De officio proconsulis libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 26,5,12Ulpianus libro tertio de officio proconsulis. His qui in ea causa sunt, ut superesse rebus suis non possint, dare curatorem proconsulem oportebit. 1Nec dubitabit filium quoque patri curatorem dare: quamvis enim contra sit apud Celsum et apud alios plerosque relatum, quasi indecorum sit patrem a filio regi, attamen divus Pius Instio Celeri, item divi fratres rescripserunt filium, si sobrie vivat, patri curatorem dandum magis quam extraneum. 2Divus Pius matris querellam de filiis prodigis admisit, ut curatorem accipiant, in haec verba: ‘Non est novum quosdam, etsi mentis suae videbuntur ex sermonibus compotes esse, tamen sic tractare bona ad se pertinentia, ut, nisi subveniatur is, deducantur in egestatem. eligendus itaque erit, qui eos consilio regat: nam aequum est prospicere nos etiam eis, qui quod ad bona ipsorum pertinet, furiosum faciunt exitum’.
Ulpianus, On the Office of Proconsul, Book III. The Proconsul must appoint a curator for those persons who are in such a condition that they cannot manage their own affairs. 1There is no doubt that a son can be appointed the curator of his father, although the contrary is stated by Celsus, and many other authorities, who hold that it is unseemly for a father to be subjected to the authority of his son; still, the Divine Pius, addressing Justius Celerius, and also the Divine Brothers, stated in Rescripts that it was better for a son who was well-behaved to be appointed the curator of his father, than that a stranger should be. 2The Divine Pius granted the request of a mother for the appointment of a curator for her spendthrift children in the following words: “There is nothing novel in the fact that certain persons, even though they appear to be of sound mind so far as their conversation is concerned, yet squander their property in such a way that, unless relief is granted them, they will be reduced to poverty. Therefore, someone should be chosen who may control them by his advice, for it is just that we should take care of those who, so far as relates to their property, act like persons who are insane.”
Dig. 27,2,5Ulpianus libro tertio de officio proconsulis. Si disceptetur, ubi morari vel ubi educari pupillum oporteat, causa cognita id praesidem statuere oportebit. in causae cognitione evitandi sunt, qui pudicitiae impuberi possunt insidiari.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book III. Where a dispute arises as to where a ward should reside, or be brought up, a judicial inquiry having been instituted, the proper authority should decide the question. In an investigation of this kind those parties must be avoided who can take advantage of their position to violate the chastity of the minor.
Dig. 27,9,11Idem libro tertio de officio proconsulis. Si praedia minoris viginti quinque annis distrahi desiderentur, causa cognita praeses provinciae debet id permittere. idem servari oportet et si furiosi vel prodigi vel cuiuscumque alterius praedia curatores velint distrahere.
The Same, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book III. If an application should be made for the sale of land belonging to a minor of twenty-five years of age, after proper investigation, the Governor of the province should permit this to be done. The same rule should be observed with reference to the property of an insane person, or a spendthrift, or of anyone else whose land his curators desire to alienate.
Dig. 50,2,3Idem libro tertio de officio proconsulis. Generaliter id erit defendendum, ut qui clementiorem sententiam passus est ob hoc, quod ad tempus relegatur, boni consulere debeat humanitatis sententiae nec decurionatum recipiat. 1Sed si quis ob falsam causam vel aliam de gravioribus non ad tempus sit relegatus, sed ad tempus ordine motus, in ea est causa, ut possit in ordinem redire. imperator enim Antoninus edicto proposito statuit, ut cuicumque aut quacumque causa ad tempus ordine vel advocationibus vel quo alio officio fuisset interdictum, completo tempore nihilo minus fungi honore vel officio possit. et hoc recte: neque enim exaggeranda fuit sententia, quae modum interdictioni fecerat. 2Spurios posse in ordinem allegi nulla dubitatio est: sed si habeat competitorem legitime quaesitum, praeferri eum oportet, divi fratres Lolliano Avito Bithyniae praesidi rescripserunt. cessantibus vero his etiam spurii ad decurionatum et re et vita honesta recipientur: quod utique non sordi erit ordini, cum ex utilitate eius sit semper ordinem plenum habere. 3Eis, qui iudaicam superstitionem sequuntur, divi Severus et Antoninus honores adipisci permiserunt, sed et necessitates eis imposuerunt, qui superstitionem eorum non laederent.
The Same, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book III. Generally speaking, it should be maintained that where a decurion, having received a lighter sentence than he deserved, has been relegated for a certain time, he should, in accordance with the dictates of humanity, be permitted to retain his property, but he cannot afterwards obtain the office of decurion. 1If, however, a decurion, either on account of some crime involving deceit, or one which is even more serious, has not been relegated for a certain time, but has temporarily been excluded from his order, he is in such a position that he can be reinstated. For the Emperor Antoninus decided by an Edict that when anyone had, for any cause whatsoever, been excluded from his order, or forbidden to be present at its meetings, or to comply with any other of its requirements, for a certain time, after the time had expired, he could still resume the discharge of his official functions or duties. And this is no more than just, for the sentence which merely imposed a certain prohibition should not be increased. 2There is no doubt that illegitimate children can be chosen decurions, but the Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript to Lollianus Avitus, Governor of Bithynia, that if such a son had a competitor who was legitimate, the latter must have the preference. Still, if the legitimate children should neglect to perform their duties, those who are illegitimate ought to be admitted to the office of decurion, after it has been ascertained that their conduct and life are honorable; because, as it is for the public welfare that the Order of Decurions should always be full, ignoble persons should not be admitted to it. 3The Divine Sever us and Antoninus permitted those who adhered to the Jewish superstition to obtain civil honors, but they imposed upon them the requirement not to violate the precepts of their religion.
Dig. 50,3,1Ulpianus libro tertio de officio proconsulis. Decuriones in albo ita scriptos esse oportet, ut lege municipali praecipitur: sed si lex cessat, tunc dignitates erunt spectandae, ut scribantur eo ordine, quo quisque eorum maximo honore in municipio functus est: puta qui duumviratum gesserunt, si hic honor praecellat, et inter duumvirales antiquissimus quisque prior: deinde hi, qui secundo post duumviratum honore in re publica functi sunt: post eos qui tertio et deinceps: mox hi qui nullo honore functi sunt, prout quisque eorum in ordinem venit. 1In sententiis quoque dicendis idem ordo spectandus est, quem in albo scribendo diximus.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book III. The names of decurions should be entered upon a register, as is prescribed by the municipal law. Where, however, there is no law on this point, the rank of each should be considered, so that they may be registered in the order in which each one of them enjoys the highest distinction in the city; as, for instance, those who have held the office of duumvir, if this is the highest, and among the duumvirs, the one who first held office, shall take precedence; and after him those who have performed the duties of duumvirs in the municipal government; and, after them, those who come third, and the others in succession, and then those who previously have held no office shall be registered, so that each one shall appear in his proper place. 1In casting their votes, the same order shall be considered which we have stated should be observed in registering their names.