus non sit admissa, sed lata neglegentia, quia ista prope fraudem accedit, removeri hunc quasi suspectum oportet. 2Praeterea accesserunt quaedam species ex epistula imperatoris nostri et divi Severi ad Atrium Clonium: nam adversus eos, qui, ne alimenta decernantur, sui copiam perseverant non facere, ut suis rebus careant praecipitur reique servandae causa pupillus in possessionem mittatur eius, qui suspectus sententia sua factus est quaeque mora deteriora futura sunt curatore dato distrahi iubentur. 3Item si quis tutor datus non compareat, solet edictis evocari, novissimeque si copiam sui non fecerit, ut suspectus removeri ob hoc ipsum, quod copiam sui non fecit. quod et perraro et diligenti habita inquisitione faciendum est.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book I. Children under the age of puberty are not permitted to denounce their guardians as suspicious; but it is clear that minors are allowed to denounce their curators in this manner, if they desire to do so; provided that they act under the advice of their near relatives. 1Where not fraud, but gross negligence which very nearly resembles fraud, has been committed by a guardian, he should be removed, as being suspicious. 2In the consideration of this subject, certain additional provisions were made by a Rescript of our Emperor and the Divine Severus, addressed to Atrius Clonius; for they decreed that, where guardians did not appear in cases involving the distribution of supplies to their wards, they should be deprived of their property, and that the ward should be placed in possession of the effects of him who had been pronounced suspicious by the decree, for the purpose of preserving the same, and if it was perishable, or liable to be diminished in value by delay, it was ordered to be sold, after the appointment of a curator. 3Moreover, if a guardian does not appear after having been appointed, it is customary to summon him by several proclamations, and finally, if he does not present himself, he should be removed from office, because of his non-appearance. This proceeding should only be resorted to very rarely, and after a careful investigation has been made.

Dig. 27,2,3Idem libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Ius alimentorum decernendorum pupillis praetori competit, ut ipse moderetur, quam summam tutores vel curatores ad alimenta pupillis vel adulescentibus praestare debeant. 1Modum autem patrimonii spectare debet, cum alimenta decernit: et debet statuere tam moderate, ut non universum reditum patrimonii in alimenta decernat, sed semper sit, ut aliquid ex reditu supersit. 2Ante oculos habere debet in decernendo et mancipia, quae pupillis deserviunt, et mercedes pupillorum et vestem et tectum pupilli: aetatem etiam contemplari, in qua constitutus est cui alimenta decernuntur. 3In amplis tamen patrimoniis positis non cumulus patrimonii, sed quod exhibitioni frugaliter sufficit modum alimentis dabit. 4Sed si non constat, quis modus facultatium sit, inter tutorem et eum, qui alimenta decerni desiderat, suscipere debet cognitionem nec temere alimenta decernere, ne in alterutram partem delinquat: prius tamen exigere debet, ut profiteatur tutor, quae sit penes se summa, et comminari graviores ei usuras infligi eius, quod supra professionem apud eum fuerit comprehensum. 5Idem ad instructionem quoque pupillorum vel adulescentium pupillarum vel earum, quae intra vicensimum annum constitutae sunt, solet decernere respectu facultatium et aetatis eorum qui instruuntur. 6Sed si egeni sint pupilli, de suo eos alere tutor non compellitur. et si forte post decreta alimenta ad egestatem fuerit pupillus perductus, deminui debent quae decreta sunt, quemadmodum solent augeri, si quid patrimonio accesserit.

The Same, On All Tribunals. The Prætor has the right to determine the amount to be allotted for the maintenance of wards; and he himself must apportion the sum which guardians or curators shall expend for the maintenance of wards or minors. 1When the Prætor renders his decision with reference to maintenance, he must take into consideration the value of the estate, and make the allowance with such a degree of moderation as not to permit the entire income of the estate to be expended for the support of the ward; but the allowance must always be made in such a way that a balance of the income will remain. 2In rendering his decision, he must bear in mind the slaves who are to serve the wards, the income of the latter, as well as the expenses of their clothing and lodging; and the age of those to whom maintenance is granted should also be taken into consideration. 3Still, in the case of large estates, not the entire value of the same, but what will be sufficient to enable the ward to live in an economical manner, should regulate the measure of the allowance. 4Where, however, the guardian, and he who desires an allowance for his support to be made do not agree as to the means of the latter, an inquiry should be instituted, and maintenance should not be rashly granted, lest injustice be done to one or the other of the parties. First, however, the Prætor should require the guardian to disclose how much is in his hands, and warn him that he will be compelled to pay a high rate of interest on all that is in excess of the sum mentioned in this statement. 5The Prætor is also accustomed to allow a certain sum for the education of male and female wards, or minors, who are under twenty years of age; this to be regulated by the amount of their means, and the age of those who are to receive instruction. 6Where, however, the wards are poor, the guardian is not compelled to support them out of his own property, and if a ward should be reduced to want after maintenance has been allowed him, the latter should be diminished, just as it is customary to increase it, when the estate has been enhanced in value.

Dig. 27,10,6Ulpianus libro primo de omnibus tribunalibus. Observare praetorem oportebit, ne cui temere citra causae cognitionem plenissimum curatorem det, quoniam plerique vel furorem vel dementiam fingunt, quo magis curatore accepto onera civilia detrectent.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book I. The Prætor must be careful not to appoint a curator rashly and without the most thorough investigation of the case, since many persons feign madness or insanity in order that, by the appointment of a curator, they may the more readily evade their civil obligations.

Ex libro II

Dig. 2,1,15Idem libro secundo de omnibus tribunalibus. Si per errorem alius pro alio praetor fuerit aditus, nihil valebit quod actum est. nec enim ferendus est qui dicat consensisse eos in praesidem, cum, ut Iulianus scribit, non consentiant qui errent: quid enim tam contrarium consensui est quam error, qui imperitiam detegit?

Ad Dig. 2,1,15ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 328: Voraussetzung der stillschweigenden Prorogation des Gerichtsstandes.The Same, On All Tribunals, Book II. If, through error, anyone appears before one Prætor while intending to appear before another, none of the proceedings which have been instituted will be valid, for no one is permitted to say that they agreed upon the judge; since, as Julianus stated, those who are in error do not agree. For what is so contrary to agreement as error, which always reveals ignorance?

Dig. 23,5,5Ulpianus libro secundo de omnibus tribunalibus. Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum scripsit neque servitutes fundo debitas posse maritum remittere neque ei alias imponere.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book II. Julianus states in the Sixteenth Book of the Digest that a husband cannot lose any servitude attaching to the land, or impose any new ones upon it.

Dig. 27,9,6Idem libro secundo de omnibus tribunalibus. Sed si forte alius proprietatem fundi habeat, alius usum fructum, magis est, ut cesset haec pars orationis, quae de divisione loquitur: nulla enim communio est.

The Same, Concerning All Tribunals, Book II. Where one person enjoys the ownership of land, and another the usufruct of the same, the better opinion is that that portion of the decree which relates to the division of property does not apply, for there is no real community of interest.

Dig. 27,9,8Idem libro secundo de omnibus tribunalibus. Qui neque tutores sunt ipso iure neque curatores, sed pro tutore negotia gerunt vel pro curatore, eos non posse distrahere res pupillorum vel adulescentium nulla dubitatio est. 1Sed si curator sit furiosi vel cuius alterius non adulescentis, videndum est, utrum iure veteri valebit venditio an hanc orationem admittemus. et puto, quia de pupillis princeps loquitur et coniuncti tutoribus curatores accipiunt, pertinere: et de ceteris puto ex sententia orationis idem esse dicendum. 2An obligari communia possint, quaeritur, sed non puto sine decreto obliganda: nam quod excepit oratio, ad hoc tantum pertinet, ut perematur communio, non ut augeatur difficultas communionis.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book II. There is no doubt that persons who are not legal guardians or curators, but transact business while acting as such, cannot in this capacity dispose of the property of wards or minors. 1It should be considered whether a sale will be valid by the ancient law under these circumstances, or whether this decree is applicable to the case of a curator of an insane person, or of anyone else who is not a minor. Because the Emperor refers to wards, and the duties of curators are understood to be connected with those of guardians, I think that the same rule must be held to apply to all of them, in accordance with the intent of the decree. 2The question arises whether common property, in which the ward has an interest, can be encumbered. And I do not think that this can be done without a judicial decision; for what is excepted in the decree merely has reference to the extinguishment of the common ownership, and not to the increase of its difficulties.

Dig. 42,5,31Ulpianus libro secundo de omnibus tribunalibus. Si creditores heredem suspectum putent, satisdationem exigere possunt pro suo debito reddendo. cuius rei gratia cognoscere praetorem oportet nec statim eum satisdationis necessitati subicere debet, nisi causa cognita constiterit prospici debere his, qui suspectum eum postulaverunt. 1Sed suspectus heres non isdem modis, quibus suspectus tutor aestimatur: siquidem tutorem non facultates, sed fraudulenta in rebus pupillaribus et callida conversatio suspectum commendet, heredem vero solae facultates. 2Plane in recenti aditae hereditatis audiendi erunt, qui suspectum postulant: ceterum si probentur passi eum in hereditate morari nec quicquam possint obicere criminis quasi dolose versato eo, non debebit post multum temporis ad hanc necessitatem compelli. 3Quod si suspectus satisdare iussus decreto praetoris non obtemperaverit, tunc bona hereditatis possideri venumque dari ex edicto suo permittere iubebit. 4Plane si doceatur nihil ex bonis alienasse nec sit quod ei iuste praeter paupertatem obiciatur, contentus esse praetor debet, ut iubeat eum nihil minuere. 5Quod si nec inopia laborantem eum creditores ostendere potuerint, iniuriarum actione ei tenebuntur.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book II. If the creditors of an estate consider the heir to be suspicious, they can require him to give security for the payment of what is due to them, and the Prætor should take cognizance of the case. He ought not, however, without proper examination, to subject the heir to the necessity of furnishing security, unless after proper cause has been shown, he should decide to protect the interests of those who consider the heir as liable to suspicion. 1An heir is not considered suspicious in the same sense that a guardian is; for fraudulent acts or deceitful conduct with reference to the affairs of his ward render a guardian liable to suspicion, and not his want of means, while the latter alone will render an heir suspicious. 2It is clear that those who accuse an heir of being suspicious should only be heard within a short time after his acceptance of the estate. If, however, it is proved that they suffered him to remain in possession of the estate for a considerable period, and can accuse him of nothing criminal, as, for example, that he has been guilty of some fraudulent act, he should not, after a long time has elapsed, be reduced to the necessity of giving security. 3If the heir who is ordered to furnish security on the ground of being liable to suspicion does not obey the decree of the Prætor, the latter shall then order possession to be taken of the property of the estate, and permit it to be sold in conformity with the Edict. 4It is evident that if it should be ascertained that nothing belonging to the estate has been sold, and that no other objection can justly be raised against the heir except his poverty, the Prætor must be content to order him to take nothing from the estate. 5If the creditors cannot prove that the heir is suffering from poverty, they will be liable to him in an action on the ground of injury sustained.

Dig. 50,16,198Idem libro secundo de omnibus tribunalibus. ‘Urbana praedia’ omnia aedificia accipimus, non solum ea quae sunt in oppidis, sed et si forte stabula sunt vel alia meritoria in villis et in vicis, vel si praetoria voluptati tantum deservientia: quia urbanum praedium non locus facit, sed materia. proinde hortos quoque, si qui sunt in aedificiis constituti, dicendum est urbanorum appellatione contineri. plane si plurimum horti in reditu sunt, vinearii forte vel etiam holitorii, magis haec non sunt urbana.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book II. We understand by the term “urban estates” not only all buildings which are situated in towns, but also inns, and such houses as are used for trade in the suburbs, and in villages, as well as palaces intended only for pleasure; but the materials, and not the location, are what constitute an urban estate. Hence, if there are any gardens attached to these buildings, it must be said that they are included under the term “urban estates.” It is clear that if these gardens afford more revenue than they do pleasure, that is to say, if they contain vines or olive trees, they should not be designated “urban estates.”

Ex libro III

Dig. 1,21,2Ulpianus libro tertio de omnibus tribunalibus. Mandata iurisdictione a praeside consilium non potest exercere is, cui mandatur. 1Si tutores vel curatores velint praedia vendere, causa cognita id praetor vel praeses permittat: quod si mandaverit iurisdictionem, nequaquam poterit mandata iurisdictione eam quaestionem transferre.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book III. Where jurisdiction has been delegated by a Governor, he to whom it is delegated cannot assemble a Council. 1Where guardians or curators desire to sell land, the Prætor or Governor can permit this to be done after hearing the case; but if he delegates his jurisdiction he can, under no circumstances, transfer with it the right to conduct the inquiry instituted for this purpose.

Dig. 2,1,16Idem libro tertio de omnibus tribunalibus. Solet praetor iurisdictionem mandare: et aut omnem mandat aut speciem unam: et is cui mandata iurisdictio est fungetur vice eius qui mandavit, non sua.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book III. The Prætor is accustomed to delegate his jurisdiction, and either delegate all or a portion of the same; while he to whom the right of dispensing justice has been delegated, exercises it in the name of him who appointed him, and not in his own.

Dig. 47,10,35Ulpianus libro tertio de omnibus tribunalibus. Si quis iniuriam atrocem fecerit, qui contemnere iniuriarum iudicium possit ob infamiam suam et egestatem, praetor acriter exequi hanc rem debet et eos, qui iniuriam fecerunt, coercere.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book III. Where anyone commits an atrocious act who can, on account of his infamous character and poverty, disregard a judgment rendered against him in an action for injury, the Prætor should exercise all his severity in the prosecution of the case, and the punishment of those who committed the injury.

Dig. 49,1,11Idem libro tertio de omnibus tribunalibus. Cum ex causa iudicati soluta esset pecunia ex necessitate iudicis ab eo, qui appellatione interposita meruerit meliorem sententiam, recipere eum pecuniam quam solvit oportet.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book III. When money was paid on the execution of a judgment, and on appeal a more favorable decision was rendered, the party can recover the money which he paid.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 2,12,1Ulpianus libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. Ne quis messium vindemiarumque tempore adversarium cogat ad iudicium venire, oratione divi Marci exprimitur, quia occupati circa rem rusticam in forum conpellendi non sunt. 1Sed si praetor aut per ignorantiam vel socordiam evocare eos perseveraverit hique sponte venerint: si quidem sententiam dixerit praesentibus illis et sponte litigantibus, sententia valebit, tametsi non recte fecerit qui eos evocaverit: sin vero, cum abesse perseveraverint, sententiam protulerit etiam absentibus illis, consequens erit dicere sententiam nullius esse momenti (neque enim praetoris factum iuri derogare oportet): et citra appellationem igitur sententia infirmabitur. 2Sed excipiuntur certae causae, ex quibus cogi poterimus et per id temporis, cum messes vindemiaeque sunt, ad praetorem venire: scilicet si res tempore peritura sit, hoc est si dilatio actionem sit peremptura. sane quotiens res urguet, cogendi quidem sumus ad praetorem venire, verum ad hoc tantum cogi aequum est ut lis contestetur, et ita ipsis verbis orationis exprimitur: denique alterutro recusante post litem contestatam litigare dilationem oratio concessit.

Ulpianus, On all Tribunals, Book IV. It is stated in an Address of the Divine Marcus that no one can compel another to go to trial in the seasons of harvest and vintage; because being occupied in agricultural pursuits, he should not be compelled to appear in court. 1If, however, the Prætor, either through ignorance or neglect, should continue to summon the parties, and they should voluntarily appear, and he should render judgment in the presence of the litigants, who are here of their own accord, the judgment will be valid, even though he who summoned them acted improperly; but if he should render judgment in their absence, and while they continued to remain away, it follows that it must be held that his judgment is of no effect; for the act of the Prætor can not abrogate the law. The judgment therefore becomes void without appeal. 2There are, however, certain cases which must be excepted, and in which we may be compelled to appear before the Prætor during the seasons of harvest and vintage, namely, where the property in question will be lost by lapse of time; that is to say, where delay will deprive the party of his right of action. And, in fact, when the matter is urgent, we can be forced to appear before the Prætor, but this only can be done in order that issue may be joined; and it is so stated in the words of the aforesaid Address, for, after issue has been joined, if either of the parties refuses to proceed, the Address grants him delay.

Dig. 5,1,69Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. per intervallum non minus decem dierum

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. After an interval of not less than ten days;

Dig. 5,1,71Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. In peremptorio autem comminatur is qui edictum dedit etiam absente diversa parte cogniturum se et pronuntiaturum.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. In the peremptory citation the magistrate who issues it gives notice that he will hear and decide the case even should the other party be absent.

Dig. 5,1,73Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. Et post edictum peremptorium impetratum, cum dies eius supervenerit, tunc absens citari debet: et sive responderit sive non responderit, agetur causa et pronuntiabitur, non utique secundum praesentem, sed interdum vel absens, si bonam causam habuit, vincet. 1Quod si is qui edictum peremptorium impetravit absit die cognitionis, is vero adversus quem impetratum est adsit, tum circumducendum erit edictum peremptorium neque causa cognoscetur nec secundum praesentem pronuntiabitur. 2Circumducto edicto videamus an amplius reus conveniri possit, an vero salva quidem lis est, verum instantia tantum edicti periit: et magis est ut instantia tantum perierit, ex integro autem litigari possit. 3Sciendum est ex peremptorio absentem condemnatum si appellet non esse audiendum, si modo per contumaciam defuit: si minus, audietur.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. After a peremptory citation has been obtained, and as soon as the day mentioned therein arrives, the absent party must be called; and whether he answers, or not, the case must proceed and decision be rendered, but not always in favor of the party who is present; for sometimes the absent party may prevail if he has a good case. 1But if the party who obtained the peremptory citation is absent on the day appointed for the hearing, and he against whom it was obtained is present, the peremptory citation must be annulled, and the cause shall not be heard, nor shall a decision be rendered in favor of the party who is present. 2If the citation is annulled, let us consider whether the defendant can be sued again, and whether the right of action still remains, or whether merely the proceeding relating to this citation is annulled? The better opinion is, that it only is annulled, and that the parties can litigate again. 3It should be borne in mind that where an absent party has a judgment rendered against him on account of a peremptory citation, and appeals, he shall not be heard; that is, if he was absent through contumacy; but if he was not, he should be heard.

Dig. 42,1,59Idem libro quarto de omnibus tribunalibus. In summa sufficiet, si expresserit iudex summam in sententia solvique iusserit vel praestari vel quo alio verbo hoc significaverit. 1Amplius est rescriptum, etsi in sententia non sit summa adiecta, si tamen is qui petit summam expresserit et iudex ait: ‘solve, quod petitum est’ vel ‘quantum petitum est’, valere sententiam. 2Qui sortis quidem condemnationem faciunt, de usuris autem ita pronuntiant ‘usurae si quae competunt’ vel ‘quae competunt, ut praestentur’, non recte pronuntiant: debent enim de usuris quoque cognoscere et certam facere condemnationem. 3Si quis ex edicto peremptorio post mortem sit condemnatus, non valet sententia, quia morte rei peremptorium solvitur. ideoque, ut in re integra, de causa notio praestabitur et quod optimum patuerit, statuetur.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book IV. In rendering judgment, it is sufficient if the judge mentions the amount, and orders it to be paid or furnished, or makes use of any other term which has this signification. 1It is, moreover, set forth in a rescript, that even if the amount is not stated in the decision, but the party who brought suit mentioned it, and the judge says, “Pay what is claimed,” or “As much as is claimed,” the decision will be yalid. 2When magistrates render a judgment for the principal, and with reference to the interest add, “If any interest is due, let it be paid,” “Or let what interest is due be paid,” their judgment is not valid; for they ought to ascertain the amount of interest and establish it by their decision. 3If anyone, having received a peremptory summons, has judgment rendered against him after his death, it will not be valid, because a peremptory summons is of no effect after the death of the defendant; and hence the judge must take cognizance of the case, just as if matters remained unchanged, and decide as seems to him best.

Ex libro V

Dig. 2,15,8Idem libro quinto de omnibus tribunalibus. Cum hi, quibus alimenta relicta erant, facile transigerent contenti modico praesenti: divus Marcus oratione in senatu recitata effecit, ne aliter alimentorum transactio rata esset, quam si auctore praetore facta. solet igitur praetor intervenire et inter consentientes arbitrari, an transactio vel quae admitti debeat. 1Eiusdem praetoris notio ob transactionem erit, sive habitatio sive vestiarium sive de praediis alimentum legabitur. 2Haec oratio pertinet ad alimenta, quae testamento vel codicillis fuerint relicta sive ad testamentum factis sive ab intestato. idem erit dicendum et si mortis causa donata fuerint relicta vel ab eo, cui mortis causa donata sunt, relicta. sed et si condicionis implendae gratia relicta sunt, adhuc idem dicemus. plane de alimentis, quae non mortis causa donata sunt, licebit et sine praetore auctore transigi. 3Sive igitur in menses singulos sive in dies sive in annos fuerint relicta, oratio locum habet. sed et si non fuerint perpetuo relicta, sed usque ad annos certos, idem est. 4Si integra quantitas alicui fuerit legata, ut ex usuris eius se alat et mortis tempore pecunias restituat: non cessabit oratio, licet non in annos singulos videatur id relictum. 5Sed et si sit certa quantitas relicta Titio vel res ita, ut inde alimenta Seio praestentur: magis est ut transigere Titius possit, nec enim transactione Titii minuuntur alimenta Seii. idemque est et si per fideicommissum alimenta ad hoc legatario fuerint relicta. 6Eam transactionem oratio improbat, quae idcirco fit, ut quis repraesentatam pecuniam consumat. quid ergo si quis citra praetoris auctoritatem transegerit, ut quod per singulos annos erat ei relictum, consequeretur per singulos menses? aut quid si, quod per singulos menses ei relictum erat, consequeretur per singulos dies? quid deinde si, quod consummato anno ut acciperet, initio anni consequatur? et puto eam transactionem valere, quia meliorem condicionem suam alimentarius tali transactione facit: noluit enim oratio alimenta per transactionem intercipi. 7Nihil autem interest, utrum libertini sint quibus alimenta relicta sunt an ingenui, satis locupletes an minus. 8Vult igitur oratio apud praetorem de istis quaeri: in primis de causa transactionis, dein de modo, tertio de persona transigentium. 9In causa hoc erit requirendum, quae causa sit transigendi: sine causa enim neminem transigentem audiet praetor. causae fere huiusmodi solent allegari: si alibi domicilium heres, alibi alimentarius habeat: aut si destinet domicilium transferre alteraaDie Großausgabe liest alteruter statt alter. eorum: aut si causa aliqua urgueat praesentis pecuniae: aut si a pluribus ei alimenta relicta sint et minutatim singulos convenire difficile ei sit: aut si qua alia causa fuit, ut plures solent incidere, quae praetori suadeant transactionem admittere. 10Modus quoque pecuniae, quae in transactionem venit, aestimandus est: ut puta quantitas transactionis. nam etiam ex modo fides transactionis aestimabitur. modus autem pro aetate eius, qui transigit, arbitrandus est et valetudine: nam alias cum puero, alias cum iuvene, alias cum sene transigi palam est: constat enim alimenta cum vita finiri. 11Sed et personarum contemplatio habenda est, hoc est, cuius vitae sint hi, quibus alimenta relicta sunt: utrum frugi vitae hi sint, qui alias sufficere sibi possint, an sequioris, qui de alimentis pendeant. in persona eius, a quo alimenta relicta sunt, haec erunt specienda: in quibus sunt facultatibus, cuius propositi, cuius opinionis. tunc enim apparebit, numquid circumvenire velit eum, cum quo transigit. 12Qui transigit de alimentis, non videbitur neque de habitatione neque de vestiario transegisse, cum divus Marcus specialiter etiam de istis transigi voluerit. 13Sed et si quis de alimentis transegerit, non habebit necesse etiam de habitatione vel ceteris invitus transigere: poterit igitur vel de omnibus simul vel de quibusdam facere transactionem. 14De calciario quoque arbitrio praetoris transigendum est. 15Si uni pluribusve fundus ad alimenta fuerit relictus velintque eum distrahere: necesse est praetorem de distractione eius et transactione arbitrari. sed si pluribus fundus ad alimenta fuerit relictus et hi inter se transigant: sine praetoris auctoritate facta transactio rata esse non debet. idem est et si ager fuerit in alimenta obligatus: nam nec pignus ad hoc datum inconsulto praetore poterit liberari. 16Arbitratu praetoris vel de universis alimentis vel de parte eorum transigi oportere plus quam manifestum est. 17Si praetor aditus citra causae cognitionem transigi permiserit, transactio nullius erit momenti: praetori enim ea res quaerenda commissa est, non neglegenda nec donanda. sed et si non de omnibus inquisierit, quae oratio mandat, hoc est de causa de modo de personis transigentium, dicendum est, quamvis de quibusdam quaesierit, transactionem esse irritam. 18Sed nec mandare ex hac causa iurisdictionem vel praeses provinciae vel praetor poterit. 19Transactiones alimentorum etiam apud procuratorem Caesaris fieri possunt: scilicet si a fisco petantur alimenta. secundum quae et apud praefectos aerarii transigi poterit. 20Si cum lis quidem esset de alimentis, transactum autem de lite fuisset: transactio valere inconsulto praetore non potest, ne circumveniatur oratio. fingi enim lites poterunt, ut transactio etiam citra praetoris fiat auctoritatem. 21Si eidem alimenta et praeterea legatum praesenti die datum sit, et transactum fuerit citra praetoris auctoritatem: id quod datum est imputabitur prius in legatum quod praesenti die datum est, superfluum in alimentariam causam. 22Si quis de alimentis transegerit sine praetoris auctoritate, id quod datum est in praeterita alimenta cedet. nec interest tantum in quantitate sit debita, quantum datum est, an minus, an plus: nam et si minus sit, adhuc tamen id quod in solutum datum est in praeterita alimenta imputabitur. sane si is, qui de alimentis transegit, locupletior factus sit ea solutione: in quod factus sit locupletior aequissimum erit in eum dari repetitionem: nec enim debet ex alieno damno esse locuples. 23Si in annos singulos certa quantitas alicui fuerit relicta homini honestioris loci veluti salarium annuum vel usus fructus, transactio et sine praetore fieri poterit: ceterum si usus fructus modicus alimentorum vice sit relictus, dico transactionem citra praetorem factam nullius esse momenti. 24Si cui non nummus ad alimenta, sed frumentum atque oleum et cetera, quae ad victum necessaria sunt, fuerint relicta: non poterit de his transigere, sive annua sive menstrua ei relinquantur. si tamen ita sine praetore transegerit, ut in vicem eorum nummum quotannis vel quotmensibus acciperet et neque diem neque modum permutavit, sed tantum genus: vel ex contrario si pactus fuerit, ut in generibus alimenta acciperet, quae in nummis ei relicta fuissent: vel si vinum pro oleo vel oleum pro vino vel quid aliud commutavit: vel locum permutavit, ut quae erant ei Romae alimenta relicta, in municipio vel in provincia acciperet vel contra: vel personam commutavit, ut quod a pluribus erat accepturus, ab uno acciperet: vel alium pro alio debitorem acceperit: haec omnia habent disceptationem praetoris et pro utilitate alimentarii recipienda sunt. 25Si ad habitationem certa quantitas sit annua relicta et ita sit transactum sine praetore, ut habitatio praestetur, valet transactio, quia fructus habitationis praestatur, licet ruinae vel incendio subiecta transactio est. per contrarium quoque si pro habitatione, quae erat relicta, placuerit certam quantitatem praestari, transactio rata est et citra praetorem.

The Same, On all Tribunals, Book V. When those to whom provision for maintenance has been left, were ready to make a compromise, and were satisfied with a moderate sum to be paid to them at once; the Divine Marcus stated in an Address delivered in the Senate: “That no compromise with reference to maintenance should stand, unless it was made under the authority of the Prætor.” Therefore the Prætor is accustomed to intervene and decide between the contracting parties whether the compromise is one which should be admitted. 1Whether provision for a house, or for clothing, or for maintenance dependent on real-estate is bequeathed, the inquiry of the same Prætor with reference to the compromise must be held. 2The above-mentioned Address relates to provision for maintenance left either by will or codicil, whether it was added to the will, or the party died intestate. The same rule is applicable where the provision was made by a donation mortis causa or where a charge was imposed upon anyone. Where bequests are made for the purpose of fulfilling a condition, we say that the rule is the same. It is evident that a compromise can be entered into without the authority of the Prætor when provision for maintenance is not made mortis causa. 3The Address applies to sums to be paid monthly or daily or annually, and the same rule is applicable where they are not left for life, but only for a certain term of years. 4Where a certain sum is bequeathed to anyone in order that he may support himself with the interest of the same and restore the entire amount at the time of his death; the Address will still apply, although the amount cannot be held to be paid annually. 5Where, however, a certain sum of money, or a certain amount of property is left to Titius, in order to provide for the support of Seius, the better opinion is that Titius can compromise; for by this act of Titius the maintenance of Seius is not diminished. The same rule applies where property was left to the legatee under a trust in order to provide for maintenance. 6The Address forbids a compromise which is made in such a way that anyone can spend at once the amount which is given him. What would be the case then, if a party made a compromise without the authority of the Prætor, to the effect that whatever was payable to him annually by the bequest, he should receive each month? Or what should be done if he received every day what had been left to him to be paid every month? Or how would it be if what he had a right to receive at the end of a year, should be received by him at the beginning? I am of the opinion that an arrangement of this kind is valid, because the party to be supported improves his condition by such a transaction; and that the Address of the Emperor did not intend that the maintenance of persons should be cut off by a compromise. 7It makes no difference whether the parties for whom provision for maintenance is made are freedmen, or freeborn, rich, or poor. 8The Address also directs inquiry to be made before the Prætor with reference to the following matters; in the first place, concerning the cause of the compromise; second, concerning its terms; third, concerning the personal characters of the parties to the transaction. 9With reference to the cause, it must be ascertained what reason exists for making the compromise for the Prætor will hear no one who desires to make a compromise without sufficient cause. The reasons which are usually alleged are the following, namely: where the heir and the party to be supported reside in different places; or where either of them intends to change his residence; or where there is some urgent reason for a sum of money to be paid at the time; or where provision for maintenance has been charged upon several heirs, and it is difficult for them to distribute small sums of money among different persons; or where any other reason exists among those which usually arise, and which may induce the Prætor to sanction the compromise. 10The amount of money involved in the transaction must also be considered, for the good faith of the parties is to be determined in this way. The amount must also be estimated according to the age and condition of health of the person who is making the compromise, as it is clear that it must vary in the cases of a boy, a young man, or one who is old; and it is evident that a provision for maintenance will end with the life of the party for whose benefit it was made. 11The character of the persons must also be taken into consideration; that is to say, what are the habits of life of those for whom provision is made, whether they are frugal and have sufficient for their maintenance from other sources; or whether they are of an inferior class, who will be compelled to depend entirely upon the provision made for them. With regard to the person who is charged with furnishing maintenance, these things must be investigated namely, what his means are, as well as his intentions and his opinions, for it will then be apparent whether he desires to ever reach the party with whom he makes the compromise or not. 12A compromise made with respect to maintenance, does not apply to lodging or clothing; as the Divine Marcus ordered that special arrangements should be made with reference to these matters. 13Where, however, anyone makes a compromise with respect to maintenance, it will not be considered necessary for him, against his will, to make any arrangement concerning lodgings, or other matters; he can, therefore, enter into an agreement with reference to all things at once, or only concerning a few. 14A compromise with respect to a provision for shoes must also be made under the authority of the Prætor. 15Where real-estate charged with maintenance has been left to one or several persons, and they desire to alienate it, it is necessary for the Prætor to decide concerning both the alienation and the compromise. Where real-estate charged with maintenance is left to several persons, and these make a compromise among themselves without the consent of the Prætor, the compromise should not be sustained. The same rule applies where land is given as security for maintenance, for, where a pledge is given for this purpose, it cannot be released without the authority of the Prætor. 16It is perfectly manifest that the consent of the Prætor is necessary where a compromise is made for the entire amount of the maintenance, or only for a portion of the same. 17If, when application is made to the Prætor, he permits a compromise to be made without an investigation of the case, the transaction will be void; for the matter is referred to the Prætor to be examined, and not to be neglected, or given up. If, however, he does not make inquiry about everything which he is directed to do by the Address; that is to say, about the cause, the amount, and the character of the parties to the transaction, it must be held that even though he investigates some matters, the compromise is void. 18Neither the Governor of the province, nor the Prætor can delegate his jurisdiction in a matter of this kind. 19Compromises with respect to maintenance can also be made in the presence of the Imperial Procurator; for example, where maintenance is claimed from the Treasury, and hence this can be done in the presence of the Prefect of the Treasury. 20Where an action is pending with reference to provision for maintenance, and a compromise is made, it will not be valid without the authority of the Prætor; as otherwise the Address of the Emperor might be evaded; for pretended suits could be brought, in order that a compromise might be arranged without the consent of the Prætor. 21Where provision for maintenance is left to anyone, and in addition to this a legacy which is to be paid immediately, and a compromise is made without the authority of the Prætor; whatever may be paid is first credited on the legacy which was made payable without delay, and the remainder on the provision for maintenance. 22Where anyone makes a compromise with reference to maintenance, without the authority of the Prætor, whatever is paid will be applied to the settlement of what is due on the maintenance; for it makes no difference how much the arrears were, or whether they were more or less than the amount paid; for if they are less, still the payment must be credited on the arrears of the provision for maintenance. And it is clear that if he who made the compromise with respect to maintenance, became more wealthy by the payment, it will be perfectly just that the other party should have an action to recover the amount by which he became more wealthy, for no one ought to profit by the loss of another. 23Where a certain sum to be paid annually, as, for instance, an annual pension or an usufruct has been left by anyone to a man of superior rank, a compromise can be made without the authority of the Prætor. But, if a moderate usufruct has been left, instead of a provision for maintenance, I say that a compromise made without the authority of the Prætor is of no force or effect. 24Where provision has been made for the maintenance of a person, not in money but in grain, oil, and other articles which are necessary for subsistence, a compromise cannot be arranged with respect to them, whether the payments are to be made to him annually, or monthly. Where, however, the compromise made without the Prætor’s authority was, that he should, instead of the articles, receive a certain sum of money payable either annually, or monthly, and neither the date nor the amount was changed, but only the nature of the article; or if, on the other hand, he agreed to receive subsistence in kind, which had been left to him in money; as where he changed wine for oil, or oil for wine, or anything else of this description; or changed the place so as to receive the provision left to him at Rome, in some town, or in some province, or vice versa; or if he changed the person, so as to receive from one what he should have received from several; or accepts one debtor instead of another; all these things must be submitted to the decision of the Prætor, and be determined for the benefit of the party entitled to maintenance. 25Where a certain sum, payable annually for lodging, has been left, any transaction which is entered into for the furnishing of lodging without the authority of the Prætor is valid; since the party obtains the benefit of the lodging, although the compromise may afford a lodging liable to demolition, or fire. On the other hand also, if he agrees that a stated sum shall be paid him instead of the lodging which was bequeathed, the transaction is valid, even without the Prætor’s authority.

Dig. 34,1,1Ulpianus libro quinto de omnibus tribunalibus. Si alimenta fuerint legata, dici potest etiam aquam legato inesse, si in ea regione fuerint legata, ubi venumdari aqua solet.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book V. Where maintenance is bequeathed, it can be said that water is also included in the legacy, if the bequest is made in the region where water is ordinarily sold.

Dig. 41,2,35Ulpianus libro quinto de omnibus tribunalibus. Exitus controversiae possessionis hic est tantum, ut prius pronuntiet iudex, uter possideat: ita enim fiet, ut is, qui victus est de possessione, petitoris partibus fungatur et tunc de dominio quaeratur.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book V. A controversy for possession is terminated as soon as the judge decides which party is in possession. This is done in such a way that he who loses possession can take the position of plaintiff, and then bring an action against the owner.

Dig. 42,2,6Ulpianus libro quinto de omnibus tribunalibus. Certum confessus pro iudicato erit, incertum non erit. 1Si quis incertum confiteatur vel corpus sit confessus Stichum vel fundum dare se oportere, urgueri debet, ut certum confiteatur: item eum, qui rem confessus est, ut certam quantitatem fateatur. 2Sed et si fundum vindicem meum esse tuque confessus sis, perinde habeberis, atque si dominii mei fundum esse pronuntiatum esset. et si alia quacumque actione civili vel honoraria vel interdicto exhibitorio vel restitutorio vel prohibitorio dum quis convenitur, confiteatur, dici potest in his omnibus subsequi praetorem voluntatem orationis divi Marci debere et omne omnino, quod quis confessus est, pro iudicato habere. dabitur igitur ex his actionibus, ex quibus dies datur ad restituendam rem, confesso tempus ad restitutionem et, si non restituatur, lis aestimabitur. 3Si quis absente adversario confessus sit, videndum, numquid non debeat pro iudicato haberi, quia nec qui iurat de operis, obligatur nec soleat quis absenti condemnari. certe procuratorem, tutorem curatoremve praesentem esse sufficit. 4Sed an et ipsos procuratores vel tutores vel curatores fateri sufficiat, videamus: et non puto sufficere. 5In pupillo tutoris auctoritatem exigimus. 6Minorem a confessione sua restituemus. 7Confessi utique post confessionem tempora quasi ex causa iudicati habebunt.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book V. He who confesses that he owes a specified sum of money is considered as having had judgment rendered against him; but this rule does not apply where the amount is uncertain. 1When anyone admits that he owes an uncertain amount of money, or something which is not specifically designated, as, for instance, if he says that he is obliged to deliver either Stichus or a tract of land, he must be urged to make his allegations more definite. The same rule applies to him who admits that he owes some property, to compel him to state the amount. 2If I bring an action to recover a tract of land which is mine, and you admit that it is mine, you will occtipy the same position as if a judgment had been rendered declaring the land to belong to me. And, in any other kind of civil or honorary actions, and in all interdicts for the production of property, or its restitution, including prohibitory interdicts, if the party who is sued admits the indebtedness, it may be said that the Prætor must follow the provision of the Rescript of the Divine Marcus, and everything which he confesses to be due is held to have been judicially decided. Therefore, in actions in which time is granted for the restitution of property, it will also be granted for restitution to the party who confesses judgment; and if restitution should not be made, the value of the property shall be appraised in court. 3If anyone admits that a claim is valid in the absence of his adversary, let us see whether he should not be considered to have had judgment rendered against him; because he who makes oath with reference to his services is not liable, and it is not customary to condemn anyone in his absence. It is certain that it is sufficient for the confession to be made in the presence of an agent, a guardian, or a curator. 4Let us see whether it will be sufficient for an agent, a guardian, or a curator, to make the confession. I do not think that it will be sufficient. 5In the case of a confession by a ward, we require the authority of his guardian, 6we grant complete restitution to a minor against his confession. 7Those who have confessed judgment are entitled to time for payment after making their confession, just as parties are after judgment has been rendered.

Ex libro VIII

Dig. 26,5,6Ulpianus libro octavo de omnibus tribunalibus. nec non ignoranti et invito.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book VIII. Even though the ward should be ignorant of the fact, and unwilling.

Dig. 26,5,8Idem libro octavo de omnibus tribunalibus. Nec mandante praeside alius tutorem dare poterit. 1Si praetor vel praeses provinciae in furore aut dementia constitutus dederit tutorem, non puto valere: quamvis enim praetor vel praeses sit nec furor ei magistratum abroget, attamen datio nullius erit momenti. 2Dari tutor omni die poterit. 3Furioso et furiosae et muto et surdo tutor vel curator a praetore vel praeside dari poterit.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book VIII. Another person cannot appoint a guardian, even under the direction of a Governor. 1Where the Prætor or the Governor of a province appoints a guardian while he is insane or demented, I do not think that the appointment will be valid; for, even though he may still continue to be Prætor or Governor, and his insanity does not deprive him of his magistracy, still, the appointment made by him will be of no force or effect. 2A guardian can be appointed upon any day whatsoever. 3A guardian or a curator can be appointed by a Prætor or a Governor for a person of either sex who may have become insane, and for one who is dumb and deaf.

Dig. 50,13,1Ulpianus libro octavo de omnibus tribunalibus. Praeses provinciae de mercedibus ius dicere solet, sed praeceptoribus tantum studiorum liberalium. liberalia autem studia accipimus, quae Graeci ἐλευθέρια appellant: rhetores continebuntur, grammatici, geometrae. 1Medicorum quoque eadem causa est quae professorum, nisi quod iustior, cum hi salutis hominum, illi studiorum curam agant: et ideo his quoque extra ordinem ius dici debet. 2Sed et obstetricem audiant, quae utique medicinam exhibere videtur. 3Medicos fortassis quis accipiet etiam eos, qui alicuius partis corporis vel certi doloris sanitatem pollicentur: ut puta si auricularius, si fistulae vel dentium. non tamen si incantavit, si inprecatus est, si, ut vulgari verbo impostorum utar, si exorcizavit: non sunt ista medicinae genera, tametsi sint, qui hos sibi profuisse cum praedicatione adfirment. 4An et philosophi professorum numero sint? et non putem, non quia non religiosa res est, sed quia hoc primum profiteri eos oportet mercennariam operam spernere. 5Proinde ne iuris quidem civilis professoribus ius dicent: est quidem res sanctissima civilis sapientia, sed quae pretio nummario non sit aestimanda nec dehonestanda, dum in iudicio honor petitur, qui in ingressu sacramenti offerri debuit. quaedam enim tametsi honeste accipiantur, inhoneste tamen petuntur. 6Ludi quoque litterarii magistris licet non sint professores, tamen usurpatum est, ut his quoque ius dicatur: iam et librariis et notariis et calculatoribus sive tabulariis. 7Sed ceterarum artium opificibus sive artificibus, quae sunt extra litteras vel notas positae, nequaquam extra ordinem ius dicere praeses debebit. 8Sed et si comites salarium petant, idem iuris est, quod in professoribus placet. 9Sed et adversus ipsos omnes cognoscere praeses debet, quia ut adversus advocatos adeantur, divi fratres rescripserunt. 10In honorariis advocatorum ita versari iudex debet, ut pro modo litis proque advocati facundia et fori consuetudine et iudicii, in quo erat acturus, aestimationem adhibeat, dummodo licitum honorarium quantitas non egrediatur: ita enim rescripto imperatoris nostri et patris eius continetur. verba rescripti ita se habent: ‘Si Iulius Maternus, quem patronum causae tuae esse voluisti, fidem susceptam exhibere paratus est, eam dumtaxat pecuniam, quae modum legitimum egressa est, repetere debes’. 11Advocatos accipere debemus omnes omnino, qui causis agendis quoquo studio operantur: non tamen qui pro tractatu, non adfuturi causis, accipere quid solent, advocatorum numero erunt. 12Si cui cautum est honorarium vel si quis de lite pactus est, videamus, an petere possit. et quidem de pactis ita est rescriptum ab imperatore nostro et divo patre eius: ‘Litis causa malo more pecuniam tibi promissam ipse quoque profiteris. sed hoc itaaaDie Großausgabe fügt ius ein. est, si suspensa lite societatem futuri emolumenti cautio pollicetur. si vero post causam actam cauta est honoraria summa, peti poterit usque ad probabilem quantitatem, etsi nomine palmarii cautum sit: sic tamen, ut computetur id quod datum est cum eo quod debetur neutrumque compositum licitam quantitatem excedat.’ licita autem quantitas intellegitur pro singulis causis usque ad centum aureos. 13Divus Severus ab heredibus advocati mortuo eo prohibuit mercedem repeti, quia per ipsum non steterat, quo minus causam ageret. 14Ad nutricia quoque officium praesidis vel praetoris devenit: namque nutrices ob alimoniam infantium apud praesides quod sibi debetur petunt. sed nutricia eo usque producemus, quoad infantes uberibus aluntur: ceterum post haec cessant partes praetoris vel praesidis. 15Haec omnia si apud praesides petantur, videamus an de mutuis petitionibus possunt praesides cognoscere. et putem debere admitti.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book VIII. The Governor of a province usually decided with reference to salaries, but only concerning those to which instructors in liberal studies are entitled. We understand liberal studies to be those which the Greeks designate eleuveria, and they include such as are taught by professors of rhetoric, grammar, and geometry. 1For the same reason, nothing is more just than also to include professors of medicine, for the latter give their attention to the health of men, and the former to their studies; and therefore with reference to them also, the Governor of the province should expound the law arbitrarily. 2Governors hear midwives, who are also considered to practice medicine. 3Anyone understands a physician to be one who promises a cure for any part of the body, or relief from pain, as, for example, an affection of the ear, a fistula, or a toothache; provided he does not employ incantations, imprecations, or exorcisms (to make use of the ordinary term applied to charlatans), for such things as this do not properly belong to the practice of medicine, although there are persons who commend such expedients, and affirm that they have been benefited by them. 4Are philosophers to be included in the number of professors? I do not think that they are, not because philosophy is irreligious, but because those who practice it should, first of all, scorn any mercenary labor. 5Hence, the Governor of a province does not decide with reference to the remuneration of professors of the Civil Law, for their wisdom is considered to be something extremely sacred; but it should not be estimated by its value in money, or be dishonored where compensation is claimed by a person who ought to promise under oath to dispense instruction gratuitously. Still, contributions when tendered may honorably be accepted, which, however, would be dishonorable if demanded. 6Governors of provinces have also assumed the right to decide with reference to school teachers, although they are not classed as professors, as well as in the case of copyists, makers of notes, accountants, and notaries. 7The Governor should, by no means, arbitrarily decide with reference to the master-workmen of other arts, or artisans who are not included in the literary professions, or are not mentioned above. 8When assistants demand their salaries, it has been decided that the same rule applies as in the case of professors. 9The Governor should take cognizance of all claims against these persons, for the Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript that this could even be done against advocates. 10With reference to the fees of advocates, the judge should decide according to the importance of the case, the skill of the advocate, and the custom of the bar, and should make an estimate of the fees to which the advocate was entitled, provided the amount does not exceed the compensation fixed by law; for this was set forth in a Rescript of Our Emperor and his Father in the following terms: “If Julius Maternus, who has wished you to appear in his case, is ready to pay you what he agreed to do, you can only claim an amount which does not exceed that prescribed by law.” 11We should understand advocates to be all those who devote their energies to the purpose of conducting litigation. Those, however, are not included in the number of advocates who ordinarily appear in court to conduct cases in behalf of parties who are absent. 12If a fee has been agreed upon with an advocate, or if anyone has made a contract with him, having reference to the conduct of a case, let us see whether he can demand it. And, indeed, the following was stated by our Emperor and his Divine Father with reference to agreements of this kind, namely: “It is the observance of a bad custom where you exact from your client a promise for the payment of money for conducting his case. It is the law that if, while the case is pending, an agreement is made for future remuneration it will be void; but if it is made after the case has been tried, the sum promised as a fee can be collected up to a reasonable amount, even though the agreement was made with reference to what might be recovered, provided what has been paid shall be reckoned with what is due, and the entire amount does not exceed the legal fee.” The proper fee is understood to be no more than a hundred aurei in any one case. 13The Divine Severus prohibited a fee from being recovered from the heirs of an advocate after his death, because it was not his fault that he did not conduct the suit. 14It is also the duty of a Governor or a Prætor to take cognizance of the claims of nurses for the support of children to which they are entitled, when brought before their magistrates. Such claims, however, should only be considered where infants are nourished by the breast, but when this is not the case, neither the Prætor nor the Governor will have jurisdiction. 15If all these things should be demanded before the Governors of provinces, let us see whether they can have jurisdiction of reciprocal claims. I think that they should be permitted to do so.

Dig. 50,14,3Idem libro octavo de omnibus tribunalibus. De proxenetico, quod et sordidum, solent praesides cognoscere: sic tamen, ut et in his modus esse debeat et quantitatis et negotii, in quo operula ista defuncti sunt et ministerium qualequale accommodaverunt. facilius quod Graeci ἑρμηνευτικὸν appellant, peti apud eos poterit, si quis forte condicionis vel amicitiae vel adsessurae vel cuius alterius huiuscemodi proxeneta fuit: sunt enim huiusmodi hominum (ut in tam magna civitate) officinae. est enim proxenetarum modus, qui emptionibus venditionibus, commerciis, contractibus licitis utiles non adeo improbabili more se exhibent.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book VIII. Governors are accustomed to take cognizance of the cases of brokers, and although it is considered a degrading occupation, still, in order to regulate the amount of their commissions and the business in which they are engaged, they, to some extent, supervise their calling. The Greeks designate their compensation by the term the “fee of an intermediary,” and it can easily be collected by them where, for instance, anyone acts as an agent for the purpose of contracting a bond of friendship, or to obtain an assistant for a judge, or anything else of this kind. For such occupations are pursued by certain men in large cities. The term “broker” applies to those who give their services and make themselves useful by negotiating purchases, sales, commercial matters, and lawful contracts in a way which is not objectionable.

Dig. 50,16,199Idem libro octavo de omnibus tribunalibus. ‘Absentem’ accipere debemus eum, qui non est eo loci, in quo loco petitur: non enim trans mare absentem desideramus: et si forte extra continentia urbis sit, abest. ceterum usque ad continentia non abesse videbitur, si non latitet. 1Abesse non videtur, qui ab hostibus captus est, sed qui a latronibus detinetur.

The Same, On All Tribunals, Book VIII. We should consider a person to be absent who is not in the place where his presence is demanded; for we do not require that he be beyond seas, since he is absent if he happens to be outside the suburbs of the city; but if he is within the suburbs, he is not held to be absent if he does not conceal himself. 1Anyone who has been captured by the enemy is not considered to be absent, but he who is detained by robbers is.

Ex libro IX

Dig. 10,4,17Ulpianus libro nono de omnibus tribunalibus. Si quis hominem debilitatum exhibeat vel eluscatum, ad exhibendum quidem absolvi debet: exhibuit enim et nihil impedit directam actionem talis exhibitio, poterit tamen agere actor ex lege Aquilia de hoc damno.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book IX. Where a party produces a slave who is disabled or blind, he should be discharged from liability under this action, for he has produced him, and a production of this kind is no impediment to a direct action, for the plaintiff can still bring suit under the Lex Aquilia for the damage sustained.

Dig. 11,7,38Ulpianus libro nono de omnibus tribunalibus. Ne corpora aut ossa mortuorum detinerentur aut vexarentur neve prohiberentur quo minus via publica transferrentur aut quominus sepelirentur, praesidis provinciae officium est.

Ulpianus, On All Tribunals, Book IX. It is the duty of the Governor of a province to see that the bodies or bones of deceased persons are not detained, or maltreated, or prevented from being transported on the public highway, or buried.