De officio curatoris rei publicae libri
Dig. 22,1,33Ulpianus libro singulari de officio curatoris rei publicae. Si bene collocatae sunt pecuniae publicae, in sortem inquietari debitores non debent et maxime, si parient usuras: si non parient, prospicere rei publicae securitati debet praeses provinciae, dummodo non acerbum se exactorem nec contumeliosum praebeat, sed moderatum et cum efficacia benignum et cum instantia humanum: nam inter insolentiam incuriosam et diligentiam non ambitiosam multum interest. 1Praeterea prospicere debet, ne pecuniae publicae credantur sive pignoribus idoneis vel hypothecis.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of the Curator of the Government. Where the money of the Government has been well placed, the debtor should not be uneasy on account of the principal, and especially is this the case where the money bears interest; or if it does not do so, the Governor of the province should provide for the security of the Government, only he must not show himself to be a harsh and insulting collector, but he must act with moderation, and be kind and efficient, and humane and firm; for there is a great deal of difference between disdainful insolence and diligence which is not prompted by ambition. 1Again, he should take care that the public money is not lent without good pledges or security.
Dig. 50,9,4Ulpianus libro singulari de officio curatoris rei publicae. Ambitiosa decreta decurionum rescindi debent, sive aliquem debitorem dimiserint sive largiti sunt. 1Proinde, ut solent, sive decreverint de publico alicuius vel praedia vel aedes vel certam quantitatem praestari, nihil valebit huiusmodi decretum. 2Sed et si salarium alicui decuriones decreverint, decretum id nonnumquam ullius erit momenti: ut puta si ob liberalem artem fuerit constitutum vel ob medicinam: ob has enim causas licet constitui salaria.
The Same, On the Duties of the Principal Magistrate of the City. The decrees of decurions granted for the sake of popularity should be set aside, whether they have discharged debtors, or have authorized donations. 1Hence if, as is customary, they have disposed of any lands, houses, or sums of money belonging to the public in this way, such a decree will be void. 2But if the decurions have ordered money to be paid to anyone by way of compensation, the decree will not always be of no force or effect; as, for example, where a grant has been made on account of some of the liberal arts, or for medicine, as appropriations can legally be made for this purpose.
Dig. 50,10,5Ulpianus libro singulari de officio curatoris rei publicae. Si legatum vel fideicommissum fuerit ad opus relictum, usurae quae et quando incipiant deberi, rescripto divi Pii ita continetur. ‘Si quidem dies non sit ab his, qui statuas vel imagines ponendas legaverunt, praefinitus, a praeside provinciae tempus statuendum est: et nisi posuerint heredes, usuras leviores intra sex menses, si minus, semisses usuras rei publicae pendant. si vero dies datus est, pecuniam deponant intra diem, si aut non invenire se statuas dixerint aut loco controversiam fecerint: semisses protinus pendant’. 1Fines publicos a privatis detineri non oportet. curabit igitur praeses provinciae, si qui publici sunt, a privatis separare et publicos potius reditus augere: si qua loca publica vel aedificia in usus privatorum invenerit, aestimare, utrumne vindicanda in publicum sint an vectigal eis satius sit imponi, et id, quod utilius rei publicae intellexerit, sequi.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of the Principal Magistrate of a City. When anyone bequeaths a legacy or property in trust for the construction of a public work, the interest on the same and the time when it begins to run are established by a Rescript of the Divine Pius in the following terms: “If the person leaving the legacy does not state the time when the statues or images shall be placed in position, it should be fixed by the Governor of the province; and if the heirs of the deceased do not do this within the prescribed time, they will, in six months, be liable to the payment of moderate interest, but if the said statues and images are not placed in position by that date they must pay interest at the rate of six per cent to the State. “When, however, a time was appointed, they must pay the money within that time; or, if they should allege that they have not found the statues, or cause any dispute to arise with reference to the place, they must immediately begin to pay interest at the rate of six per cent.” 1The boundaries of public lands must not be retained by private individuals. Therefore, the Governor of the province shall see that public lands are separated from those belonging to private persons, and endeavor to increase the public revenues. If he finds that any public places or buildings are occupied by private persons, he must estimate whether they should be demanded for the benefit of the public, or whether it would be better to lease them for a sufficient rent; and he must always pursue the course which he thinks will be of the greatest advantage to the State.
Dig. 50,12,1Ulpianus libro singulari de officio curatoris rei publicae. Si pollicitus quis fuerit rei publicae opus se facturum vel pecuniam daturum, in usuras non convenietur: sed si moram coeperit facere, usurae accedunt, ut imperator noster cum divo patre suo rescripsit. 1Non semper autem obligari eum, qui pollicitus est, sciendum est. si quidem ob honorem promiserit decretum sibi vel decernendum vel ob aliam iustam causam, tenebitur ex pollicitatione: sin vero sine causa promiserit, non erit obligatus. et ita multis constitutionibus et veteribus et novis continetur. 2Item si sine causa promiserit, coeperit tamen facere, obligatus est qui coepit. 3Coepisse sic accipimus, si fundamenta iecit vel locum purgavit. sed et si locus illi petenti destinatus est, magis est, ut coepisse videatur. item si apparatum sive impensam in publico posuit. 4Sed si non ipse coepit, sed cum certam pecuniam promisisset ad opus rei publicae contemplatione pecuniae coepit opus facere: tenebitur quasi coepto opere. 5Denique cum columnas quidam promisisset, imperator noster cum divo patre suo ita rescripsit: ‘Qui non ex causa pecuniam rei publicae pollicentur, liberalitatem perficere non coguntur. sed si columnas Citiensibus promisisti et opus ea ratione sumptibus civitatis vel privatorum inchoatum est, deseri quod gestum est non oportet’. 6Si quis opus quod perfecit adsignavit, deinde id fortuito casu aliquid passum sit, periculum ad eum qui fecit non pertinere imperator noster rescripsit.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of the Chief Magistrate of a City. If anyone should promise to construct a public work, or donate money for that purpose, he cannot be sued for interest. If, however, he delays, interest will accrue, as our Emperor with his Divine Father stated in a Rescript. 1It must be noted that anyone who makes a promise is not always obliged to carry it into effect. Where, however, he promises in consideration of an honor already granted to him by a decree, or which is to be granted hereafter, or for some other good reason, he will be bound by his promise. But if he made the promise without any cause, he will not be liable, as is stated in many Constitutions both old and new. 2Likewise, when anyone makes a promise without any consideration, and begins to carry it out, he will be liable. 3We understand a person to begin to carry out his promise in the case of the construction of a building, where he lays the foundation, or clears the ground. Where, however, the land has been transferred to him for this purpose at his request, the better opinion is that he should be held to have begun the work. The same rule will apply if he has made preparations, or spent money in a public place. 4If, however, he himself did not begin the work, but promised a certain sum of money for its construction, he commences the undertaking by the payment of the money, and he will be liable just as if the work had been begun. 5Finally, when anyone promises columns for a public work, our Emperor, with his Divine Father, made the following statement in a Rescript: “Anyone who promises a sum of money to the State without any reason is not compelled to perfect his liberality. Where, however, you promised some columns to the people of Citium, and on this account, the work was begun at the expense of the city, or of private persons, what has been done cannot be abandoned.” 6Our Emperor stated in a Rescript that when anyone entrusts another to complete a work, and any damage then results to it through accident, the person who constructed it will be responsible.
Dig. 50,12,15Ulpianus libro singulari de officio curatoris rei publicae. Inter liberos nepotem quoque ex filia contineri divus Pius rescripsit.
Ulpianus, On the Duties of the Chief Magistrate of a City. The Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that a grandson by a daughter of the testator was also included among his children.