De officio proconsulis libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 27,10,8Ulpianus libro sexto de officio proconsulis. Bonorum ventris nomine curatorem dari oportet eumque rem salvam fore viri boni arbitratu satisdare proconsul iubet: sed hoc, si non ex inquisitione detur: nam si ex inquisitione, cessat satisdatio.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book VI. A curator must be appointed for the property of an unborn child, and the Proconsul, in order that it may be safe, requires him to give security such as would be accepted by a reliable man. This is the case where the appointment is not made after investigation, for if an investigation takes place security will not be necessary.
Dig. 36,1,36Ulpianus libro sexto de officio proconsulis. Cum heres instituta furiosa hereditatem esset rogata restituere, curatorem eius secundum tabulas bonorum possessione accepta posse transferre actiones divus Pius decrevit.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book VI. The Divine Pius decreed that, where an insane woman was appointed heir and charged to transfer an estate, her curator could assign all rights of action after having obtained possession of the estate in accordance with the provisions of the will.
Dig. 40,2,11Ulpianus libro sexto de officio proconsulis. Si minor annis viginti manumittit, huiusmodi solent causae manumissionis recipi: si filius filiave frater sororve naturalis sit.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book VI. When a minor under the age of twenty years manumits a slave, the manumission is ordinarily accepted, where the person who manumits is the natural son or daughter, brother or sister of the slave;
Dig. 47,22,2Ulpianus libro sexto de officio proconsulis. Quisquis illicitum collegium usurpaverit, ea poena tenetur, qua tenentur, qui hominibus armatis loca publica vel templa occupasse iudicati sunt.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book VII. Anyone who becomes a member of an unlawful association is liable to the same penalty to which those are subject who have been convicted of having seized public places or temples by means of armed men.