Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro XVIII
Dig. 22,6,6Ulpianus libro octavo decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Nec supina ignorantia ferenda est factum ignorantis, ut nec scrupulosa inquisitio exigenda: scientia enim hoc modo aestimanda est, ut neque neglegentia crassa aut nimia securitas satis expedita sit neque delatoria curiositas exigatur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XVIII. Neither gross ignorance of the facts should be tolerated, nor scrupulous inquiry be exacted, but such knowledge should be demanded that neither excessive negligence, too great unconcern, nor the inquisitiveness that characterizes informers may be exhibited.
Dig. 29,2,83Ulpianus libro octavo decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si totam an partem, ex qua quis heres institutus est, tacite rogatus sit restituere, apparet nihil ei debere adcrescere, quia rem non videtur habere.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XVIII. If anyone should be tacitly requested to surrender to another the entire share of an estate to which he has been appointed heir, it is evident that he can receive nothing by accrual, because he is not considered to be entitled to the property.
Dig. 31,61Ulpianus libro octavo decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si Titio et Maevio heredibus institutis qui quadringenta relinquebat a Titio ducenta legaverit et, quisquis heres esset, centum, neque Maevius hereditatem adierit, trecenta Titius debebit. 1Iulianus quidem ait, si alter ex legitimis heredibus repudiasset portionem, cum essent ab eo fideicommissa relicta, coheredem eius non esse cogendum fideicommissa praestare: portionem enim ad coheredem sine onere pertinere. sed post rescriptum Severi, quo fideicommissa ab instituto relicta a substitutis debentur, et hic quasi substitutus cum suo onere consequetur adcrescentem portionem.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XVIII. If Titius and Mævius should be appointed heirs by a testator who left four hundred aurei, and he charged Titius with a legacy of two hundred, and whomever might become his heir with a hundred, and Mævius, his heir, should not enter upon the estate; Titius will be responsible for the payment of three hundred aurei. 1Julianus, indeed, says that if one of two heirs at law who was charged with a trust rejects the estate, his co-heir cannot be compelled to execute the trust, for his share will belong to the co-heir without an obligation of any kind. However, after the Rescript of Severus, by which it is provided that where an appointed heir is charged with a trust, and rejects it, it must be executed by the substitute, in this case the heir at law will obtain the share by accrual, just as the substitute will acquire it with its burden.
Dig. 35,2,66Ulpianus libro octavo decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Circa legem Falcidiam in eo, quod sub condicione vel in diem alicui relictum est, hoc observandum est: si decem sub condicione alicui fuerint relicta eaque condicio post decennium forte exstiterit, non videntur decem huic legata, sed minus decem, quia intervallum temporis et interusurium huius spatii minorem facit quantitatem decem. 1Sicuti legata non debentur, nisi deducto aere alieno aliquid supersit, nec mortis causa donationes debebuntur, sed infirmantur per aes alienum. quare si immodicum aes alienum interveniat, ex re mortis causa sibi donata nihil aliquis consequitur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XVIII. The following must be noted with reference to the operation of the Falcidian Law, where a legacy is bequeathed to anyone conditionally, or payable after a certain time. If ten aurei should be bequeathed to someone under a condition, and the condition is fulfilled, for instance, after the lapse of ten years, the said ten aurei will not be considered to have been bequeathed to the legatee, but a smaller amount, for the interval, and the interest during that interval cause reduction of the original sum of ten aurei. 1Just as legacies are not payable unless a balance remains after deducting the amount of the debts from the property of the estate, so donations mortis causa will not be due, but may be annulled by the indebtedness of the estate. Therefore, if the indebtedness is very large, no one can receive property given to him mortis causa, out of the funds of the estate.
Dig. 49,14,16Ulpianus libro octavo decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Ait divus Traianus: ‘quicumque professus fuerit’. ‘quicumque’ accipere debemus tam masculum quam feminam: nam feminis quoque, quamvis delationibus prohibentur, tamen ex beneficio Traiani deferre se permissum est. nec non illud aeque non intererit, cuius aetatis sit is qui se defert, utrum iustae an pupillaris: nam pupillis etiam permittitur deferre se, ex quibus non capiunt.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XVIII. The Divine Trajan says, “Whoever shall have stated.” We must understand “whoever” to mean either a man or a woman, for although women are forbidden to act as informers, still they are permitted to denounce themselves by the privilege of Trajan. Likewise, it does not make any difference what the age of the informer may be, whether he is of lawful age, or a minor, for minors are permitted to denounce themselves in cases where they are not entitled to receive property.