Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 31,60Ulpianus libro sexto decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Iulianus ait, si a filio herede legatum sit Seio fideique eius commissum fuerit sub condicione ut Titio daret, et Titius pendente condicione decesserit, fideicommissum deficiens apud Seium manet, non ad filium heredem pertinet, quia in fideicommissis potiorem causam habere eum, cuius fides electa sit, senatus voluit.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XVI. Julianus says that if a son, who was an heir, should be charged with the payment of a legacy to Seius, and Seius is charged with a trust, under a condition, to pay it to Titius, and Titius dies before the condition has been fulfilled, the trust remains with Seius, and will not belong to the son who is the heir, because the Senate intended that, in the case of a trust, the condition of him who had been selected as trustee should be the better.