Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 37,14,17Idem libro undecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Divi fratres in haec verba rescripserunt: ‘Comperimus a peritioribus dubitatum aliquando, an nepos contra tabulas aviti liberti bonorum possessionem petere possit, si eum libertum pater patris, cum annorum viginti quinque esset, capitis accusasset, et Proculum, sane non levem iuris auctorem, in hac opinione fuisse, ut nepoti in huiusmodi causa non putaret dandam bonorum possessionem. cuius sententiam nos quoque secuti sumus, cum rescriberemus ad libellum Caesidiae Longinae: sed et Volusius Maecianus amicus noster ut et iuris civilis praeter veterem et bene fundatam peritiam anxie diligens religione rescripti nostri ductus sit ut coram nobis adfirmavit non arbitratum se aliter respondere debere. sed cum et ipso Maeciano et aliis amicis nostris iuris peritis adhibitis plenius tractaremus, magis visum est nepotem neque verbis neque sententia legis aut edicti praetoris ex persona vel nota patris sui excludi a bonis aviti liberti: plurium etiam iuris auctorum, sed et Salvi Iuliani amici nostri clarissimi viri hanc sententiam fuisse’. 1Item quaesitum est, si patroni filius capitis accusaverit libertum, an hoc noceat liberis ipsius. et Proculus quidem in hac fuit opinione notam adspersam patroni filio liberis eius nocere, Iulianus autem negavit: sed hic idem quod Iulianus erit dicendum.
The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XI. The Divine Brothers stated the following in a Rescript: “We have ascertained from those who are the most learned in the law that it was sometimes doubtful whether a grandson could demand prætorian possession of the estate of his grandfather contrary to the provisions of the will, if his father, who was over twenty-five years of age, had accused him of a capital crime. It is true that Proculus, a jurist of great authority, was of the opinion that, in a case of this kind, prætorian possession should not be given to the grandson; and we adopted this opinion when we issued a Rescript in answer to the application of Cæsidia Longina. But, our friend Volusius Mæcianus, Prætor of the Civil Law, and one who pays the greatest attention to old and well-founded precedents, being influenced by his respect for Our Rescript (as he stated to Us) did not think that he could decide otherwise. But as We have discussed this point very fully with Mæcianus himself, and with others of our friends learned in the law, the better opinion seems to be that a grandson will not be excluded from the estate of his freedman’s grandfather, either by the words or the spirit of the law, or by the Edict of the Prætor, or on his own account, or by the stigma attaching to his father. We are also aware that this opinion has been adopted by many eminent jurists, as well as by that most illustrious man Salvius Julianus, our friend.” 1The question also arose, if a son accused the freedman of his father of a capital offence, whether this would prejudice the rights of his children. Proculus held that the stigma attaching to the son of the patron would prejudice his children. Julianus, however, denies that this is the case; and it must be held that the opinion of Julianus should be adopted.
Dig. 38,1,36Ulpianus libro undecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Labeo ait libertatis causa societatem inter libertum et patronum factam ipso iure nihil valere palam esse.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XI. Labeo says that it is clear that a partnership formed between a freedman and a patron, in consideration of freedom being granted to the former, is void in law.
Dig. 38,2,37Ulpianus libro undecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Iulianus ait, si patronus libertatis causa imposita libertae revendiderit, filium eius a bonorum possessione summoveri, scilicet quia nec contra tabulas testamenti liberti bonorum possessionem accipiat, quotiens pater eius donum munus operas liberto revendiderit. plane si patroni filius libertatis causa imposita revendiderit, nihilo minus familiam bonorum possessionem contra tabulas liberti accipere ait, quia filius revendendo libertatis causa imposita fratrem suum non summovet. 1Si libertus heredem scripserit isque prius, quam de familia quaestionem haberet, adierit hereditatem, patronum ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem non admitti Iulianus ait: debuit enim et patronus liberti necem vindicare. quod et in patrona erit dicendum.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XI. Julianus says that if a patron should sell to his freedman the obligations which had been imposed upon him in consideration of liberating him from slavery, his son can be barred from obtaining prætorian possession of the estate of the freedman, for the reason that he does not obtain possession of the said estate in opposition to the terms of the will, as his father sold to him the gift, present, or services for which he obtained his freedom. He says that it is evident if the son of the patron should sell to him the services which were imposed upon the latter in consideration of giving him his liberty, that the brother of the patron can, nevertheless, obtain possession of the freedman’s estate contrary to the provisions of the will, because the son, by selling to the latter the services which were the consideration of his freedom, did not bar his uncle from asserting the claim. 1If the freedman should appoint an heir, and the latter should enter upon the estate before having put the slaves of the deceased to torture, Julianus says that the patron will not be permitted to obtain possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will, for he also should avenge the death of the freedman. This rule, likewise, is applicable to the patroness.