Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 23,1,16Ulpianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Oratio imperatorum Antonini et commodi, quae quasdam nuptias in personam senatorum inhibuit, de sponsalibus nihil locuta est. recte tamen dicitur etiam sponsalia in his casibus ipso iure nullius esse momenti, ut suppleatur quod orationi deest.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. A Rescript of the Emperors Antoninus and Commodus which forbade Senators to marry certain persons, did not mention anything with reference to betrothals; still, it is properly held that betrothals made under such conditions are void by operation of law; in order to supply what is lacking in the Rescript.
Dig. 23,2,27Ulpianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si quis in senatorio ordine agens libertinam habuerit uxorem, quamvis interim uxor non sit, attamen in ea condicione est, ut, si amiserit dignitatem, uxor esse incipiat.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Where a man of Senatorial rank has as a wife a woman who has been manumitted, although, in the meantime, she may not legally be his wife, still, she occupies such a position that if he should lose his rank she will become his wife.
Dig. 23,2,29Ulpianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. quod et Ateius Capito consulatu suo fertur decrevisse. hoc tamen ita observandum est, nisi patronus ideo eam manumisit, ut uxorem eam ducat.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. It is stated that Ateius Capito, during his consulate, issued a decree of this kind. It must be observed, however, that this rule does not apply where a patron emancipated a female slave in order to marry her.
Dig. 23,2,45Ulpianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. In eo iure, quod dicit invito patrono libertam, quae ei nupta est, alii nubere non posse, patronum accipimus (ut rescripto imperatoris nostri et divi patris eius continetur) et eum qui hac lege emit, ut manumittat, quia manumissa liberta emptoris habetur. 1Qui autem iuravit se patronum, hoc idem non habebit. 2Ne is quidem debet habere, qui non suis nummis comparavit. 3Plane si filius familias miles esse proponatur, non dubitamus, si castrensis peculii ancillam manumiserit, competere ei hoc ius: est enim patronus secundum constitutiones nec patri eius hoc ius competit. 4Hoc caput ad nuptam tantum libertam pertinet, ad sponsam non pertinet: et ideo invito patrono nuntium sponsa liberta si miserit, cum alio conubium habet. 5Deinde ait lex ‘invito patrono’: invitum accipere debemus eum, qui non consentit ad divortium: idcirco nec a furioso divertendo solvit se huius legis necessitate nec si ab ignorante divorterit: rectius enim hic invitus dicitur quam qui dissensit. 6Si ab hostibus patronus captus esse proponatur, vereor ne possit ista conubium habere nubendo, quemadmodum haberet, si mortuus esset. et qui Iuliani sententiam probant, dicerent non habituram conubium: putat enim Iulianus durare eius libertae matrimonium etiam in captivitate propter patroni reverentiam. certe si in aliam servitutem patronus sit deductus, procul dubio dissolutum esset matrimonium.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. In that law which provides that where a freedwoman has been married to her patron, after separation from him she cannot marry another without his consent; we understand the patron to be one who has bought a female slave under the condition of manumitting her (as is stated in the Rescript of our Emperor and his father), because, after having been manumitted, she becomes the freedwoman of the purchaser. 1This rule does not apply to anyone who has sworn that he is the patron of the woman. 2Nor should he be considered her patron who did not purchase the woman with his own money. 3It is clear that we must not doubt that a son under paternal control, who is a soldier, acquires this right if he manumits a female slave by means of his castrense peculium; for he becomes her patron in accordance with the Imperial Constitutions, and this privilege does not belong to his father. 4This section of the law has reference only to a freedwoman who is married, and does not apply to one who is betrothed; hence, if a freedwoman, who has been betrothed, notifies her patron of her repudiation of the contract, she can contract matrimony with another, even if her patron should be unwilling. 5The law says in the next place: “If her patron should be unwilling,” and we should understand the term “unwilling” to refer to a party who consents to a divorce, and therefore she who is divorced from an insane husband, is not exempt from the consequences of this law; nor where she does so while the latter is ignorant of the fact, for her patron is more properly said to be unwilling than one who dissents. 6Where a patron is captured by enemies, I apprehend that she can marry just as would be the case if her patron was dead. Those who adopt the opinion of Julianus hold that she could not contract marriage, for he thinks that the marriage of a freedwoman lasts even during the captivity of her patron, on account of the respect which she owes him. It is evident, however, that if her patron should be reduced to any other kind of servitude, the marriage would unquestionably be dissolved.
Dig. 24,2,11Ulpianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Quod ait lex: ‘divortii faciendi potestas libertae, quae nupta est patrono, ne esto’, non infectum videtur effecisse divortium, quod iure civili dissolvere solet matrimonium. quare constare matrimonium dicere non possumus, cum sit separatum. denique scribit Iulianus de dote hanc actionem non habere. merito igitur, quamdiu patronus eius eam uxorem suam esse vult, cum nullo alio conubium ei est nam quia intellexit legis lator facto libertae quasi diremptum matrimonium, detraxit ei cum alio conubium. quare cuicumque nupserit, pro non nupta habebitur. Iulianus quidem amplius putat nec in concubinatu eam alterius patroni esse posse. 1Ait lex: ‘quamdiu patronus eam uxorem esse volet’. et velle debet uxorem esse et patronus durare: si igitur aut patronus esse aut velle desierit, finita est legis auctoritas. 2Illud rectissime placuit, qualiquali voluntate intellegi possit patronus animum habere desisse quasi in uxorem, finiri legis huius beneficium. proinde cum patronus rerum amotarum cum liberta, quae ab invito eo divorterat, vellet experiri, imperator noster cum divo patre suo rescripsit intellegi eum hoc ipso nolle nuptam sibi, qui eam actionem vel aliam inportet, quae non solet nisi ex divortio oriri. quare si accusare eam adulterii coeperit vel alio crimine postulare, quod uxori nemo obicit, magis est, ut diremptum sit matrimonium: etenim meminisse oportet ideo adimi cum alio conubium, quia patronus sibi nuptam cupit. ubicumque igitur vel tenuis intellectus videri potest nolentis nuptam, dicendum est iam incipere libertae cum alio esse conubium. proinde si patronus sibi desponderit aliam vel destinaverit vel matrimonium alterius appetierit, credendus est nolle hanc nuptam: et si concubinam sibi adhibuerit, idem erit probandum.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Where the law says: “The right of a freedwoman, who is married to her patron, to obtain a divorce shall not be allowed,” this is not held to have made the divorce ineffective, because marriage is ordinarily dissolved by the Civil Law; therefore we cannot say that the marriage exists, as a separation has taken place. Again, Julianus says that a wife is not under such circumstances entitled to an action to recover her dowry; hence it is reasonable that when her patron desires her to remain his wife she cannot marry anyone else. For, as the legislator understood that the marriage was, to a certain extent, dissolved by the act of the freedwoman, he prevented her marriage with another, wherefore if she should marry anyone else, she will be considered as not married. Julianus, indeed, goes farther, for he thinks that such a woman cannot even live in concubinage with anyone except her patron. 1The law says: “As long as the patron desires her to remain his wife.” This means that the patron wishes her to be his wife, and that his relationship towards her should continue to exist; therefore where he either ceases to be her patron, or to desire that she should remain his wife, the authority of the law is at an end. 2It has been most justly established that the benefit of this law terminated whenever the patron, by any indication of his will whatsoever, is understood to have relinquished his desire to keep the woman as his wife. Hence, when he institutes proceedings against his freedwoman on the ground of the removal of property, after she had divorced him without his consent, our Emperor and his Divine Father stated in a Rescript that the party was understood to be unwilling that the woman should remain his wife, when he brings this action or another like it, which it is not customary to do unless in case of divorce. Wherefore, if the husband accuses her of adultery or of some other crime of which no one can accuse a wife but her husband, the better opinion is that the marriage is dissolved; for it should be remembered that the wife is not deprived of the right to marry another except where the patron himself desires to retain her in that capacity. Hence, whenever even a slight reason indicates that the husband does not desire her to remain his wife, it must be said that the freedwoman has already acquired the right to contract marriage with another. Therefore, if the patron has betrothed himself to, or destined himself for some other woman, or has sought marriage with another, he must be considered to no longer desire the freedwoman to be his wife. The same rule will apply where he keeps the woman as his concubine.
Dig. 40,10,4Ulpianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Etiam feminae ius anulorum aureorum impetrare et natalibus restitui poterunt.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Even women can obtain the right to wear a gold ring, as well as that of being considered freeborn, and be restored to the privileges they are entitled to by their birth.
Dig. 50,16,131Idem libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Aliud ‘fraus’ est, aliud ‘poena’: fraus enim sine poena esse potest, poena sine fraude esse non potest. poena est noxae vindicta, fraus et ipsa noxa dicitur et quasi poenae quaedam praeparatio. 1Inter ‘multam’ autem et ‘poenam’ multum interest, cum poena generale sit nomen omnium delictorum coercitio, multa specialis peccati, cuius animadversio hodie pecuniaria est: poena autem non tantum pecuniaria, verum capitis et existimationis irrogari solet. et multa quidem ex arbitrio eius venit, qui multam dicit: poena non irrogatur, nisi quae quaque lege vel quo alio iure specialiter huic delicto imposita est: quin immo multa ibi dicitur, ubi specialis poena non est imposita. item multam is dicere potest, cui iudicatio data est: magistratus solos et praesides provinciarum posse multam dicere mandatis permissum est. poenam autem unusquisque inrogare potest, cui huius criminis sive delicti exsecutio competit.
The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Fraud is one thing, and the penalty for it another; for fraud can exist without a penalty, but there cannot be a penalty for it without a fraud. A penalty is the punishment of an offence, a fraud is the offence itself and is, as it were, a kind of preparation for the penalty. 1A great difference exists between a fine and a penalty, for the term “penalty” is a general one, and means the punishment of all crimes; but a fine is imposed for some particular offence, whose punishment is, at present, a pecuniary one. A penalty, however, is not only pecuniary, but usually implies the loss of life and reputation. A fine is left to the discretion of the magistrate who passes sentence; a penalty is not inflicted unless it is expressly imposed by law, or by some other authority. And, indeed, a fine is inflicted where a special penalty has not been prescribed. Moreover, he can impose a penalty upon whom jurisdiction has been conferred. Magistrates and Governors of provinces alone are permitted by the Imperial Mandates to impose fines; anyone, however, who has a right to take judicial cognizance of a crime or a misdemeanor can inflict the penalty.