Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro XIV
Dig. 34,9,9Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si inimicitiae capitales intervenerunt inter legatarium et testatorem et verisimile esse coeperit testatorem noluisse legatum sive fideicommissum praestari ei, cui adscriptum relictum est, magis est, ut legatum ab eo peti non possit. 1Sed et si palam et aperte testatori maledixerit et infaustas voces adversus eum iactaverit, idem erit dicendum. 2Si autem status eius controversiam movit, denegatur eius quod testamento accepit persecutio: ex qua specie statim fisco deferetur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIV. If mortal hatred should have arisen between a legatee and the testator, and it should be probable that the latter was unwilling that he to whom a legacy, or the benefit of a trust was bequeathed, should enjoy the benefit of the same, the better opinion is that the legacy cannot be claimed by him. 1Again, where he has openly and publicly abused the testator, and made malicious speeches against him, the same rule will apply. 2Where, however, the civil condition of the testator is the cause of the controversy, raised by the legatee, the latter will not be entitled to what has been left him, which will, in this instance, immediately be forfeited to the Treasury.