De officio quaestoris libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 2,1,3Ulpianus libro secundo de officio quaestoris. Imperium aut merum aut mixtum est. merum est imperium habere gladii potestatem ad animadvertendum facinorosos homines, quod etiam potestas appellatur. mixtum est imperium, cui etiam iurisdictio inest, quod in danda bonorum possessione consistit. iurisdictio est etiam iudicis dandi licentia.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of Quæstor, Book II. Official authority is either simple or mixed. Simple authority invests the magistrate with the right of inflicting the death penalty upon persons who are violators of the law, which is also designated “power”. Mixed authority, which embraces legal jurisdiction, consists of the right of granting possession of property. Jurisdiction includes the power of appointing a judge.